Vale United Methodist Church

11528 Vale Road ¶ Oakton, VA 22124

Sunday Worship at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School for All Ages at 10:00 a.m.

4th Sunday in Lent

Order of Worship ~ March 15, 2015


Welcome Announcements

Passing the Peace Offer one another signs of reconciliation and peace

Prelude “How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place” Brahms Requiem

Flutes Choir arr by Nora Kile

* Call to Worship Lay reader leads congregation

Call: This day we remember the ashes

Resp: And new life.

Call: This day we remember our sins

Resp: And God’s grace.

Call: This day we cry out

Resp: And rejoice in God’s love!

* Hymn “And Can It Be, That I Should Gain?” No. 363

* Prayer of Confession Lay Reader leads congregation

Forgiving God, we come before you as sinners who hate to admit our sin. We are aware that we participate in small crucifixions in our lives, sometimes by remaining silent in the face of injustice. We are quick to point the finger at others’ offenses, and we are quick to take offense. We show little grace and yet hope for your grace to be bestowed upon us. This season, may we change our ways as we walk the path of repentance. Amen.

Call: In the name of Christ, against whom the greatest offense was given in the midst of his innocence, we are forgiven.

Resp: Thanks be to God. Amen and Amen!

Call: The psalmist wrote: “If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered.” Friends, this is good news for you and for me.

Resp: This is good news indeed. Thanks be to God!


Scripture Ephesians 2:1-10 Pastor Jeff

Children’s Moment (10 am Service) Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh

Children and Youth (Age 3 to Grade 12) leave for Sunday School

Sermon “The Way Home” Pastor Jeff

* Hymn “Just As I Am, Without One Plea” No. 357

Prayers of the People

Caring Cards are available in the Narthex and Resource Library for your personal use in supporting the congregation’s joys and concerns.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

They kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


Offertory “Alleluia” Ralph Manuel

Flutes Choir arr. by Victoria Jicha

* Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” No. 95

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below;

Praise him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

* Prayer of Dedication

You shower us with your goodness every day, O God. With grateful hearts we bring you these gifts. Transform into outpourings of peace and justice to reconcile all peoples to one another and to you.

* Hymn “Grace Greater than Our Sin” No. 365


* Benediction

* Postlude

Lay Reader – Rosemary Daum (10:00 am)

Coffee Fellowship – Worshipers are invited to remain after the service and socialize over coffee. Thank you to the Allardyce family (8:30 am) & to the Collins family (10:00 am) for their gift of fellowship by sponsoring today’s coffee hour.

Altar Flowers – Altar flowers today are in memory of Robert Green (aka Grandpa Green) with love from his son, Robert Green, Dorothy Arbiter and his granddaughter, Rachel.


5th Sunday in Lent, March 22, 2015

Scripture: John 12:20-33 ~ Sermon: “The Free Way”

New paths are possible through freedom in Christ. And these ways made plain before us if we have eyes to see. Yes, we will strain against adversity—such is life. But new life is always possible. New horizons are ours through relationship with God and with each other. We will offer symbols of our efforts this day in the form of rocks (which can be both stumbling blocks and stepping stones along the way) and affirm that God, our rock and our redeemer is with us every step.

* Congregation, please stand as you are able.

2nd Sunday in Lent

Vale Announcements ~ March 15, 2015


Whether you are new to the area or a long-time resident, we warmly welcome you to our community of faith at Vale Church!

If you are visiting for the first time, we invite you to fill out a visitor card located in your pew—and please join us after the service for coffee and snacks. We look forward to meeting you!

Please also be sure to pick up a Vale Welcome Bag, which contains more information about our church. The bags are available at the entrance to the Main Sanctuary and outside the Church Office.

For families with children … at the 10am service, children ages 3 through Grade 12 are invited to attend Sunday School following the Children’s Moment. You may pick them up in their classrooms after the service. Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers during both services.

