Dr RADOMIR FOLIĆ, B. C. E. M. Sc. Professor of the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN), University of Novi Sad and Member of the Yugoslav Engineering Academy

E-mail: Website: www.ftn.ns.ac.yu

Born on April 12, 1940. Graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering - Structural Department in Belgrade, March, 1963. Achieved Master’s degree at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, February, 1974. Achieved Doctoral degree at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade, May, 1983.

From 1963 to 1972 worked in Pristine, 1972-1980 in “Urbis” Novi Sad. In addition to professional work of construction, supervision and design, there are lot of activities in scientific researches and educational field. 1980-1984 Assistant Professor, 1984-1988, Associate Professor, from 1988 Full Professor of FTN in Novi Sad.

Jan. 1982-Jan. 1986 Director of the Institute of Industrial Building of FTN in Novi Sad

1986(Jan.)-1988 (Nov.) Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) in Novi Sad

1989-1998 Director of the Institute of Industrial Building of FTN in Novi Sad

1992-1997 Scientific Adviser of the Serbian Institute for Material Testing (1/3 work engagement)

1998- 2002. Director of the Institute for Architecture and Civil Engineering, Head of the Chair for materials and Structures and Civil Engineering Department of FTN (1994-2004)

2002-Jan.2007 Director of the Institute for Architecture and Civil Engineering and from 2003. Head of the Chair of Architecture and urban planning.

Professional activity, in the first 20 years, mainly was mainly directed to designing of structures (among which outstanding is building of the Serbian National Theatre (SNP) and Novi Sad Bank in Novi Sad, Memorial charnel house in T. Veles and supervision of building of structures. Designed structures for more that 80 huge civil engineering structures and over 200 of smaller ones.

During many years of work deals with wider field of structural engineering: Earthquake Engineering,

Concrete Structures, Special Problems of Foundation Engineering of building structures, Research-

work and evaluation of condition of existing structures (interaction between structures and

Environment) and their repair. In the recent few years he has taken an active part as a designer and

Consultant on concrete structures inspection, their rehabilitation and/or strengthening: "Vojlovica"

Monastery near Pančevo, several objects damaged during Montenegro earthquake in 1979, "Matroz"

Cellulose factory, Novi Sad Petroleum Refinery, "Vital" sunflower seeds silo in Vrbas, silo in oil

Factory Šid, "NIS" Building in Novi Sad, wheat silo in Kumanovo (Macedonia), Soya meal and beans

Silo and many other structures in "Sojaprotein" factory in Bečej, etc. He is a co-author of the

Patent for supporting and repair of reinforce concrete frame structures. Monitoring, testing, assessment

& repair of damaged structures; Supervision: reconstruction of bridges ruined in the air strikes during

1999. Supervision & design review for E-75 road Belgrade-Novi Sad 2000/2001.

He managed a greater number of scientific-research projects in Vojvodina, Serbia and Yugoslavia. According to evaluation of scientific work at the Ministry of Science of Serbia he has the hghest science compentence index in field of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (in Serbia) and in all scientific fields in Vojvodina.

He published over 540 papers out of which some 230 at International Journals and Proceedings. He was a scientific committee member at several international scientific meetings. Many of his papers were published in journals (published in serbian): Izgradnja, Nase gradjevinarstvo, Gradjevinski kalendar, Saopstenja IMS, Put i saobracaj.

He held a number of introductory lectures at the international scientific meetings, and was invited to hold lectures at the Technical University of Budapest-Hungary 1988 and 1992, in Reykijavik-Island, 1989, Technical University of Poznan-Poland, 1989, Technical University of Munich-Germany, 1990, Technical University of Kosice-Slovakia, 1991, Tehnion of Haifa-Israel, 1992, McGill University of Montreal-Canada, 2004. From 2000 he is editor-in-chief of the journal Materials and Structures; he was editor of the Reports of the Institute for Testing of Materials and Structures, Belgrade. He organized a number of professional and scientific meetings of INDIS (every third year) and Contemporary Structural Practice (every year in N. Sad.).

