From Father Jim
Parish Lenten Opportunities:
We invite you to come join us at any one of our many Lenten opportunities:
  • Stations of the Cross:Friday night in IC Church at 7:00pm, April 7.
  • Celebration of the Sacrament of Penance:
  • Saturdays 4:00-4:50pm - IC individual confessions
  • Sundays 8:20-8:50am - SJ individual confessions
  • April 5 6:30pm - IC individual confessions
  • Any time by appointment
  • The LAST chance to receive confessions is April 9th at 8:20am at SJ. We do not perform confessions during Holy Week!
  • Passion Narrative Education Sessions with Fr. Connolly, OSFS: April 9th 1:15 in Immaculate Conception Chapel
  • First Sunday for Adoration: TodayApril 2 1:30-3:00pm in IC Chapel
Holy Week Schedule:
  • Holy Thursday: April 13th
  • 8:30am Morning Prayer - IC
  • 7:00pm Mass - SJ
  • Good Friday: April 14th
  • 8:30am Morning Prayer - IC
  • 12:00pm Crosswalk - AME Church
  • 7:00pm Mass - SJ
  • Holy Saturday: April 15th
  • 8:30am Morning Prayer - IC
  • 11:00am Blessing of Food - IC
  • 8:00pm Easter Vigil - IC
  • Easter Sunday: April 16th
  • Immaculate Conception:
  • 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:15am
  • Saint Jude’s:
  • 9:00am, NO 11:00am MASS

Crosswalk: We are inviting you to join an Ecumenical Crosswalk on Good Friday, April 14th. The crosswalk will begin at Noon at Wright’s AME Church (125 Booth St. in Elkton) and ends at Trinity Episcopal Church (Bridge & Main St. Elkton.) Anyone wishing to walk and pray the “7 Last Words of Jesus” is welcome! The crosswalk will happen rain or shine! Come reflect and celebrate our Lord!

Fr. Michael Connolly, OSFS returns! He will be reflecting on the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses. Father Connolly’s Topic will be:What Did The Protestant Reformation Do To/For The Catholic Church?His presentations outline the impact of Luther’s Theses on the Catholic Church at that time and how that impact has shifted over the 5 centuries. Come explore this milestone event! THE FINAL PRESENTATION IS SUNDAY, APRIL 9TH AT 1:15PM in the ICC Chapel.All are welcome!


Are you reading the book: Rediscover Jesus? Have you seen the weekly Parish blog? Have you visited our parish website at to take advantage of many Lenten Resources? Whatever way you are led by the Lord, let us continue to pray for each other as we journey closer to the Lord this Lent.

The Music Ministryis looking for new members! See the bulletin for the schedule of rehearsals for our hand bell, contemporary, children's, and parish choirs. We’re also looking for cantors and accompanists. For more information, contact Dana Brehany, Director of Music Ministry at 410-398-1100 or

April3, 2017

8:30 AMShinjiro Kimura

April4, 2017

8:30 AMGrace Jeffery

April5, 2017

8:30 AMGeorge Armstrong

April6, 2017

8:30 AMAlma Jose

April7, 2017

8:30 AMNicholas Mario Coppolino

April8, 2017

8:30 AMElna Leonardo

5:00 PMBetty Eliason (Living Intention)

April9, 2017Palm Sunday

7:00 AMPhilip Mancuso

8:30 AMRosanne Fanelli

9:00 AM SJMary Vaccarini

10:15 AMKatie Mitchell

12:00 PMPeople of the Parish

We extend a warm welcome to our new parishioners:

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Guarnieri and Family

Mrs. Angela Smith and Family

Inspirational quote of the week:“Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” ~ St. Augustine



First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7

In a tone of quiet sadness, Isaiah describes the buffets and insults given to the Suffering Servant. The passage ends on a note of hope.

Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11

Exulted, Paul tells the Philippians to rejoice because Christ became man, died on the cross, rose from the dead, and sits triumphantly at the right hand of the Father.

Gospel: Matthew 26:14—27:66

This is the solemn narrative of the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew recounts the treachery and betrayal of Judas and then describes the events of the Last Supper, culminating in the institution of the Eucharist. Jesus endures the Agony in the Garden; he is then brought before Caiaphas and Pilate and condemned to death. After His resurrection, the centurions shouted, “Clearly this was the Son of God!”

Daily Readings: Fifth Sunday of Lent


Ez 37:12-14; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45


Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62; Jn 8:1-11


Nm 21:4-9; Jn 8:21-30


Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Jn 8:31-42


Gn 17:3-9; Jn 8:51-59

First Friday

Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42


Ez 37:21-28; Jn 11:45-56

Does your child need to be Baptized? You’re Invited! Baptism Classes are: May 15 August 21. All classes are Monday evenings, 7:00-8:30pm in our Parish Center. It’s never too early to prepare for the Baptism of your child. Parents are required and Godparents are encouraged to attend these classes. Contact the Parish Office to register for the Baptism Preparation Class and to arrange the date of Baptism at 410-398-1100.


