Please print clearly to avoid confusion.
NAME: ______
First Last Spouse
ADDRESS: ______
City State ZIP
E-MAIL: ______
PHONE: ______ ALT PHONE: ______
AREAS of INTEREST (Check all that apply)
Hunting / Trap Shooting / Archery / ConservationFishing / Sport Shooting / Black Powder / Other (write below)
Are you an NRA member? Yes ___ No ___ Deduct $5 if you are: Veteran _____ Public Servant _____
May we call you for meetings? Yes ____ No ____ Will you help at special events? Yes _____ NO _____
Signature ______Date ______
Return check for $50 (minus applicable deductions) made out to Osage Sportsmans Club along with this application form to the address shown below.
Mail to: Osage Sportsmans Club
16178 192nd Street
Park Rapids, MN 56470
All shooters will come to the range with cased and unloaded guns. No loaded guns allowed except when shooters are standing on their post and it is their turn to shoot. When at the post shooters will be allowed to insert one shell only in the chamber. At no time is there to be more than one shell in the magazine except when shooting doubles.
Ear Protection: All shooters must wear some type of ear protection. Earplugs can be purchased at the Club from the range officer or other authorized personnel.
The price for teenage participants is free if they have their own gun and shells and a gun-training certificate.
Officers shall have the obligation to reject or eject all argumentative and/or non-conforming participants, or those of a rebellious nature. No foul or inappropriate language will be allowed.
It is understood by those who sign this waiver form, that the Osage Sportsmans Club has the right to deny participation to anyone appearing intoxicated, under the influence of alcohol, or otherwise impaired.
The Osage Sportsmans Club requires that all safety laws will be followed. The Club and/or its officers will not be held liable for accidents due to any participants disregard for safety standards or carelessness.
The participant signing this form hereby waives and releases the Osage Sportsmans Club and/or its officers, other participants, and all other parties involved in pistol, rifle, archery, and trap shooting events and from all claims and/or damages incorrect in connection with events.
Signature of Participant Printed Name DATE