Informing Instructors of


Using the Accommodation Request Portal

How Do My Instructors Know I Get Accommodations?

1.  You need to inform them. We will not tell your instructors for you.

•  You start advocating for yourself in college, as practice for the working world

2.  After you notify your instructors, you should talk with them about your accommodations.

•  This is required for some accommodations, and highly encouraged for all your classroom accommodations

•  If you’re not sure how to talk with your instructors about your accommodations, ask your Disability Services Coordinator!

What Accommodations Should My Instructors Know About?

3.  Anything which would come up in the classroom

•  Testing accommodations

•  Notetaking

•  Electronic notetaking assistance (smartpens, Audio Notetaker, recorders, etc.)

•  Alternative Formats (Kurzweil, large print, text, etc.)

•  In Class Aides

•  Interpreters/C-Print

•  Captioning needs

•  Assistive Listening Devices

•  Technology you need with you (laptop, tablet, refreshable braille device

•  Light or smell sensitivity

•  And more!

What Do I Not Need To Tell My Instructors?

4.  Why you are receiving accommodations

•  It can be helpful for your instructors to know about your disability, as everyone’s strengths and weaknesses are different, and if you share a little bit about how you learn best or how your disability most impacts you, they might come up with other ways to help you in their class. But, you are not required to tell them any specifics about your disability

5.  Certain accommodations

•  Housing

•  Dietary restrictions (unless the instructor offers to bring in food)

•  Out of Class Aides

•  Project ASSIST

•  Adaptive Transportation

6.  Using the Accommodation Request Portal

7.  Click on the link on the home page of the Center for Students with Disabilities website

8.  Log in to the system

•  If you can’t log in, please see the “Changing My Username and/or Password” tutorial

9.  Click on “List Accommodations” on the left side of your Dashboard


10. Select the classes for which you want to send in accommodation requests

•  Select your desired accommodations from the list for each class

•  Check the box stating you understand that your DSC will complete the final step, triggering your request to be sent to your instructors

•  Select Submit Your Accommodation

Accommodation Notice – Example of faculty notification

11. As you will see in the example, the accommodations are listed as follows:

•  Group (Aides, Alternative Testing, Notetaking, etc.), with a brief description of the group

•  Specific accommodation (In Class Aide, Extra Time 1.50x, etc.), with a brief description of the accommodation

12. There is also a space for Additional Notifications, where your DSC will include any uncommon accommodations you qualify for (such as a blank piece of paper with which to block out questions/answers on a test, or a limited number of questions per page)


Letter (continued)

I need to change my accommodations for a class!

13. If you want to inform your instructor of other accommodations

•  Click on “List Accommodations”

•  Then click on “Modify Request” for the class in which you want to alter your accommodations

When Do I Request My Accommodations?

14. You should complete the accommodation request during the first week of classes (or, if you register with CSD during the semester, as soon as you complete your intake appointment)

15. If you’re not sure if you will need accommodations in a class, we recommend submitting your accommodation request anyway

•  Better to have it done and not need it, then need it and not have it done


Center for Students with Disabilities Andersen Library Building, Room 2002 262-472-4711