Member of the Technical Committee for Damage Classification of Concrete Structures (RILEM TC DCC-104) from 1988 to 1992. Besides, he was a member of Science committees of several international meetings: Diagnosis of Concrete Structures (1991, 1996, 2001), Durability of Bridges (Posnan, 1994), Association of Structural Engineers of Macedonia (1995.1997.1999, 2001), 11th International Conference Structural Faults+Repair- Edinburgh, 2006. et al.

His principal subjects that he holds for students of civil engineering are Concrete Structures and Precast Concrete Structures, Masonry Structures holds for students of civil engineering, and for student of architecture it is Structures, Materials and Construction and Structural Systems. He teaches Plastic Analysis and Design, Rheology of Materials, Behaviour of Concrete Structures under Dynamic Load and Prestressed and Precast Concrete Structures at postgraduate studies in Novi Sad and Pristina, Inspection, assessment and rehabilitation of structures at postgraduates, at the Civil Engineering Faculty in Subotica. He was mentor to more than 530 graduating students at the FTN, managed 19 master’s works and 9 doctoral dissertations. In last years he is manager of inspection and testing of structures of various profiles, including their repair and/or strengthening. Intensive activity in development of methodologies of inspection, damage classification and condition estimation of the existing structures, as well as in revisions, expertise and supervision of different structures.

Award and Tributes:

For work on EC 8: Design of seismically resistant structures, in the framework of the project “Introduction of Eurocodes and European Standards into Structural Engineering in Serbia, he was awarded Charter JDGK (Yugoslav Ass. Of Structural Engineers) for the best realization in the field science and technology for 1996 and 1997. He holds the charter of the University of Pristine (1971) and University of Novi Sad (1990), Technical University of Budapest (1997) and Serbian National Theatre (1981).

He is Member of Merit of Yugoslav Soc. of Engineers and Technicians 1987, Yugoslav Assoc. for Testing Material and Structures (JUDIMK) 1990, and Association of Structural Engineers of Yugoslavia (JDKG) 1998, as well as Soc. of Engineers (SDGIT) of Serbia, Vojvodina and Novi Sad, holder of Gold Badge of the Cultural and Educational Community of Serbia 1999.

Honorable member Association of Structural Engineers of Macedonia from 1997 (the first 5 members). Honorable member of JUDIMK 2002 and Assoc. of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia 2003. and Yu-Ass. of Structural Engineers 2006.

Award for lifetime achievement (Yu Association of Structural Engineers) 2002. and Award for

lifetime achievement (Soc. of University Professors and Scientific Worker of Vojvodina) 2005.

So far for several times published biograf. data R. Folić in Marquis Who is who in the World (starting from the 13th to 24th edition).

Membership in professional associations:


-  International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) – Zurich, Switzerland

-  Union Testing Rsch. Labs. Materials and Structures (RILEM) – Paris, France

Member of the RILEM Technical Committee TC-104 DCC-Damage Classification of Concrete in 1987-1992

-  American Concrete Institute, Detroit-Mi, USA

-  President of the Scientific Committee of Panonian Association for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1995-1999, member of Redaction of the Bulletins for Applied and Computation Mathematics TU Budapest


-  Associations of Structural Engineers and Technicians of Yugoslavia (DGKJ)

-  Societies of Civil Engineers of Novi Sad where he is presidency member for a number of years and in for one mandate acted a president, and also was organizer of many professional meetings (Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice and INDIS-Planning, design, construction and renewal in the construction industry)

-  Society of Structural Engineers of Serbia and Yugoslavia

-  Presidency member of DGKJ 1978-1983, and from 1987-

-  Yugoslav Society for Research of Materials and Structures (JUDIMK),

-  Society of Mechanics of Serbia and Yugoslavia

-  Society for Soil Mechanics and Founding of Serbia and Yugoslavia,

-  President of Society of Structural Engineers of Vojvodina from 1978-1983, and Section for Vojvodina 1987-1989

-  President of Society of Structural Engineers of Serbia 1989-1994; Vice-president of Society of Engineers of Yugoslavia 1994-1998; Presidency Member of DGKJ 1998-.