Come be a part of this year’s exciting VBS adventure: Maker Fun Factory: Created by God; Built for a Purpose.We are alwaysinneed of volunteers!The Next volunteer meeting is thisWed, April 5th 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Don’t miss this wonderful, faith-filled experience! Adults & Teens Welcome! Online Registration Available! Visit:

Liturgical Ministers for next weekend, April 9th:


Altar Servers:Mason H, Grace BEM’sDiana B, Madison L, Gina L Lector:Francis LUshers: Eileen P, Pat C Bill W


Altar Servers:Ryan M, Sean MEM’s:Gerald M, Frank SLector:David DUshers: Charles M, William C., Donald N


Altar Servers:Elizabeth R, Grace SEM’s:Stephen C III, Mary Ann H, Don HLector:Mary KUshers: Anthony D, Steve C Jr, Anthony M.Wendel S

9:00am (SJ)

Altar Servers:Jakob H, Mitchell HEM’s:Dorothy D, Danny D, Chris H, Pat D, Tom V, Bill C, Peggy OLector:Dwight TUshers:Jule V, Bill D, Kevin O, Jake S


Altar Servers:Hans S, Cameron BEM’s:Mary Ann S, Gwen D, Peter G, Cecilia G, Richard LLector:Tina BUshers:Bob W, Steve A, David B, James D


Altar Servers:Kendra M, Gabriel OEM’s:Cynthia J, Charles C, Grace BLector:Roberto OUshers:Teresa G

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy is for children ages 5-8 ONLY. Children who are not in this category are asked to remain in church.

The catechist for next Sunday, April2ndis:

Grace Amoretti

Adoration for Vocations has been a tradition in our parish for almost 20 years. On the first Sunday of each month, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament occurs from 1pm-3pm in IC Chapel. Please come join us to pray for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life. The next opportunity is today,Sun April 2. For information, contact Dermott Mullan at 410-398-3368

Lenten Almsgiving: Pick up a Catholic Relief Services Rice bowls in the entrances of the churches You can donate to CRS with your offertory envelopes, online, or with a check. Be sure to write “Catholic Relief Services” in the memo. Learn more about Catholic Relief Services at . Return your Rice Bowls to the parish center or to the church by April 8th.

Do you need to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation? If you are 18 years old or older and desire to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation you are invited to attend a Confirmation preparation session that will be offered this Mayin the Parish Center. Contact the Religion Office at 410-392-3551 to register, receive needed forms, or for information. **If you plan on attending, you mustregister.

Faith Formation

Immaculate Conception School News

As our students and teachers continue on their Lenten journey, they will participate in Stations of the Cross again this week. If you would like to join us, please feel free to come to church at any of the following times this week:

Monday: 1:30 – kindergarten and 1st grade

Thursday: 1:00 – 4th and 5th grades

Friday: 12:30 – 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

Friday: 1:30 – 2nd and 3rd grades

Next week, we invite you to join us on Wednesday, April 12th at 11:00 in the gym where our 8th graders will present the Living Stations before we begin our Easter vacation!

We will celebrate First Friday Mass this week with the parish. WE are also asking every student and staff member to bring in a donation for the Catholic Charities of Wilmington’s Stock the Pantry program! All the schools in the diocese have been asked to participate! If we get 100% participation, that will be 10,000 items!! What a beautiful way to offer service during Lent! As a school, we continue our regular contributions to our own Outreach program, with their critical ministry!

Warm weather uniform begins on Monday! Students may continue to wear the winter uniform if the temperature is too cold.

Applications are being accepted for next school year. If you missed our open house, don’t worry. Individual tours are available upon request by contacting the office at 410-398-2636, and we will have another open house later in the spring. Now is the time to consider the benefits of a strong faith-based, challenging academic program that Immaculate Conception provides.

Faith Formation

Religious Education & Sacraments

The Parish Religious Education has ended for this year. If you have not registered for class next year, it is imperative that you do so! Books and supplies need to be ordered!

Classes for grades K-8 are held on your choice of Sunday Mornings or Wednesday evenings.

For online registration, visit:

Questions? Contact the religion office at 410-392-3551.

This Registration is also for Sacrament programs!Note: A child must have completed Gr. 1 to prepare for 1stCommunion. Studentsmust have completed Gr. 7 and 8 to prepare for Confirmation!

