The University of Toledo Board of Trustees
Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting
August 16, 2011
Committee Chair Mr.Joseph H. Zerbey, IV was present along withCommittee members Ms. Susan E. Gilmore, Dr. S. Amjad Hussain,Ms. Susan Palmer and Student Trustee Heather Griffin. Mr. Linda N. Mansour was absent. Faculty Representative Dr.Lawrence Anderson was present as well as Community member Mr. David Dobrzykowski. Other Trustees who attended were Mr. Carroll L. Ashley, Mr. William C. Koester andMs. Sharon Speyer. Committee Administrative Liaisons Dr. Jeffrey Gold, Mr. Chuck Lehnert and Dr. William McMillen attended the meeting -- Dr. Kaye Patten Wallacewas absent. Other attendees includedDr. Brian Ashburner, Dr. Frank Calzonetti, Ms. Meghan Cunningham, Mr. David Dabney, Dr. John Gaboury, Ms. Beth Hagen, Ms. Heather Huntley, Dr. Lloyd Jacobs, Mr. Chuck Lehnert, Dr. Dennis Lettman, Mr. Peter Papadimos, Dr. Penny Poplin Gosetti, Dr. Linda Rouillard,Ms. Connie Rubin, Mr. Matthew Rubin, Dr. Alice Skeens, Ms. Joan Stasa, Mr. Jon Strunk, and Mr. Kevin West. / ATTENDANCE
The meeting was called to order at 9:20 a.m. by Committee Chair Zerbeyin the Faculty Club Room at the Toledo Hilton Hotel. / CALL TO ORDER
Mr. Zerbey introduced and welcomed Mr. David Dobrzykowski as a Committee Community member. He is a member of the UT Alumni Boardand is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems at Eastern Michigan University. / WELCOME TO COMMITTEE COMMUNITY MEMBER
Committee Chair Zerbey requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the June 6, 2011 Committee meeting and approve them as written. A motion was receivedby TrusteePalmer, seconded by Trustee Hussain, followed by approval of the minutes by the Committee. / APPROVAL OF MINUTES
Mr. Zerbey invited Dr. Penny Poplin Gosetti, Professor and Vice Provost for Assessment and Strategic Planning and also UT Self Study Administrative Coordinator, to provide the Committee with the progress that is being made on the HLC visit preparation. Dr. Poplin Gosetti reminded the Committee that the HLC visit is scheduled for February 27-29, 2012. She reviewed Criterion I – Mission and Integrity of the University with the Committee including the core components. A review of the Self Study Report timeline was presented as follows:
  • 2nd draft fact checked by content experts Summer 2011
  • 3rd draft posted online for final comments August 22 to September 21
  • Final report presented to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee October 2011
  • Final report presented to the Board of Trustees November 2011
  • Final report submitted to HLC December 23, 2011
Dr. Poplin Gosetti requested Board of Trustees’ involvement by reading the self study draft August 22 to September 21 and become well versed on the report contents, conclusions, and recommendations in preparation for the visit. A hard copy of the self study will be mailed to each Trustee early next week with feedback requested for the final report. Information about the Board’s involvement in meetings for theFebruary HLC visitwas also reviewed. / HLC VISIT PREPARATION
Dr. William McMillen, Provost and Executive VP for Academic Affairs,presented an overview of the undergraduate academic policies. He recognized Ms. Beth Hagen, Assistant to VP and General Counsel, and Dr. Jeffrey Gold for doing a superior job since the merger to combine the policies of the two institutions. Dr. Jacobs mentioned that it is his intention to sign the policies within the next week as he would like the policies in force by the time the students return to campus. / UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC POLICIES
President Jacobs presented the Committee with information on the Toledo Early College High School agreement with Toledo Public Schools. This is a routine agreement resigning to continue the current rate of tuition that students pay for taking college courses while still in high school. Mr. Zerbey requested a motion to forward the agreement to the Consent Agenda at the September 19 Board meeting. A motion was received from Trustee Gilmore, seconded by Trustee Palmer and approved by the Committee. / TOLEDO EARLY COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL
Mr. Chuck Lehnert, VP Administration, presented Resolution No. 11-08-16: “Administrative Officials as the Appointing Authority.” This Resolution rescinds previous resolutions regarding the same content and was presented at this meeting to update position changes since the institution’s reorganization. Mr. Zerbey received a motion from Trustee Hussain to forward the Resolution to the Consent Agenda at next month’s Board meeting. Trustee Gilmore seconded the motion and the Committee approved the motion. / RESOLUTION
NO. 11-08-16
Mr. Chuck Lehnertpresented the addendum to the Personnel Action Reports for August 16, 2011. After Committee review, Chair Zerbey requested a motionto forward the Personnel Action Reports to the Consent Agenda for full Board approval at the September 19 Board meeting. A motion was received by Trustee Hussain, seconded by Trustee Palmer and approved by the Committee. / PERSONNEL ACTION REPORTS
See Attachment 1 for report. / STUDENT GOVERNMENT
See Attachment 2 for report. / FACULTY SENATE
With no further business to discuss, Committee Chair Zerbeyadjourned the meeting at 10:05 a.m. / ADJOURNMENT

Student Government Report to the Board of Trustees Attachment 1

Academic and Student Affairs Committee – August 16, 2011

Student Government President Matthew Rubin

Matthew Rubin and Jordan Maddocks were re-elected as Student Government President and Vice President.

Matthew Rubin now holds a seat on the Ohio Student Government Association State Board, which is currently seeking input from all 13 public institutions student governments. Possible issue includes a cap on student fees.

Student Government is currently forming a Bike-friendly Campus Community Council.

A Dignity and Respect Campaign is scheduled to begin this fall.

There has been some discussion of a joint session of Student Government with BGSU before football and women’s basketball games.
Faculty Senate Report to the Board of Trustees Attachment 2

Academic and Student Affairs Committee – August 16, 2011

Faculty Senate President Lawrence Anderson

Over the summer the Faculty Senate Executive Committee has met regularly every two weeks. We have populated various committees including appointments to Research Council. We have heard reports from and had conversations with various officers including Vice Provost Penny Poplin Gosetti and Dean Ben Pryor. We have developed welcome packets for new Senators starting in the fall. We have had regular meetings with Provost McMillen, Chancellor Gold, and the Graduate Council leadership. A Committee of Senators appointed by the EC has been working with the Provost Office to prepare documents and processes for introducing competency-based assessment into University Core courses. We have begun regular biweekly meetings with President Jacobs, with the intention of increasing dialog between the faculty and the higher administration.

Particular concerns remain the effect of staffing cuts on academic programs, program restructuring, and the transparency of budget reporting. We will continue to address these concerns as the academic year progresses. As the administration has emphasized, the upcoming accreditation conducted by the Higher Learning Commission is of paramount importance.

We look forward to a constructive year working with the Board, the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, and the Administration to create a better University of Toledo. The first meeting of the Academic Senate is on Tuesday August 30 in room 2592 Student Union. You are all invited to attend this and all meetings of the Senate.