Henry Lomb School No. 20

54 Oakman Street

Rochester, New York 14605

Phone: (585) 325-2920

Fax: (585) 935-7420

Parent/Student Handbook


Mr. Jean-Claude Brizard Mrs. D’Onnarae Johnson

Superintendent Principal

Mrs. Carla Roberts

Assistant Principal


Dear Parents, Guardians and Students:

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Henry Lomb School #20. The faculty and staff join me in saying that we are happy to have you as part of the Henry Lomb Family. We hope this will be a successful and satisfying year for you.

The pages of this handbook are filled with important information regarding school policy and procedures. I suggest that parents and students review the contents together. If you have questions that remain unanswered after reading the handbook, please call the school office. We feel that open and clear communication between school and home is important to the success of our educational program.

The Henry Lomb School Student Planner was designed to assist your child in organizing his/her daily, weekly, and long-term assignments. We hope this program will improve your child’s organizational skills. In addition, we feel that the handbook will serve as a helpful reference for parents as they seek to provide academic support at home. Henry Lomb School parents are our partners in the important job of educating the children of this community.

We welcome your participation and support during the school year and solicit your membership in the P.T.O. Working together, we will be able to reach our collective and individual goals. We look forward to celebrating with you the achievements of our students.


D’Onnarae Johnson

Mrs. D’Onnarae Johnson



Henry Lomb’s philosophy is based on the idea that the purpose of education is to provide a continuation of essential learning. It is our ultimate goal to supply each student with basic facts and experiences. These will aid our children in becoming self-sufficient individuals mentally, physically, socially, and morally so that they can meet the demands of a rapidly changing society. It is essential to instill in each student the importance of individual worth and to create a positive self-image through the personal development of initiative, resourcefulness, and responsibility.

It is the intent of the faculty to lead students toward being disciplined, productive, informed, and fulfilled individuals. To achieve these ideas, mutual respect and understanding must be present in the learning process on the part of all participants-the parents, faculty, students, and community.

Dear Parent/Guardian:

We ask that you review the Parent/Student Handbook with your child. Please complete the information below when you have completed your review.

My child, ______and I have read and understand the Handbook for the 2009-2010 school years.


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature



School hours are from 7:50 a.m. – until 2:10 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday hours are from 7:50 a.m.

until 1:20 p.m. Children should NOT arrive earlier than 7: 50 a.m., or remain on the campus later than 2:20 p.m. unless they are participating in a supervised activity. The SCHOOL DOORS WILL NOT OPEN UNTIL 7:35 A.M., EACH SCHOOL DAY FOR BREAKFAST EATERS ONLY. Supervision WILL NOT be provided for students who arrive before 7:50 a.m. or remain later than 2:20 p.m., and 1:30p.m. on Wednesdays. These procedures are designed for the safety and well-being of your children. Please pick up your child in a timely manner to allow staff to attend scheduled meetings promptly. A fee will be charged after the second late pick-up. The fee will be considered a donation to the PTO. Fees will not begin until the 3rd week of school to assist parents with the initial transition.


Immunizations: “No Shots, No School.” All students entering for the first time are required to have proof of immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, mumps, measles, and rubella.


Henry Lomb’s school staff are prohibited from providing or administering any medication, including aspirin, to any student. Students needing occasional medications, such as penicillin, etc., for ear infections, and sore throats, are to take these medications at home if possible. Medication that is prescribed three (3) times a day can be given before the student comes to school, after school, and again at bedtime. However, if medication MUST be given at school, it must be personally delivered by the parent and accompanied by a written authorization from a parent/guardian and physician that include the name of the medication and instructions for its administration (time and dosage). Required medication can be administered by the nurse with authorization from a physician.


Basic requirements for student enrollment:

1.  Copy of birth certificate

2.  Copy of any legal guardian or adoption papers

3.  Copy of social security card

4.  Copy of all immunizations

5.  Photo identification of parent/guardian

6.  Proof of address – anything that has arrived through the US Postal service with the parent/guardian’s name and current address within the last 10 days of enrollment date

7.  Copy of request for transfer students (request should show enrollment date and parent/guardian signature if possible.

A registration packet for a student enrolling will contain:

1. Health physical form

2. Pre-Kindergarten CHI form

3. Kindergarten – 6 grade PACE forms

4. Home Language Questionnaire

5. Pre-Registration form

6. Relevant Information Sheet

7. Emergency Information form

A student file will be maintained on every student.


Parent/guardian must complete the school meal form and return to the school office personnel. All applicants will be notified by letter if eligibility requirements have been met. Other information will follow including the prices for breakfast and lunch, as well as the monthly menu calendar.


Report Cards will be sent home at the end of each (10) week period. This is a means of informing parents/guardians of the student’s progress, or lack of progress, in each subject.


Please be informed that the Rochester City School District uses the point system below to determine student progress in the elementary grades. The report card will reflect a four point system.



A.  Start each day right; a calm beginning at home makes the school day much better.

B.  Encourage your child to have a good breakfast and lunch. Make certain that your child sleeps at least eight hours each night.

C.  Praise your child each day for something he/she has done. Have a special place to put school work or things brought home.

D.  Laugh and talk with your child about school experiences and listen to what is said about your child’s school day experiences.

E.  Stress attendance. If the child is ill, home is the best place; otherwise, your child needs to be at school every school day, on time and ready to learn.