Sacrament of First Communion:

Practice with Unconsecrated Bread:Tuesday, April 4th: 1:00pm - IC Church

Rehearsals 1stCommunion Celebrations begin after Easter. Please consultyour calendar for dates / times.

Youth Ministry & Confirmation


2nd: Youth Group to Follow Confirmation

8th:Diocesan Pilgrimage (Permission Slips Required-See Liz)

9th: The Way of the Cross/Easter Fun

16th: NO YOUTH GROUP-Happy Easter



9th-12th and COLLEGE AGE:If you are in 9th-12th or a college-age young adult, you are invited to join youth group, Sun nights in the Parish Center from 6-8pm.

7th and 8th GRADE YOUTH:Check the website and bulletin for information about youth group.

YM WISH LIST:Sodas, Pizza Gift Cards, Snacks, Card Board Boxes, colored Spray Paint


Come Holy Spirit! We congratulate and pray for our 54 candidates as they are confirmed today: Rebekka Arrow, Vincent Artymowicz, Jessica Baldino, Keeley Bedwell, Samantha Berg, Erin Dacey, Kiley Day, Rebecca Debiase, Taylor DeMasi, Devon Dubree, Elizabeth Eldreth, Christopher Fritz, Danielle Gedz, MandiGillich, Adrianna Giuliani, Jacob Giuliani, Abigail Greene, Karyn Harris, Meagan Heitz, Russell Herbstritt, Luis Herrera, Madison Holland, Katelyn Ireland, Michaela Ireland, Zachary Jarman, Ben Jouridine, Brandon Keen, Allie Kubek, Nicholas Liberti, Jordan Longinotti, Dylan Luppy, Andrew Madary, Ryan Mann, Teddy Mantis, Ryan Najera, Austin Oliver, Gabriel Ortiz, Anthony Pompilii, Ryan Quirk, Jared Rigor, Caroline Roberts, Daniel Sanchez, Zachary Seigel, Catherine Sengstock, Wayne Shannon, Hans Simbulan, Abigail Sprouse, Joseph Trout, Gabriel Villegas, Ashley Weber, Olivia Wheel, Aidan Wilbur, William Wyman, Matthew Ziomek.

Thank you to all our catechists, parents, and sponsors for their dedication and commitment to each confirmandi in the past and as they continue their faith journey.

Adult Education

Interested in a study group?Many opportunities are available. Call the Parish Office at 410-392-3551.


Adult Enrichment Program Entitled: CATHOLICISM: THE PIVOTAL PLAYERSClasses: this Mon., Apr. 3rd at 6:30pm and Tues., Apr. 4th at 9:15am.Topic: Discussion of questions for Blessed John Cardinal Newman Pt. 1 and viewing of Pt. 2 of the DVD.

Social Concerns


Thank you for all of your help, prayers, and donations to this essential ministry!!

We currently need: cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup, and baked beans!!

Parish and Family Life

Parish Coffee:Join us for Parish Coffee Sunday,today, April2ndafter the 9 AM Mass at St. Jude’s.

Make sure to come meet and welcome our new priest, Father Dunne at coffee and donuts after 10:15 mass on April 9th!

Parish Events / Information

Sunday, April2

8:20 AMConfessions - SJ

8:30 AMRCIA Dismissal - CH

12:00PMConfirmation gathering (Sponsors and Candidates ONLY-gym

1:30 PMAdoration for Vocations - CH

3:00 PMConfirmation Ceremony- IC

6:30 PMHS Gathering - PC

Monday, April3

9:00 AMNovena – CH

7:00 PMChristian Yoga

8:00 PMAA Mtg - Caf

Tuesday, April4

9:00 AMHoly Hour – CH

9:15 AMBook Study - PC

4:30 PMChristmas Bazaar Mtg - PC

6:00 PM Liturgy Committee Mtg - PC

6:30 PMHandbell Rehearsal - IC

7:00 PMBoy Scout Leader Mtg - PC

7:30 PMContemporary Rehearsal -IC

Wednesday, April5

9:00 AMRosary Crusade/St Jude Novena – CH

9:30 AMCantor Reh - IC

1:00 PMLAOH mtg - PC

3:45 PMChildren’s Choir - IC

5:30 PMNJHS Inductions - gym

6:30 PMVacation Bible School Planning Mtg - PC

Thursday, April6

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

6:30 PMCantor Rehearsal - IC

6:30 PMCub Scout mtg - caf

6:30 PMBoy Scout mtg - PC

7:00 PMParish Choir Rehearsal - IC

7:00 PMRCIA - PC

Friday, April7

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

7:00 PMStations of the Cross - IC

7:00 PMNA - Caf

Saturday, April8

8:30 AMRCIA Retreat

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

10:00 AMRCIA Practice

4:15 PMConfessions

7:00 PMNA - caf

COMMUNITY KITCHEN:Our next Community Kitchen will be held on April 28th at the Elkton Presbyterian Church at noon. We are asking for donations of sandwiches (any kind), fruit, or a dessert to be delivered to the Parish Center by 10:00am on the 28th, or brought directly to the Presbyterian Church before noon. We also need volunteers to help serve the lunch and clean up after. The commitment would be from 11:00am-1:30. We would sure love to welcome any new helpers to our wonderful group of volunteers. This is a worthwhile and enjoyable way to be involved in the community. Please call Joyce Speakman at 610-597-3135 or Kathy Chamberlin at 410-398-7299 if you can help. Thank you so much!

