AP Biology Syllabus 2014-2015

Mr. Eidem

Room 21

Course description
AP Biology is a college level class that will prepare the student for AP Biology exam. The class will Focus of four “Big Ideas” and seven Scientific practices that will be reinforced thematically throughout the 18 week class:

Big Ideas:

1.  The process of evolution drives diversity and the unity of life.

2.  Biological systems use energy and large molecules to maintain homeostasis.

3.  Biological systems store, use and transfer information essential to life processes.

4.  Biological systems interact and these interactions posses complex properties.

Scientific Practices

1.  Models and representations

2.  Mathematics

3.  Inquiry

4.  Collect Data

5.  Analysis & Evaluation

6.  Scientific explanations and Theories

7.  Scales, Concepts & representations

Biology will follow a 5 point grading system for citizenship and academics. A score of 5 indicates excellent work, 4 indicates very good work, and 3 indicates good work. Numeric grades will be assigned based on a rubric that is designed for each individual assignment. Failure to achieve a score of 5, 4 or 3 will result in an incomplete (I) grade that must be made up. Make up procedures will be discussed in detail further in this document.

TRD consists of three equal components of tardiness, responsibility and discipline. TRD is 100% of the citizenship grade and 10% of the academic grade. Tardy (T) violations result in the student failing to arrive in class in a timely manner. A responsibility (R) violation will occur when the student fails to make up an incomplete academic grade. Discipline (D) violations will occur when the student demonstrates inappropriate behavior towards classmates and/or the instructor. The student begins the grading period with a score of 5.0. Each violation in T, R or D results in a .3 deduction. Citizenship grades will be assigned based on the following scale:
5.0 – 4.2 = A 4.1-3.2 = B 3.1-2.2 = C 2.1-1.2 = D below 1.2 = F

I have read and understand this part of the syllabus ______(initial)

Productivity (P) grades:

A productivity grade includes daily activities, homework, vocabulary, diagrams, eggzams and lab write-ups. “P” grades account for 20% of the academic grade. There will be approximately twenty preparation grades in a nine-week grading period.

Lab (L) grades:

A formative grade is an informal written assessment that will be performed regularly throughout the grading period. “L” grades account for 40% of the academic grade. There will be approximately 10 formative grades in a nine-week grading period.

Summative (S) grades:

A summative grade is a two-part, formal assessment that will be performed regularly throughout the grading period. Summative assessments will consist of one 40 question, 45 minute timed exam followed by a written prompt that will have a 30 minute time limit. “S” grades will account for 40% of the academic grade. There will be 4 to 5 summative grades in a nine-week grading period.

Assigning a letter grade:

Numeric grades from productivity (20%), lab (40%) and summative (40%) assessment will be combined to create a composite score ranging from 0.0 to 5.0. Academic grades will be assigned based on the following scale:

5.0 – 4.2 = A 4.1-3.2 = B 3.1-2.2 = C 2.1-1.2 = D below 1.2 = F

I have read and understand this part of the syllabus ______(initial)

Makeup as a result of absence:

All missed assignments from absence must be made up. This includes all P, L or S grades. Parameters for each type of makeup are as follows:

P grades can be made up for full credit. P grades missed in class due to absence will receive full credit if the assignment is done within a time frame equivalent to the number of days absent. P grades must be submitted to the instructor before school, at lunch or after school. P grade is deemed incomplete if it is not made up in a timely manner.

L grades can be made up for full credit. F grades missed in class due to absence will receive full credit if the assessment is done within a time frame equivalent to the number of days absent. L grades must be taken before school, at lunch or after school by appointment with instructor. L grade is deemed incomplete if it is not made up in a timely manner.

S grades can be made up for full credit. S grades must be made up in the before school in room 21 by appointment.

Makeup as a result of an incomplete (I):

All assignments that are incomplete (I) must be made up for partial credit to an acceptable level of quality and understanding. This includes all P, F and S grades. Parameters for each type of grade is as follows:

P grades can be made up for partial credit. Assessments that are made up due to an incomplete can earn a 3 if a Re-take of Incomplete Productivity (R.I.P.) form is submitted. P grades must be made up prior to the last week of the grading period.

F grades can be made up for partial credit. Assessments that are made up due to an incomplete can earn a 3 if a Formative Assessment Reflection Template (F.A.R.T.) form is submitted. F grades must be made up before school, at lunch or after school by appointment with instructor. F grades must be made up prior to the last week of the grading period.

S grades can be made up for partial credit. Assessments that are made up due to an incomplete can earn no higher than a 3. S grades must be made up in room 21 in the presence of the instructor. This is non-negotiable.

I have read and understand this part of the syllabus ______(initial)

Student involvement and communication:

Interactive Notebook:

Every student will have an Interactive Notebook (IN). The IN needs to be 8.5 x 11.0 inch spiral bound notebook with a miniumum of 150 sheets. Every assignment in class, including homework, vocabulary, drawings, lab write-ups, student output that comprise P grades, most F grades and some S grades will be contained in the IN. Unless indicated in advance by the instructor, the IN can be used “open notebook” on select P and F assessments. The IN can not be used on S assessments.


The most effective form of communication in the class is the Biology website. The website URL is:


Critical documents, including the syllabus and pacing guide, the daily homework assignments and the weekly instructional plan can be found on the website. It is vital for the student’s success that he/she goes to the website daily to keep “up to speed”. Furthermore, it is by far the most effective way for a parent to know what is going on in class as well.


Students can follow the instructor on Twitter. His address is:


Students will be able to use this social media tool to keep “up to speed” as well.

I have read and understand this part of the syllabus ______(initial)

Parent/student involvement and chain of command:

In order to produce a quality and enriching program the student, teacher and parent must work as a collaborative team. In the event of a need to communicate between student or parent with the instructor the e-mail is and the phone is 916-971-0509. If a problem occurs, the appropriate chain of command will be as follows:

1.  e-mail instructor

2.  phone call to instructor

3.  conference with instructor

4.  e-mail VP in charge of science department

5.  phone VP in charge of science department

6.  conference with VP in charge of science department

7.  e-mail principal

8.  phone principal

9.  conference principal

I have read and understand this part of the syllabus ______(initial)

I have read this syllabus and understand the grading and makeup policy as well as the student/parent involvement and chain of command. I know that I can reach coach Eidem via e-mail at or by phone at 916-971-0509.


parent/guardian signature parent/guardian signature

parent/guardian e-mail: ______

parent/guardian phone: ______