F.  Keep the lines of communication open between yourself and your child’s teacher. Inform the teacher of any family situation which could influence your child’s behavior. Also, if he/she is reluctant to go to school, let the teacher know so that together you can find a reasonable solution.

G.  Take your child to the library and encourage reading for pleasure.

H.  Stress organization of school notebooks, materials, etc.

I.  Provide pencils, glue, scissors, paper, and all other required school supplies for your child to use.

J.  Work at home with skills taught at school for at least 20 minutes with each of your children every night. 2-3 books should be read each night with students in grades Pre-K through grade 2, or 2-3 chapters of a chapter book with students in grades 3-6.


Each staff member at Henry Lomb School #20 accepts responsibility for the maintenance of discipline and for the promotion of a program for the development of wholesome human relations. A student’s behavior should conform to acceptable standards of conduct as established by the principal and teachers. The staff requests parental support in helping maintain appropriate conduct in the school. Children’s behavior should reflect self-respect and consideration for the rights, feeling, and property of others. If a suspension occurs, we will make the experience uncomfortable for your child, so that he/she would rather be in class than receive those consequences in the future. Moreover, “Nanny Club” attendance will be mandatory for the parents of students who are referred 3 or more times to an administrator.


It is imperative that the school office be notified immediately of a change of address, home or office telephone number, or emergency information during the academic school year. Also, changes should also be shared with classroom teachers for their individual classroom records.


When severe weather creates hazardous conditions, the regular school schedule may be suspended to ensure students’ safety. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to monitor news reports via television and radio stations. Announcements are normally broadcast starting 5:30 a.m. The following stations will announce school closures: WHAM and WDKX. Parents may also listen to the TV for information concerning the closing of school. The TV stations will be notified as soon as possible. Those TV stations contacted include channels 8, 10, 13, and 31. If weather is extremely severe and school has not closed, but you feel that it would be a danger for your child to come to school, please contact the school or write a note to your child’s teacher indicating that you kept your child at home due to severe conditions.


According to the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the parent/guardian or student age 18 or over is permitted to inspect and review educational records relating to the student. Check with the school on the policy for viewing these files.


The Parent Teacher Organization is a vital part of our school program. We encourage parents and teachers to become ACTIVE members. A successful school needs the services of the P.T.O. Meetings will be scheduled by our PTO and Parent Liaison. Information will be forwarded to parents at that time.


Properly supervised and planned educational field trips are an important part of the instructional program. A signed permission form from a parent/guardian is required. A permission slip will be sent out in September. Sign and return it every time that your child will be attending a field trip.


Our students wear caps and gowns for their Moving-Up Day Celebration in June. The cost and information will be provided by sixth grade teachers with advance notice for purchase.


Physical Education is an integral part of the instructional program. All children will be required to participate unless a doctor’s certificate is presented. If on a particular day your child cannot participate, please send a signed note to your child’s teacher. A daily note will be satisfactory for up to three (3) consecutive days. After that time, a doctor’s statement is required. Please refer to the Uniform Policy for appropriate attire (A physical education uniform should be worn). Students may wear the gym uniform for the entire school day, on gym days only. Items worn for gym other than the ones mentioned in the P.E. Uniform Policy will require the students to change back into their regular school uniform when their gym class is over.


Textbooks and library books are furnished to your child by the school system on a loan basis and should be treated as borrowed property. Students must pay for the loss or abuse of textbooks and library books. Report cards are held in the event that books are not returned. Once books are returned or paid for by parents and guardians, report cards are released.


Every precaution is taken to insure the safety of your child during normal school hours. Periodic fire drills are executed to ensure that students learn proper safety procedures and adhere to all safety guideline.


When your child is absent from school and needs his/her homework assignments, please telephone the school office in the morning. The teacher will be notified and will make a folder which includes all homework. Appropriate books will be sent home when necessary. Homework assignments can be picked up in the office at the end of the school day or sent home with another child, if requested.


We welcome your requests for conferences. It is very important that you know what is going on with your child at school. Please schedule all conferences by calling the office at (585) 325-2920. At this time, the secretary will assist you in arranging a conference with your child’s teacher by connecting you with the teacher’s private voicemail. Our teachers set up conferences with parents. Please do not attend a conference day unless you have been contacted by your child’s teacher for a day and time to meet. School District Conferences are held from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00p.m., as scheduled (Parent/Teacher Conferences in the District School Calendar). Some years, the times change to 5:30 – 7:30. Please see the school calendar for exact times.

To assist you in conducting a productive conference, the following guide is available for your use:

Before the Conference

Decide what you want to ask the teacher. Discuss the forthcoming conference with your child to see if there is anything he/she would like to talk about with the teacher. Discuss concerns with your spouse. Ideally, both parents/guardians should attend the conference. To make certain all concerns are addressed, parents/guardians are encouraged to bring personal notes relating to the conference. Please attempt to get the facts about a school situation before reacting to it. A simple conversation with the teacher could clarify a concern. Determine what you can tell the teacher about your child. The teacher sees only one side of your child and there may be things you know that could help the teacher better understand certain behaviors or problems. The teacher may have other appointments so it is imperative that you arrive on time. Always remember, the focus of the conference is to have honest dialogue about your child’s progress. If your child is experiencing difficulty, it is not a reflection on you. However, it is a good place to start making a nightly commitment to working with your child.