Much of the application of international student learning objectives may be evaluated by negative rather than positive outcomes. The lack of observable situations is the desired state.
Core Institutional SLOs / Outcome of Communication / Method/Source
of Communication / Method of Assessment / Analysis of Assessment & Change for Improvement
Critical Thinking / 1.  Student ability to read, understand and evaluate U.S. Immigration Service and college information required for U.S. and academic entry / ·  Application
·  WLAC Web site
·  BCIS web site / ·  Completeness of documentation
·  Adherence to stated U.S. Immigration and college standards / A student centered marketing, advising and service orientation is maintained, in all international student activities
The process by which reinforcement and changes may be made is via a periodically emailed and personally distributed student survey and information newsletter. This will permit collection of replies to the International Student Services Office
Survey data and other collected comments will be compiled for evaluation and the facilitation of needed changes
Communication / 2.  Effective use of written English language
3.  Successful written and verbal communication with the Intl Student Office / ·  Application
·  Web site
·  Personal / Ability to effectively communicate, in writing and verbally, for U.S. and college application and ongoing conduct in college and social life
Quantitative Reasoning / 4.  Having or finding needed financing for college attendance
5.  Administering personal expenses and accounts for college and daily living expenses / ·  Application
·  Orientation
·  Office contact / Ability to continue college attendance and provide living expenses
Self Awareness /
Interpersonal /
Diversity / 6.  Ability to place ones self in the total scheme of a new country and college community
7.  Learning to live in a new culture
8.  Learning to learn and interact with other cultures / ·  Intl student booklet
·  Orientation
·  Office contact
·  Web site / Persistence and problem-free existence in community and academic programs
Civic Responsibility / Ethics / 9.  Application of knowledge of American culture, ethics, and academic standards
10.  Familiarization with and application of American standards of plagiarism & cheating standards / ·  Catalog
·  Intl student booklet
·  Orientation / ·  Student application of knowledge of the American culture, ethics, and legal system resulting in positive and legal California residence and policies for college attendance, resulting in no adverse legal or college disciplinary action
Technological Awareness / 11.  Use of internet for communication / ·  Web site / Successfully use both the telephone and the computer/internet, for communication with the International Student Office