-  President of Assoc. of Civil Engineers of Serbia and Montenegro 2004-2006.

-  President of Assoc. of Civil Engineers of Serbia 2006-

Editor-in-chief of the journal Materials and Structures JUDIMK, Belgrade.

Member of redaction board for separate of Our Structuring within the journal Technics, Belgrade

Permanent reviewer of the journal Construction and Building Materials (listed in Science citation index) and sometime ACI and Journal of Polymer Sc.


Books and Monograph

1.  Folić, R., Tatomirović, M.: Composite concrete structures – Part I., Yugoslav Assoc. of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering Calendar, 1999. pp. 289-386. and Composite concrete structures – Part II. Civil Engineering Calendar, 2001, pp. 217-290 (in Serbian)

2.  Pavlović, P., Folić, R.: Analysis of soil-structure interaction with application to cantilever reinforced concrete diaphragm walls, Yugoslav Assoc. of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering Calendar, 2003, pp. 9-102. (in Serbian)

3.  Pavlović, P., Folić, R.: Analysis of soil-structure interaction with application to anchorage reinforced concrete diaphragm walls, Yugoslav Assoc. of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering Calendar, 2004, pp. 256-281. (in Serbian)

4.  Folić, R., Krnjetin, S.: Hygienic aspects of building, in Book Public hygiene, Ed. M, Kristiforović-Ilić, "Prometej", N. Sad, pp. 340-393. (in Serbian)

Published papers

1.  Krnjetin, S., Folić, R.: Buildings damage in fire, state assessment and repair possibility, in Book Assessment of Civil Engineering Structures, Ed. R. Folić, DDOR Novi Sad and Faculty of Technical Sciences, April 1999. pp. 127- 147. (in Serbian)

2.  Folić, R., Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M.: Survey and diagnosis of building and civil engineering structures conditions, in Book Assessment of Civil Engineering Structures, Ed. R. Folić, DDOR Novi Sad and Faculty of Technical Sciences, April 1999. pp.. 7- 22. (in Serbian)

3.  Folić, R., Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M.: Characteristic damage of civil engineering structures, in Book Assessment of Civil Engineering Structures, Ed. R. Folić, DDOR Novi Sad and Faculty of Technical Sciences, April 1999. pp. 23-40. (in Serbian)

4.  Radonjanin, V., Folić, R., Malešev, M., Lekić, R.: Assessment of structure "Department store - SIMPO" in Bujanovac conditions after fire, in Book Assessment of Civil Engineering Structures, Ed. R. Folić, DDOR Novi Sad and Faculty of Technical Sciences, April 1999. pp. 77- 92. (in Serbian)

5.  Folić, R., Pavlović, P., Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M.: Survey, Assessment and Repair of structures, Conference "Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice 99", DGIT Novi Sad and FTN-IAG, Novi Sad, pp. 65-95. (in Serbian)

6.  Folić, R., Popović, B.: Actual problems of heightening of buildings, Conference "Contemporary Civil Engineering Practice 99", Soc. of Civil Eng. of Novi Sad & Faculty of Technical Sciences-IAG, Novi Sad, 1999, pp. 245-252. (in Serbian)

7.  Folić, R., Krnjetin, S., Radonjanin, V.: Behaviour of concrete floors in fire, International Conference of Concrete Structures. Žilina-Slovakia, 1999, Proc. pp. 133-138.

8.  Krnjetin, S., Folić, R., Radonjanin, V.: Behaviour of mesh reinforcement after fire, International Conference of Concrete Structures, Žilina-Slovakia, 1999, Proc. pp. 167-172.

