Dear colleague,

Many thanks for taking the time to complete this survey exploring your Acute NHS Trust's IT infrastructure and the ways that your Trust is currently engaging with health & medical apps for mobile devices. The survey should be completed by your Trust's Chief Information Officer (CIO) / IT director or his/her deputy or other appropriate representative. The survey will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Your progress is automatically saved (so long as you use the same device each time you access the survey) so that you can complete the survey in more than one sitting if you need to. Collated, analysed, non-identifiable data may be used for research purposes and publication. Many thanks once again for helping us to better understand the ways that your Trust is currently engaging with health & medical apps.


Please answer the following demographic questions

Q1 Please state the name of the Acute NHS Trust that you represent?______

Q2 What is your role within the NHS Trust?

m  Chief Information Officer / IT Director

m  Deputy Chief Information Officer / Deputy IT Director

m  Other appropriate representative (please state job title/role) ______

Q3 How many acute hospital sites is your Acute NHS Trust comprised of?

m  1

m  2

m  3

m  4

m  5

m  More than 5 (please state how many) ______

Q4a Is your Acute NHS Trust a Foundation Trust?

m  Yes

m  No

Q4b Are any of your NHS Trust's hospital sites a University teaching hospitals?

m  Yes

m  No

Q4c Does your NHS Trust form part of an Academic Health Science Network (AHSN)?

m  Yes

m  No


We will now ask you a couple of questions regarding the wireless network arrangement at your NHS Trust.

Q5 Can clinical staff connect to the Internet (external as oppose to your Intranet) through your Trust's wireless network(s) using personal devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops?

m  No, we do not provide a wireless network for staff to use in this way

m  Yes, through the secure wireless network(s)

m  Yes, through the unsecure wireless network(s)

m  Yes, through both secure and unsecure wireless networks

Q6 Can patients connect to the Internet through your Trust's wireless network using personal devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops?

m  No, we do not provide a wireless network for patients to use in this way

m  Yes


The next few questions will explore whether your Trust provides any of its clinical staff with portable communication devices for use at work and whether your trust has an established BYOD (bring your own devices) policy.

Q7 Does your Acute NHS Trust provide smartphones for any of its clinical staff to use at work?

q  No

q  Yes (please state which types of clinical staff e.g. doctors, nurses, pharmacists etc.) ______

Q8 Does your Acute NHS Trust provide tablet devices for any of its clinical staff to use at work? (select as many as apply)

q  No

q  Yes (please state which types of clinical staff e.g. doctors, nurses, pharmacists etc.) ______

Q9 Does your Trust have a BYOD policy (Bring your own devices policy)?

m  No, and we are not currently planning on introducing one

m  No, but we are planning on introducing one in the near future

m  Yes


The next few questions will explore your Acute NHS Trust's policies regarding app use by clinical staff, and whether your Trust has attempted to identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients.

For the purposes of this survey, an app is defined as a standalone software application designed to run on a smartphone or tablet device (irrespective of whether this is a native app or a web-based app). Furthermore, for the purposes of this survey, the term app relates specifically to health & medical (including clinical) apps only.

Q10a Does your Acute NHS Trust advise clinical staff against using medical apps at work if they have not been Trust approved for use?

m  Yes, we informally advise staff against this

m  Yes, we have a formal policy in place to this effect

m  No

Q10b Does your Acute NHS Trust advise clinical staff against recommending health & medical apps to patients if they have not been Trust approved for recommendation?

m  Yes, we informally advise staff against this

m  Yes, we have a formal policy in place to this effect

m  No

Q10c Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)?

m  Yes

m  No

Answer If Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)? Yes Is Selected

Q11 Has your NHS Trust successfully identified orpurchased any apps for use by its clinical staff?

m  Yes

m  No

Answer If Has your NHS Trust successfully identified or purchased any apps for use by its its clinical staff? Yes Is Selected

Q12 Does your Trust make these apps available to its clinical staff through a dedicated internal app repository?

m  Yes

m  No

Answer If Has your NHS Trust successfully identified or purchased any apps for use by its clinical staff? Yes Is Selected

Q13 What types of apps has your Trust procured for its clinical staff? (please select as many as apply)

q  Medicines formulary (e.g. BNF app)

q  Medical calculators and clinical scoring systems

q  Clinical guidelines (e.g. NICE app)

q  Diagnostic app (e.g. an app that photographs a skin mole and indicates if this is benign or malignant)

q  Physiological monitoring (e.g. an app that monitors a physiological parameter such as heart rate)

q  Reference & education (e.g. a journal app)

q  Remote consultation (e.g. app that allows a doctor to remotely assess patients)

q  Administrative apps / Electronic medical records apps (e.g. app that allows a doctor to view clinics, book tests for patients, view investigation results)

q  Secure messaging app (an app that allows staff to securely communicate clinical information using mobile devices e.g. a secure version of whatsapp)

q  Other (please specify) ______

Answer If Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)? Yes Is Selected

Q14 Has your NHS Trust successfully identified orpurchased any apps for use by its patients?

m  Yes

m  No

Answer If Has your NHS Trust successfully identified or purchased any apps for use by its patients? Yes Is Selected

Q15 Does your Trust make these apps available to its patients through a dedicated internal app repository?

m  Yes

m  No

Answer If Has your NHS Trust successfully identified or purchased any apps for use by its patients? Yes Is Selected