UMW Invites All Vale Women to a Spring Salad Social Today at 12:30 pm
The Vale United Methodist Women (UMW) cordially invite all women of the church to a salad social. The festivities will begin at 12:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. It's a great way to get to know the many wonderful women at Vale! We look forward to seeing you there!

Senior Youth Human Trafficking Class Continues this week and next

Come join the cause! Today marks the second class of three. The Vale Youth Director teaches a class on human trafficking in our local area. Please plan to attend Sunday school (starting at 10am in the senior youth room). See Alex Woody at or (804) 894-3449 or Steve Miska for details at or 703-946-9718.

Lenten Bible Study: 24 Hours that Changed the World

Come join our class today from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. All are welcome. This is a six week study by Adam Hamilton that includes a video filmed in the Holy Land focusing on the time leading up to the Resurrection.

Wednesday Bible Study (10:30 am) with Pastor Jeff -- Come join the Wednesday morning bible study at 10:30 am in the Resource Room. A book by Adam Hamilton, Final Words From the Cross, will be discussed.

Bikes for the World Bike Collection -- Thomas Rigger, a member of Vale UMC and a Boy Scout from our Troop 1983 is doing a bicycle collection for The Bikes for the World charity on Sunday, March 22. He is collecting bikes and bike parts to ship overseas for people who can benefit profoundly from them. The collection location is at the Fairfax REI (11950 Grand Commons Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22030) between 12pm and 4pm. We DO NOT accept: Children’s tricycles, anything significantly rusty, push scooters, or anything motorized. For more information contact us at or go to We are also taking cash donations to help pay for shipping the bikes to their recipients. Donations are tax deductible and you will get a receipt for your donation.

21st Annual UM Women’s Easter Eggstravaganza! TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO ORDER!

Once again handmade chocolate Easter Eggs will be available from the UMW for your Easter baskets and gifts. This is the only fundraiser the United Methodist women have during the year. The money raised goes to the missions they support. Additional information is on the order forms available in the fellowship hall. Make checks payable to Vale UMW and place in marked Easter Eggstravaganza box in narthex or Fellowship Hall.

Join Us for Holy Week Services (Mar 29-Apr 5)

All are welcome to join us as we walk the solemn path of Holy Week and celebrate the joyful resurrection of our Savior.
Palm/Passion Sunday (Mar 29) - One 10am service in the Fellowship Hall
Good Friday (Apr 3) - 3:00pm to 8:00pm, Stations of the Cross - A self-guided walk that follows the Good Friday path of Jesus to the cross. Come any time between 3:00pm and 8:00pm.
Easter Sunday Services

·  6:30am Sunrise Service in the Outdoor Sanctuary

·  8:30am Service in the Main Sanctuary

·  10:00am Service in the Main Sanctuary

Easter Sunday Egg Hunt
All children are invited to participate in an Easter Egg hunt immediately following the 10am Easter Sunday service.

UMW to Support Military Care Package Project

In April, the United Methodist Women will support the Vale Club’s Military Care Packages project.
If a member of your family is currently serving on the frontlines, please sendhis or hername and APO address to [email protected]. Please note that this project is limited to military men and women serving in areas of conflict, and we will not be able to send packages to other military personnel stationed overseas.

10th Annual Vale Guatemala Mission Trip – Please join us!