9.  Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M., Folić, R.: Polymer-modified Concrete, in Monograph "Special Concrete and Mortar - Properties, Technology, Application", Editor M. Muravljov, Civil Engineering Faculty - Belgrade, 1999. pp. 117-136. (in Serbian)

10.  Folić, R., Pavlović, P., Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M., Kočetov-Mišulić, T.: Assessment of laminated 20 year old roof structure, "Structural faults & Repair", Editor M. Forde, London, 1999, Abstract pp. 246, Full paper on associated CD-ROM pp. 12.

11.  Pavlović, P., Folić, R., Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M., Kočetov-Mišulić, T.: Repair of swimming pool glued roof structure, "Structural faults & Repair", Editor M. Forde, London, 1999, Abstract pp. 248, Full paper on associated CD-ROM, pp. 8.

12.  Folić, R., Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M.: Novi Sad Bridges and their destruction in April 1999., 8th International Symposium MASE, Ohrid, September, Proceedings, Book 1, pp. BK 29/1-BK 29/10.

13.  Folić, R., Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M.: Damage and Collapse of Bridges across the Danube in Novi Sad and near Beška 1999, Journal "Put i saobraćaj", No. 1, 1999, pp. 3-20. (in Serbian)

14.  Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M., Folić, R., Lekić, R.: Assessment of Structure of "Department Store - SIMPO" in Bujanovac after Fire, XXI Congress of Yugoslav Society for Testing and Investigation of Materials and Structures (JUDIMK), November, 1999, Proceedings, pp. 151-156. (in Serbian)

15.  Folić, R., Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M.: Assessment and characteristic damage of concrete industrial buildings, Yugoslav Civil Engineering Association, Symposium "Condition assessment, maintenance and repair of civil engineering structures ", Tara, Novembar/1999, Proc. pp. 54-64. (in Serbian)

16.  Folić, R., Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M.: Bridges across Danube in Novi Sad and their Destruction during 1999, "Salon of Urbanism 1999", Niš, November 1999, Proceedings, pp. 18. (in Serbian)

17.  Folić, R., Krnjetin, S.: Architectural and construction aspects of energy autonomous farm construction, in Book Energy Autonomous and Environmentally Clean Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad, 1999, pp. 384-397 (in Serbian)

18.  Trivunić, M., Folić, R.: Calculation of anchors and ropes for catching of prefabricated concrete elements. Journal Izgradnja No. 6/1999. pp. 148-157. (in Serbian)

19.  Krnjetin, S., Folić, R.: Energetic aspects of building construction, International Eko-Conf. '1999- Environmental Protection of Urban and Suburban Settlements, Novi Sad, 1999. Proc. Book 2. pp.63 - 68 (in Serbian)

20.  Folić, R., Lađinović, Đ., Brujić, Z.: Some aspects of Analysis and Design of RC Structures according to EC 8. Introductory Report, 8th International Symposium MASE, Ohrid, September 30. October 2. 1999. Proc. Book 2. pp. SI 22/1-SI 22/12

21.  Folić, R., Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M.: Novi Sad Bridges and their Destruction in April 1999. Introductory Report, 8th International Symposium MASE, Ohrid, September 30. October 2. 1999. Proceedings Book 1. pp. BK 29/1-BK 29/10

22.  Ivanov, D., Desovski, Z., Folić, R.: Experimental research results on behaviour of semi - prefabricated elements of building construction. Structural Concrete the Bridge Between People-FIB Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, October 13-15/1999, Volume 2, pp. 629-634

23.  Folić, R., Lađinović, Đ.: New trends in Codes for design seismic resistant structures, The International Workshop on the 30th Anniversary of Bajnaluka Earthquake's - Contemporary trends in Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Banja Luka, October 26 and 27, 1999. pp. 136-147 (in Serbian)