Declaration of consent to the collection and processing of photographic images

I, ______(given name and family name), in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation Art. 6-1a, cf. German Art Copyright Act S. 22, hereby give my consent for the

☐ Photographic images taken by LIQUI MOLY GmbH on ______

together with my

☐ Given and family name

☐ Occupational title

☐ Employer

☐ Other qualifications

☐ Date of birth

☐ Date of anniversary with the company

☐ Other information ______

to be used for the following purposes:

☐ For marketing and sales purposes

☐ For communication in our monthly magazine

☐ Other purposes ______

I consent to the photographic images of me mentioned above being published in the following ways by LIQUI MOLY:

☐ In the LIQUI MOLY Notes Portal

☐ On internal LIQUI MOLY drives

☐ On the LIQUI MOLY company website

☐ In LIQUI MOLY blogs

☐ On social networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) by LIQUI MOLY

☐ Other ______

I am aware that in the event of publication of the above data on the Internet, the information may be requested world-wide. I consent to any associated transfer to third countries where users in the third countries request the data, in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation Art. 49-1a.
Personal declaration
I have been fully informed about the nature of the data concerning me which have been used and the purpose of collection and use of my data.
I have similarly been informed that I may at any time withdraw my consent with future effect under the General Data Protection Regulations Art. 13-2c and Art. 7-3, sentence 3. The withdrawal may be made in any form to the following contact address: or by post to: Liqui Moly GmbH, Jerg-Wieland-Strasse 4, 89081 Ulm, Germany
Photographs of me which have already been taken, including images of quotations made by me, may continue to be used for the above purposes even after my withdrawal of consent, and figure on printed matter where the immediate deletion of the data cannot reasonably be performed by LIQUI MOLY GmbH for economic and/or practical reasons; however, no new contributions or printed matter may be produced during the use of the withdrawn photographic images, including images of quotations made by me.
I acknowledge that I have given my consent of my own free will.
I agree that the above personal data relating to me may be used for the above purposes.
☐ Yes
☐ No


Place and dateSignature of depicted person