The Nitrogen Cycle


·  1.Which are the two main parts of the natural nitrogen cycle?

o  A) synthesis and decay

o  B) legumes and bacteria

o  C) manure and rotting tissue

o  D) combining and converting

o  Explanation: Wrong

·  2.Which of the following need nitrogen to survive?

o  A) fish

o  B) plants

o  C) humans

o  D) all of the above

o  Explanation: Wrong

·  3.Some animals get the nitrogen they need from the _____.

o  A) soil

o  B) plants they eat

o  C) air they breathe

o  D) water they drink

o  Explanation: Wrong

·  4.Most plants CANNOT use nitrogen _____.

o  A) fixed by bacteria

o  B) in the pure gas form

o  C) in the soil where they grow

o  D) dissolved in the water where they grow

o  Explanation: Wrong

·  5.Which thing, in addition to nitrogen-fixing bacteria, changes nitrogen into a form that is easier for plants to absorb?

o  A) corn

o  B) animals

o  C) lightning

o  D) plant stems

o  Explanation: Wrong

·  6.Where do the nitrogen-fixing bacteria that have a symbiotic relationship with legumes live?

o  A) They live freely in the soil.

o  B) They live in the legumes’ leaves.

o  C) They live in nodules on the legumes’ roots.

o  D) They live in the carbohydrates produced by the legumes.

o  Explanation: Wrong

·  7.What happens when there is excess nitrogen in lakes?

o  A) Fish grow fast and eat up all the available food.

o  B) Water plants grow fast and rob the water of its dissolved oxygen.

o  C) Other bacteria kill off the nitrogen-fixing bacteria present in the water.

o  D) Water plants die because they can’t use the form of nitrogen found in the water.

o  Explanation: Wrong

·  8.When nitrogen pollution in the air combines with water in the atmosphere, it often returns to the earth as _____.

o  A) fertilizer

o  B) acid precipitation

o  C) excess nitrogen gas

o  D) denitrifying bacteria