ASM 49000 – Special Problems

Description: Assignment by consent of instructor in the field of selected study. Laboratory, field, and library studies and reports on special problems related to agricultural systems management not covered in regular coursework. A written report and oral presentation of final results are required.

This is a contract between an advisor and a student (group of students) for research individually (or as small group) in a selected area. Form must be completed, signed, and submitted by the end of the first week of classes of the semester in which research is to be conducted. The ABE Academic Programs Committee (APC) will review and return within two weeks. Students cannot register for credit until their contract is approved by the APC. After Academic Programs Committee approval, prepare one copy for your academic advisor (for student’s permanent file), one copy for your ABE 49800 instructor, and two student copies (one to be appended to the final report).

Must be typed.

Name / PUID
ASM 49000 Instructor / Academic Advisor
Degree requirement to be met by these credits (if any):
If this course is going to be used for an engineering technical elective or other degree requirement, then a clear explanation of how this project relates to engineering or the requirement being replaced is required.

Registration Information

Course Title / 30 Character Maximum – This will appear on your transcript
Semester of Registration / Credit Hours
(this must correspond to Semester Total Hours) / Grade Option (circle one)
Graded Pass/No Pass

Project Title (this can be an expanded version of the course title)

Statement of Problem(s) To Be Studied:
Research Objectives (Be Specific):
Research Procedure:
Required Readings: (List books and journal articles separately; include approximate number of pages.The expectation of the APC is that there be at least 3 journal articles and/or 50 to 100 pages of reading from books and manuals. If you are not able to meet this expectation, please provide an explanation.)
Method of Evaluation / Grade Weight (%) / Due Date
Written Report
Oral Report*
Activity / Time Commitment
Student-Advisor Conferences
Independent Reading
Analysis or Lab Work
Final Report Preparation
Semester Total Hours (45 Semester Total Hours = 1 Purdue Credit Hour)

*Method of Oral Report may vary & should be specified. Examples include: Seminar presentation, University Undergraduate Research Symposium, etc.

Student Signature: / Date:
ASM 49000 Instructor Signature: / Date:
Academic Advisor Signature: / Date:
Academic Programs Committee Approval: / Date

Revised 5/9/2017