Batley Parish J I N C of E School Nursery Newsletter Monday 21stNovember 2016

Dates for Your Diary
Christmas Fair 25.11.16 at 6.00 PM
Decorating the Christmas Tree 28.11.16 – 2.30 PM in school
Nursery Christmas Sing-a-long- 12.12.16 ( times to be arranged)
Christmas party- 15.12.16 All children to attend in the morning with Reception class.
School closes for Christmas- 16.12.16. /
Our Class Learning
This week we will be continuing our learning about birthdays and also starting to learn about babies. Lots of the children have got baby brothers, sisters and family members at home and the children are showing a huge interest in babies! We will be looking at what a baby needs, what a baby can do and how a baby’s birth is celebrated. Our stories will be Along Came Eric, Peepo and Something Special.
This week it is also anti-bullying week. For anti-bullying week, we will be talking about being kind and making people feel special. We will be supporting our learning about anti-bullying week by using the stories ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’, ‘Hugo and the Bully Frogs’ and ‘Don’t be a Bully Billy’.
Thank you to everybody who has sent us baby photographs, celebration photos and family photographs. We are really enjoying looking at them with the children.
Please continue to send your photos to the emails below.
Messages to Parents
Home-School Learning
It is fantastic to see how many parents are sending things to us on Early Essence. One parent has managed to upload a video clip of their child playing a game on a tablet. It would be great if you could send us, upload or provide us with a ‘WOW Slip’ linking to your child being able to use technology.
Moosa took home ‘Tom’ the bear last week. He has kept a diary of what ‘Tom’ has done at his house. We will be sending ‘Polly’ our nursery dolly home this week too.
If you have any resources that you think might be useful to support our learning about babies, we will be really grateful to receive them.
Library Day- Wednesday.
Thank you to everybody who came to change library books and stayed to watch us do ‘Dough Disco’. We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Voluntary Contribution
Thank you to everybody who has paid the £1 contribution. It has bought us some plants to look after in nursery and resources to support our learning about birthdays!
Parents comments/ suggestions
If you have any comments or suggestions that you would like to make/ ask about your child’s learning, please feel free to do so here and then place in the Parent’s Comments box.