Committee On: Jax Waterways


Jacksonville Waterways Commission


Council Chambers, 1st Floor, City Hall / Wednesday, October 12th, 2016-9:30 a.m.
C/M Aaron Bowman, Chair / Jessica B. Matthews, Legislative Assistant
C/M Jim Love, Vice Chair / Paige Johnston, Asst. General Counsel
C/M Anna Lopez Brosche / Dr. Quinton White, Jacksonville University
C/M Scott Wilson-Alternate / Dr. Gerard Pinto, Jacksonville University
Gary Anderson / John Jackson, Research Assistant
Garrett N. Barket / Jim Suber, Waterways Coordinator
Lane T. Burnett
Edward J. Fleming, Jr.
Jill D. Haskell
Ralph C. Hodges
Raymond S. Pringle, Jr-Excused Absence
State Representative Lake Ray

Stephen Swann

Penny Thompson-Early Departure

Steven T. Jenkins, Ex Officio

Marshall Adkison, Ex-Officio

Meeting Convened: 9:31 am Meeting Adjourned:11:49 am

If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

RULE 4.505DISRUPTION OF MEETING No member of the audience shallapplaud nor make any noise or remarks that are audible to the Committee that would indicate approval or disapproval of anything being discussed. Any disregard of this rule may result in removal by the Sergeant at Arms.

REQUEST TO SPEAK:1. Fill out a speaker card.

2. Sign it if you are going to speak.

3. Read the rules on the back of the card.

4. Place card in tray.

PARKING: If you park in the Library Garage (Entry on Duval St, W of Main St),

please see the Legislative Assistant for ticket validation.

Note:Our next scheduled meeting will be held on Thursday,November 10th,2016.(due to Elections)

I. / Approval of Jacksonville Waterways Commission Minutes for September 14th, 2016-Approved
VI. / Port Investments and Harbor Deepening Update
Brian Taylor- Jaxport, Chief Executive Officer
Council President Lori Boyer-Heritage River Gateway video presentation
FIND Update (Active Projects)
Brian Burket, COJ-Natural Resource Recreation Specialist
Waterways Subcommittees Topics/Discussion:
CM Bowman, Chair
  • Non-Motorized: Chair Anna Brosche, Steve Swann, Ray Pringle
  • Entertainment: Chair Gary Anderson, Jim Suber, Aaron Bowman, Garrett Barket & Penny Thompson
  • Sports: Chair Jim Love, Jill Haskell, Ralph Hodges
  1. Step one is to take inventory of what we have
  2. Step two is to identify what we can add with limited expense (Existing city facilities, Public Private where we can utilize existing docks, parking, etc.,
  3. Identify partners that have same interests and invite them to participate
  4. Establish a strategic plan and roadmap
  5. Other Suggested steps-??????
St. Johns River Status Report on Water Quality and Manatee
Speaker- Dr. Gerard Pinto/Dr. Quinton White-Jacksonville University
  • Commissioner Barket asked for a JEA rep. to attend next waterways Commision meting to address sewage issue/concerns from the Hurricane Matthews aftermath.

VII. / New Business:request to add Dr. Pyati to discuss River report for next Waterways Commission agenda
Old Business:n/a
Public Comments:John Nooney, Janie Thomas, Debbie Chesser, Lisa Rinaman, Geoffrey Sample

***Other items may be added at the discretion of the chair.***