Did you know that Immaculate Conception is an affiliate partner with The Franklin Institute?!This means that as a parishioner, you get discount pricing for admission and exhibits!!! Simply go to and enter our organization code: ICCPMGRP and then print out your discounted tickets! Check out one of the awesome exhibits they are currently running:

Jurassic World: Time is running out to see our limited exhibit: and Jurassic World: The Exhibition (closing April 23rd). Book tickets today!

Save The Date!!

Our 7th Annual Golf Classic is being held on June 12, at Newark Country Club!! Come join us for a great day, great food, and some amazing prizes; including a car donated by Newark Chrysler Jeep Dodge! Spaces are limited! You can register as a golfer, sponsor, or dinner guest. Register online today at We are asking for volunteers to help with the planning committee and to help out the day of. Please contact the parish office at 410-398-1100 to register, volunteer, or for more information

Christian Yoga: All are welcome to join in an hour and a half; Christ-centered meditative and gentle stretching Yoga classes. Classes are: Mondays7 - 8:30pm in ICS gym. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a yoga mat and towel. A $5 per class offering is suggested. Come to one or all classes and feel free to bring a friend! Call the parish center with any questions.

YOUNG ADULTS 25-40:Young men and women, ages 25-40, are invited to join our Young Adult Ministry. This is an invitation to you to create an organization to find spiritual, social, and service activities which can enrich you as well as bring new life and enthusiasm into our faith community. Contact Liz for more info.The Diocese of Wilmington has many events to get involved with.Check out their website:


Offertory Week of: March 19Fiscal Budget

Immaculate Conception $7,361.60 $9,304.55

St. Jude’s $1,652.32 $1,944.23

Online $2,783.00 $2,638.60

Christmas Offerings $17,443.00 $26,131.00

$29,239.92 $40,018.39

2017-2018 Fiscal YTD Offertory Deficit ($2, 461.98)

If you do not have an Online Giving Account; it is easy to set one up! This is a convenient way to provide consistent financial support to your church.To sign up:

1.) Go to our website:

2.) Click on “Go to Online Giving”

3.) Sign up!

Community Events / Information

Knights of Columbus

Bishop Becker Council 2427

443-616-5370 or

Meetings: 2nd 4th Wednesdays of the month at the Parish Center.

UD’s Autism Lab fNIRS Study: Families can participate in a study examining brain activity in infants, children and adults with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder, 3 months to 50 years; when performing various play or functional skills. This study involves 3 visits to our lab in Newark, DE. fNIRS is completely safe and non-invasive. A cap with LED lights is placed on the participant’s head as he/she completes activities. Cost is $30. To volunteer, contact or 302-831-7608.

TEDx Youth Wilmington will be held at Ursuline Academy April 2 from 10 am-5 pm. 18 speakers will offer different TEDx talks. The speakers consist of student, alumni and faculty from Ursuline Academy, Mt. Pleasant High School, Tatnall, Delcastle Technical High School and Burlington Township High School.For more information, please visit

GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC SCHOOL, located in Perryville, Maryland, seeks qualified applicants for the position ofPRINCIPAL beginning July 1st. The parish school has an enrollment of 87 students in Pre-K - 8th gr., with 16 faculty/staff. Good Shepherd provides a faith-filled, student-centered, environment that nurtures children and offers a solid academic program. For details contact or .

The Junior Board of St. Francis Hospital, Inc. Spring Party/Fashion Show is being held Wednesday, April 26, at the DuPont Country Club at 11:00am. Entertainment by Mario Rocco, shopping from our Pollyanna Gift Shop and fashions from Chico’s. Come enjoy a luncheon and fashion show, cash bar, boutiques, and much more! Reservations are $50 per person and all profits go toward the purchase of a new ambulance for St. Francis Hospital! For more information please call Regina Abbott, 302-463-5211.

The Charter for the Protectionof Childrenand Youngpeople was established by the USCCB in June 2002. It is a comprehensive set of procedures for addressing allegations of abuse of minors. The Charter has guidelines for reconciliation, healing, accountability, and prevention. For more information visit