Q16 What types of apps has your Trust procured for its patients? (please select as many as apply)

q  Weight management / healthy diet / calorie counting apps

q  Exercise promotion apps

q  Smoking / alcohol / drug cessation apps

q  Sleep management apps

q  Stress management apps

q  Sexual health & fertility apps

q  Pregnancy management apps

q  Disease information only apps (e.g. an app solely providing information regarding a disease)

q  Disease self management app (e.g. an app to help patients manage a chronic condition such as diabetes)

q  Mental health intervention app (e.g. an app delivering cognitive behavioural therapy to treat depression or anxiety)

q  Medication adherence app

q  Symptom checker app (patient inputs symptoms and app provides a list of potential causes)

q  Diagnostic apps (e.g. app that photographs a skin mole and informs user whether this is benign or malignant)

q  Physiological monitoring app (e.g. an app that monitors heart rate)

q  Administrative app (e.g. an app that allows patients to manage their hospital appointments, or view test results)

q  Electronic medical record app (an app that allows a patient to access their electronic medical record)

q  Service location app (e.g. an app that helps a patient to locate their local pharmacist, GP practice, hospital etc.)

q  Other (please specify) ______

Answer If Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)? Yes Is Selected

Q17 From what sources has your Trust attempted to identify or purchase for its clinical staff / patients? (please select as many as apply)

q  From main app repositories (e.g. Apples App Store, Google Play)

q  From specialist health & medical app repositories (e.g. NHS health apps library)

q  From third party organisations or businesses with fully developed end products/apps, that have either approached the Trust or that the Trust has approached

q  Through software development houses that have developed apps on the request of the Trust and according to specifications provided by the Trust

q  Through in-house app development

q  Other ______

Answer If Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)? Yes Is Selected

Q18 Has your NHS Trust developed a governance & procurement strategy specifically for identifying/purchasing apps for clinical staff/patients?

m  No, and we are not currently planning on devising one

m  No, but we are planning on introducing one in the near future (please briefly describe the strategy that you are planning to introduce) ______

m  Yes (please briefly describe the developed strategy) ______

Answer If Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)? Yes is selected

Q19a In general, when attempting to identify or purchase apps for staff/patients at your NHS Trust, how important is it that the following <strong>clinical</strong> criteria are present?

Not needed / Good to have / Very important to have / Essential to have
App is efficacious (i.e. app does what it claims) / m  / m  / m  / m 
App has an evidence-base supporting its use / m  / m  / m  / m 
App is clinicallysafe to use with minimal clinical risk / m  / m  / m  / m 
App content is from a reliable and referenced source / m  / m  / m  / m 
A healthcare professional has been involved in the development of the app / m  / m  / m  / m 
App is kept up to date / m  / m  / m  / m 
App is endorsed by a trusted organisation or body / m  / m  / m  / m 
App is endorsed by a local clinical sponsor (i.e. a Healthcare professional working within the Trust endorses the app) / m  / m  / m  / m 

Answer If Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)? Yes is selected

Q19b In general, when attempting to identify or purchase apps for staff/patients at your NHS Trust, how important is it that the following <strong>usability</strong> related criteria are present?

Not needed / Good to have / Very important to have / Essential to have
App has good usability (e.g. is easy to use and intuitive) / m  / m  / m  / m 
App has good aesthetics (e.g. user interface is attractive) / m  / m  / m  / m 
App is accessible to those with disability (i.e. app incorporates features to make it accessible to those with disability such as visual impairment) / m  / m  / m  / m 

Answer If Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)? Yes is selected

Q19c In general, when attempting to identify or purchase apps for staff/patients at your NHS Trust, how important is it that the following<strong>technical</strong>criteria are present?

Not needed / Good to have / Very important to have / Essential to have
App is technically stable ( does not crash) / m  / m  / m  / m 
App handles data with appropriate levels of privacy / m  / m  / m  / m 
App handles data with appropriate levels of security / m  / m  / m  / m 
App inter-operates with other IT systems / m  / m  / m  / m 
App supplier provides technical support / m  / m  / m  / m 
Provision of user feedback mechanism within the app / m  / m  / m  / m 

Answer If Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)? Yes is selected

Q19d In general, when attempting to identify or purchase apps for staff/patients at your NHS Trust, how important is it that the following<strong>organisation related</strong>criteria are present?

Not needed / Good to have / Very important to have / Essential to have
Alignment of app utility with organisational priorities / m  / m  / m  / m 
App is cost-effective / delivers cost-benefit / m  / m  / m  / m 

Answer If Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)? Yes is selected

Q19e In general, when attempting to identify or purchase apps for staff/patients at your NHS Trust, how important is it that the following<strong>developer/supplier related</strong>criteria are present?

Not needed / Good to have / Very important to have / Essential to have
There is transparency around individuals and organisations involved in developing the app / m  / m  / m  / m 
There is transparency around funding of the app / m  / m  / m  / m 
App supplier has a clear and appropriate business model / m  / m  / m  / m 
Business model of app supplier does not involve in-app purchases / m  / m  / m  / m 
Business model of app supplier does not involve advertising within the app / m  / m  / m  / m 
Business model of app supplier does not involve selling user data / m  / m  / m  / m 
App supplier has a good track record / m  / m  / m  / m 
App supplier is able to maintain / sustain the app / m  / m  / m  / m 

Answer If Has your NHS Trust attempted to either identify or purchase any apps for use by its clinical staff or patients (irrespective of whether this was successful or not)? Yes is selected