CPSE 646 - Coun Theory Interv
Fall 2013
Section 001: 283 MCKB on T from 2:40 pm - 5:00 pm
Instructor/TA Info
Instructor Information
Name: Ellie Young
Office Location: 340 MCKB
Office Phone: (801) 422-1593
Office Hours: Wed 9:30am-11:00am
Or By Appointment
TA Information
Name: Elyssa Hunsaker
Name: Kim Lowe
Course Information
This course is both a content and process driven course. Our learning will focus on the content of major theories of counseling. You will experience the process of using and mastering a set of counseling skills. You will also experience the application of various counseling theories.
Image / Item / Vendor / Price (new) / Price (used)/ Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy Required
by Corey, Gerald
Cengage Learning; Edition 9 (1325401200)
ISBN: 9780840028549 / BYU Bookstore / 180.00 / 135.00
by R, HEAPS,
ISBN: 9780700367061 / BYU Bookstore / 3.90 / 2.95
Learning Outcomes
Psychological Ethics
Students will learn the importance of Psychological Ethics and be able to discuss ethical guidelines with direct reference to duel relationships, sexual encounters with clients and using technology to provide therapy
Student will demonstrate this through a quiz, chapter summary, and in class discussion
Counseling theories
Students will be able to identify and discuss counseling theories according to underlying assumptions, mechanisms and processes of psychotherapy
Students will demonstrate this via quizzes, a comprehensive final, chapter summaries, and independent reading summary
Theory of therapeutic change
Students will be able to create their own theory of therapeutic change and what mechanism and processes make therapy effective
Students will demonstrate this through a term paper
Students will apply a variety of counseling theories during role plays and in case conceptualization activities.
Students will use the counseling skills in role plays and in every-day activities as reported in their journal.
Competency-based evaluation
Students' performance in the lab will be considered a competency benchmark for beginning their first practicum. Mastery of lab skills will indicate a student is prepared for future practicum experiences. Mastery will be demonstrated through review of videos and receiving a passing score on the final video submission.
Attendance Policy
You are expected to attend all classes, which will start on time. You are expected to come prepared with all written assignments completed and printed at the beginning of class. If an emergency occurs and you cannot attend class, you are expected to email Dr. Young as soon as possible to explain the situation. Students who miss more than one class may have their grade lowered one full letter grade. Students who are tardy (more than 5 minutes) 3 times may have their grade lowered one full letter grade.
Teaching Philosophy
Learning should be fun, challenging, and joyous. Please be respectful of the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of others. If you disagree, please share your ideas politely. Diversity of thought enriches learning and will be respected. We do not have to think the same, but we do need to rely on research and empirical theories and models. When you share your opinions, be prepared to discuss evidence that supports your opinion.
I reserve the right to change any part of the syllabus due to the learning needs of the students, teacher, or guest lecturers. I also reserve the right to make modifications in grading practices or point values.
Please be respectful of office hours. I am happy to meet with students and enjoy doing so. Please plan to meet with me during office hours or make an appointment so that I can best meet your needs. I intend to work from home several days each week and may not be available for student consultation beyond office hours or at previously scheduled appointments.
Competency Evaluation
Students' performance on the lab skills videos will serve as a competency evaluation that will be used to determine their readiness for their next practicum experience. Evaluations will also be used to determine additional targets for change and to reinforce skills that are well developed.
Assignment Description
Weekly Reading Summary and Reflection 1
Due: Tuesday, Sep 10 at 2:30 pm
For each theory (chapter) that we study, bring to class a 2 page paper that uses one of the following strategies for showing your understanding of the reading. We will spend approximately 5-10 minutes at the beginning of each class discussing these reflection papers.
· Find a video of that theory and write a 1-2-page paper about the techniques and strategies used and specify how those connect with the foundational beliefs of that theory
· Make up a case study and write about how to potentially approach the situation using the theory; specify what the intended goals and outcomes would be based on that particular theory
· Write a pro/con list for the theory including thoughtful criticisms and justifications for your ideas
· Write a summary of the theory using these questions:
What was an idea or concept which you feel is important and which you agree with? Briefly explain why you feel this way.What was an idea or concept which you feel is interesting, but which you disagree with? Briefly explain why you feel this way.
Briefly describe how an idea, concept, or technique/method in the readings might have some applied value to the work you will do in the future? What is most compatible? What is the least?
How consistent do you feel the theoretical concepts and applied techniques associated with this therapeutic tradition are with your personal and spiritual belief systems? What implications does this have?
What did you wonder about or wish you knew more about regarding this theoretical perspective?
After the group discussion you will be allotted about 3 minutes to add handwritten notes to your paper that reflect what you learned from the group discussion. The purpose of this exercise is to give you an opportunity to think critically about the readings and class discussions and share your personal reactions and thoughts about this information with your classmates and me. I do not want you to simply summarize the readings or class discussions. I want you to share what you personally found interesting or helpful in the readings. You will be required to bring paper copies of your personal reaction papers so that your classmates can benefit from your thoughts and insights about the readings.
These papers will also be my way of taking attendance.
