The effect of forced repetition exercises in the development of relative strength of arms and legs and the completion of abduction

Prof. Ahmed Youssef Meteb Al-Hasnawi, AnisHussain Ali Al-Saadi, Eng. Mohammed Hussein Obaid

Iraq. University of Babylon. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences



The development of muscle strength comes through a variety of different training methods designed to develop the muscle strength that is compatible with the specificity of performance, and the method of forced repetition one of these methods, which is assisted by the colleague when performing repetitions of the strength of one or two times or three, compared to other methods Which is used by local trainers to develop relative strength. The importance of the study is to know the effect of forced repetitions in the development of the relative strength of arms and legs as well as the achievement of abduction

1- Preparation of exercises in the method of forced repetitions to develop the relative strength and the completion of the abduction of the abductors

2-To know the effect of training in the method of forced repetitions to develop the relative strength and to achieve the high level of kidnapping for applicants

The researchers identified the research community in a deliberate manner, namely, the four Al-Hashimiya Club and Al-Hamdahiyya

(8 quartets) and 100% of the original community were divided into the control and experimental groups (4 quartets). The researchers conducted homogeneity and equivalence of the sample after the tribal tests using the appropriate statistical means

The researchers conducted the exercises for the experimental group in the method of forced repetitions and the second group controlling the instructor's curriculum. The training vocabulary was applied during the general preparation period. The curriculum lasted for 3 weeks with 12 training units. The researchers used intensity from 80% to 100% , After the completion of the exercises carried out remote tests on the sample to obtain the data, where it was processed through the program statistical bag (spss), and the researchers concluded

1- the need to conduct similar research and other variables of force with the biomechanical or phylogenetic variables

2- the need to conduct similar research and on larger samples and for a longer period of time

Keywords: drills of forced repetitions, relative force, abduction height