WINGHAM SCOUT GROUP Programme of Events- Summer 2013

Please note this progamme is on two pages.

17th April / Preparation for St Georges /

At the hut. Usual times.

Sunday 21st April / St George’s Parade and Service / Wingham are leading the service this year so we will hope that most will attend.
Please meet by the Downs Sailing Club, the Strand, Walmer by 2.30pm. Smart uniform to be worn with neckers (school trousers and school shoes) and some change is required for the collection. The service will be held at Walmer Bandstand, all welcome to join in.
24th April / Climbing Badge / At the hut. Usual times.
1st May / Climbing Badge / At the hut. Usual times.
8th May / Scarecrow making / At the hut. Usual times.
Please bring along carrier bags & newspaper. Parent help required please.
Saturday 11th May / Scout Sponsored Climb / Climbing the Three Highest Peaks of Britain – at the Railway Farm Shop, please refer to the email sent out & sponsor form. This will also count towards the Climbing Badge. Please book a slot nearer the time.
15th May / No scouts – see 17th May
Friday 17th May / Steam experience night / 6.30pm at Timberwell Nurseries, Ratling Road, Ratling.
Special night for scout groups to see working steam engines and have soup and rolls.
Please wear scout uniform (or red t-shirts and neckers if you have them).
Saturday 18th May / Group Car Wash at Scout Hut and The Railway Farm Shop / 10am – 3pm. Helpers needed, please wear old clothes.
Possibility of completing the Climbing Badge.
22nd May / Scarecrow making / At the hut. Usual times.
Parent help needed please.
Saturday 25th May / District Shooting Competition / Team of two required. Please let Matthew know if you are interested.
29th May / HALF TERM
Saturday 1st / Sunday 2nd June / Scarecrow Weekend in the village. / See the Scout Group Scarecrows.
Teas, coffees and cakes in aid of the Scout Group will be available at 10 Oxenden Crescent during the weekend.
5th June / Hike. / Start outside Duke William in Ickham at 7.15pm. Pick up at The Haywain at Bramling.
All Scouts to wear suitable footwear and clothes including a waterproof coat.
Parent help x 2 needed please.
12th June / Rocket Night / At the hut. Usual times.
19th June / Preparation for Camping and Cooking Competition / At the hut. Usual times.
26th June / Woggle Making / At the hut. Usual times. Please bring a penknife. Parent help x 2 needed please.
Saturday 29th/ Sunday 30th June / District Camping, Cooking and Nature Competition at Betteshanger / Overnight at Betteshanger. Team of six required – please speak to a leader if you would like to take part.
3rd July / Goose Cup Challenge – Round One – Olympic Legacy / At Betteshanger Woods, usual times. Wear red t-shirts and hoodies.
10th July / Goose Cup Challenge – Round Two – A Salty Tale / At Minnis Bay, usual times. Wear red t-shirts and hoodies.
Beach shoes, buckets, spades, crab lines, bait etc may be required depending on tides – will be confirmed nearer the time.
17th July / No Scouts
27th July – 3rd August / Kent International Jamboree at Detling

Please note that the programme may be subject to changes. The website will be updated at the start of every week with additional information and any changes, please ensure that you check it.