Performance Assessment Task

3rd Grade: Geometry

3.G.2 - Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. For example, partition a shape into 4 parts with equal area, and describe the area of each part as 1/4 of the area of the shape.

Materials and Directions:

1.Give each student a variety of fraction pictorial representations (some examples are attached). Make some of the fractions have different part sizes, so they are not are equal.

2. Assorted paper shapes are available on John VandeWalle’s blackline master website which equal and unequal lines can be drawn:,12312,3547876-,00.html

3. Give each student two index cards: Fraction Examples and Non-Fraction Examples. (attached-can copy on cardstock). Then have each student sort the fractions showing which are considered fractions and which are not.

4. After sorting, have the students explain why they sorted their fractions that way.


·  Have students create more figures that have equal areas and then have them label the fractions they created.


·  Observe students sorting the fractions.

·  Do students have an understanding that fractions have equal areas?

·  Do they recognize fractions with unequal partitions?

·  Explanations can be oral or in written form.

Examples / Non-Fraction

Example Fractions to sort

¼ / ¼ / ¼ / ¼
1/3 / 1/3 / 1/3
½ /

Teacher notes:
Not yet: Student shows evidence of misunderstanding, incorrect concept or procedure / Got It: Student essentially understands the target concept.
0 Unsatisfactory:
Little Accomplishment
The task is attempted and some mathematical effort is made. There may be fragments of accomplishment but little or no success. Further teaching is required. / 1 Marginal:
Partial Accomplishment
Part of the task is accomplished, but there is lack of evidence of understanding or evidence of not understanding. Further teaching is required. / 2 Proficient:
Substantial Accomplishment
Student could work to full accomplishment with minimal feedback from teacher. Errors are minor. Teacher is confident that understanding is adequate to accomplish the objective with minimal assistance. / 3 Excellent:
Full Accomplishment
Strategy and execution meet the content, process, and qualitative demands of the task or concept. Student can communicate ideas. May have minor errors that do not impact the mathematics.
Adapted from Van de Walle, J. (2004) Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally. Boston: Pearson Education, 65

Ó Elementary Mathematics Office • Howard County Public School System • 2013-2014