Planning is underway for Vale’s 10th Guatemala Mission trip! The trip will take place July 18-25, 2015. Pastor Jeff, Alex Woody and Josh and Johna Barrow have already signed on, so this trip will feature nightly music and worship as well as a music-focused project with children. We also will continue to work on building the school in Twi’Ninwitz, Vicky Alonza’s village. The all-inclusive cost of the trip is $1750 per person.
If you have any questions, contact Team leader, Deb Cohen at 703-304-9709 or . We are hoping to have a team roster and collect deposits by April 15.
New Rehearsal Times for Vale Children's and Youth Music Groups
We have moved rehearsals for the JAM Children's Choir and Vale Youth Choir to what we hope are more convenient times for everyone.
The JAM Children's Choir (Ages 2-8) is now meeting immediately after the 10am service in the sanctuary for a 15-minute practice led by Johna Barrow. The Youth Choir (Ages 9-13) will meet after that with Josh Barrow from 11:15-11:30am.
All children and youth of the church are invited to come check it out. Questions? Contact Music Director Josh Barrow at .
Grocery Dollars – The grocery dollars for the month of March will support local homeless programs. Don’t forget to purchase your cards for Giant, Safeway, Wegmans or Whole Foods at the coffee hour after the service.
Vale UMC Flute Choir 10th Anniversary – The Vale Flute Choir marks its 10th anniversary this month. Since its creation on Palm Sunday, 1995, the choir has continued under the direction of Linda Allardyce. Not only has the choir retained its original five members, it has also expanded to include flutists of various faiths from across Northern Virginia. The choir plays during both services on the 3rd Sunday of every other month. They invite you to enjoy their music from the pews or to dust off your flute and join them!
Can’t find that volunteer sign-up link? Look no further than the new “Vale Sign-Ups” web page.
There are so many different ways to volunteer your time and talents here at Vale—but sometimes the biggest challenge can be finding where to sign up. For your convenience, we’ve created a new “Vale Sign-Ups” page on Vale’s website that lists all active online volunteer sign-up links: If you are coordinating volunteers for a Vale program or event and have created an online “Sign Up Genius,” please send the link with a brief description of the opportunity to Susan Estes at (and please notify Susan when a link has expired and needs to come down).
Are you getting the Vale Voice and Sunday Scripture emails in your inbox?
At the beginning of each month, Vale sends out its Vale Voice
e-newsletter, which provides an overview of upcoming Vale programs, events and ministries. And every Friday we send a Sunday Scripture email with a preview of the reading for that Sunday. These are in addition to other email reminders and updates throughout the month. If you are not receiving these, we may not have a current email address for you. To be added to the email list (or to update your email address), please contact Susan Estes at .

This Week at Vale ~ March 15, 2015-March 22, 2015

Sun, March 15 Flutes Play at Worship Services

10:00 am Senior Youth, Human Trafficking Class

11:00 am JAM Children’s Choir Rehearsal

11:15 am Youth Choir Rehearsal

11:15 am Youth Meeting: Planning for Easter Sunrise


11:30 am Confirmation Class

11:30 am Lenten Bible Study

12:30 pm UMW Spring Salad Social

Mon, March 16 9:30 am Jazzercise

7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 1983 Meeting

7:30 pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal

Tues, March 17 9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes

12:00 pm Vale Preschool Chapel

7:30 pm Council Meeting

Wed, March 18 9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes

9:30 am Jazzercise

10:30 am Bible Study with Pastor Jeff

6:45 pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal

7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Thurs, March 19 9:00 am Yoga

9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes

7:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting

8:00 pm Vale Youth Music Ensemble Rehearsal

Fri, March 20 9:30 am Vale Preschool Classes

9:30 am Jazzercise

7:00 pm Vale Bowling Team

Sat, March 21 10:00 am Chancel Choir Rehearsal at Fairfax UMC

for Vivaldi

1:00 pm Girl Scout Service Unit 56-1 Event

Sun, March 22 10:00 am Chancel Choir Sings at 10:00 am service

10:00 am Senior Youth, Human Trafficking Class

11:00 am JAM Children’s Choir Rehearsal

11:15 am Youth Choir Rehearsal

11:30 am Confirmation Class

11:30 am Lenten Bible Study


The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Haugh, Pastor

Cell: 804-687-3938 / Email:

Lorene Perrin, Administrative Assistant

Church Office: 703-620-2594 / Email:

Ruth Anne Luckenbaugh

Director of Christian Education & Preschool Director