Student Information Sheet
Due: Tuesday, Sep 10 at 11:59 pm
Student Information Sheet CPSE 646 Fall 2013.docxDownload
Weekly Reading Summary and Reflection 2
Due: Tuesday, Sep 17 at 2:30 pm
For each theory (chapter) that we study, bring to class a 2 page paper that uses one of the following strategies for showing your understanding of the reading. We will spend approximately 5-10 minutes at the beginning of each class discussing these reflection papers.
· Find a video of that theory and write a 1-2-page paper about the techniques and strategies used and specify how those connect with the foundational beliefs of that theory
· Make up a case study and write about how to potentially approach the situation using the theory; specify what the intended goals and outcomes would be based on that particular theory
· Write a pro/con list for the theory including thoughtful criticisms and justifications for your ideas
· Write a summary of the theory using these questions:
What was an idea or concept which you feel is important and which you agree with? Briefly explain why you feel this way.
What was an idea or concept which you feel is interesting, but which you disagree with? Briefly explain why you feel this way.
Briefly describe how an idea, concept, or technique/method in the readings might have some applied value to the work you will do in the future? What is most compatible? What is the least?
How consistent do you feel the theoretical concepts and applied techniques associated with this therapeutic tradition are with your personal and spiritual belief systems? What implications does this have?
What did you wonder about or wish you knew more about regarding this theoretical perspective?
After the group discussion you will be allotted about 3 minutes to add handwritten notes to your paper that reflect what you learned from the group discussion. The purpose of this exercise is to give you an opportunity to think critically about the readings and class discussions and share your personal reactions and thoughts about this information with your classmates and me. I do not want you to simply summarize the readings or class discussions. I want you to share what you personally found interesting or helpful in the readings. You will be required to bring paper copies of your personal reaction papers so that your classmates can benefit from your thoughts and insights about the readings.
These papers will also be my way of taking attendance.
Weekly Reading Summary and Reflection 3
Due: Tuesday, Sep 24 at 2:30 pm
For each theory (chapter) that we study, bring to class a 2 page paper that uses one of the following strategies for showing your understanding of the reading. We will spend approximately 5-10 minutes at the beginning of each class discussing these reflection papers.
· Find a video of that theory and write a 1-2-page paper about the techniques and strategies used and specify how those connect with the foundational beliefs of that theory
· Make up a case study and write about how to potentially approach the situation using the theory; specify what the intended goals and outcomes would be based on that particular theory
· Write a pro/con list for the theory including thoughtful criticisms and justifications for your ideas
· Write a summary of the theory using these questions:
What was an idea or concept which you feel is important and which you agree with? Briefly explain why you feel this way.
What was an idea or concept which you feel is interesting, but which you disagree with? Briefly explain why you feel this way.
Briefly describe how an idea, concept, or technique/method in the readings might have some applied value to the work you will do in the future? What is most compatible? What is the least?
How consistent do you feel the theoretical concepts and applied techniques associated with this therapeutic tradition are with your personal and spiritual belief systems? What implications does this have?
What did you wonder about or wish you knew more about regarding this theoretical perspective?
After the group discussion you will be allotted about 3 minutes to add handwritten notes to your paper that reflect what you learned from the group discussion. The purpose of this exercise is to give you an opportunity to think critically about the readings and class discussions and share your personal reactions and thoughts about this information with your classmates and me. I do not want you to simply summarize the readings or class discussions. I want you to share what you personally found interesting or helpful in the readings. You will be required to bring paper copies of your personal reaction papers so that your classmates can benefit from your thoughts and insights about the readings.
These papers will also be my way of taking attendance.
Review Online Video of Counseling Sessions
Due: Tuesday, Sep 24 at 11:59 pm
You can access online videos of counseling in several ways:
First way:
1)On the main library homepage (ww.lib.byu.edu)
2)In the main search box at the top, click on the arrow at the left, and select database finder (it’s under the line)
3)In the box type in “Counseling and therapy in video,"hit the search button (big blue magnifying glass)
4)The list will come up, click on “Counseling and therapy in video,” will be at the bottom, and you'll be into the Alexander Street Video Collection. From the menu on the left hand side of the web page, choose "counseling session" under "video type." You can do an advanced search for certain types or theories that interest you.
Select a video that sounds interesting and watch it for 15-20 minutes. Write a paper that tracks the counselors use of the 6 counseling skills we have been learning in class. In your paper include a brief summary of your emotional and cognitive reactions to the video and a summary of the microskills used, i.e., include actual numbers of how many times each skill was used.Send me your paper and smile.
Outside Reading 1
Due: Tuesday, Sep 24 at 11:59 pm
In order to help you develop good professional reading habits, you will be asked to read 450 pages of material of your own choice that relates to this class. This can include books, journal articles and other print media. So that your classmates can get ideas about materials they may be interested in, you may be required to present a 10 minute synopsis of one of these readings at some point in the semester. You will be expected to turn in a monthly reading log of your progress. These will be due on the last class period of each month (September 24, October 29, November 19 and the final day of class). One of these books MUST be a primary source from a theoretical orientation you are interested in.