SSU Campus Recreation

Student Merit Increase Criteria

Student Assistants are very important to and highly valued by Campus Rec. Without them, our programs would lack its most important purpose: student development. We ask a lot from our studentsin order to prepare them with essential and highly valuable transferable skills that will make them exemplary employees in whichever field they choose to work in after they graduate. In order to recognize these efforts, we want to reward those who meet or exceed our expectations with proper compensation. However, we also want to make sure that we develop these students for life after college. One way to do this is to teach them the importance of personal accountability and showing them that they still have to perform to or above expectations in order to be rewarded with a Merit Increase. It is in the best interest of the organization to uphold the value of a Merit Increase and in the best interest of the students to reward good performance and admonish subpar performance.

It is in the best interest of Campus Rec to outline a consistent policy that outlines what anemployee has to do to earn a merit increase. This rubric will give supervisors validation for either approving or denying a pay raise based on objective and impartial criteria. Since denying an employee a merit increase can be highly controversial, it is important to protect supervisors and the organization from accusations of prejudice and/or discrimination.

It is important to note that all pay raises are subject to approval by the Campus Rec Director or appropriate administrator. Merit Increases may be denied based on budgetary resources of Campus Rec.

The first level of criteria deals with the length of employment and the end of year evaluation. An employee must meet ALL of the following criteria to be eligible for a Merit Increase:


  • Must have been employed in their CURRENT POSITION for a minimum of 12 months from the Date of Hire to the date of the End of Year Evaluation.

End of Year Evaluation (Spring semester)

  • Receive a cumulative average of 2.0 or above in their evaluation for all applicable categories
  • Receive two or less “1” (Below Expectations) ratings on their evaluation

Once these criteria are met, the employee now must pass the second level of criteria to be eligible for a Merit Increase. Due to the varying natures of roles our employees perform, it is important to differentiate between those who supervise employees and those who do not.With that in mind, an employee must meet at least half of the applicable bullet points in at least four out of the five general categories (i.e. Customer Service/Professionalism, Attendance, etc.)to be eligible for a Merit Increase:

Employees who do not supervise employeesand/or volunteers need to consistently perform these functions to earn a merit increase:

Customer Service/Professionalism

  • Promptly and accurately answers any customer inquiries
  • Addresses customers politely and tactfully
  • Dresses and presents themselves in a professional manner
  • Is consistently visible to customers and in their appropriate work location


  • Shows up on time or before reported time
  • Informs supervisor with plenty of notice if something comes up
  • Rarely gives up a shift in a non-emergency situation


  • Informs supervisor and any other proper authority of anything out of the ordinary of day-to-day operations
  • Works with colleagues to efficiently and effectively perform their duties
  • Thoroughly and accurately fills out paperwork


  • Owns up to and corrects their own mistakes on their own volition
  • Informs supervisor of significant and/or recurring issues with colleagues or patrons/attendees/participants/spectators
  • Received at most one formal disciplinary citation during the academic year

Overall Attitude

  • Shows up to work with a positive disposition
  • Takes pride in their work and will strive to do the best job possible
  • Addresses supervisors in a polite and respectful manner
  • Willing to accept constructive criticism to become better employees and co-workers

Employees who SUPERVISE other employees and/or volunteers and consistently performs the following tasks is eligible to receive a merit increase:

Customer Service/Professionalism

  • Promptly and accurately answers any customer inquiries
  • Addresses customers politely and tactfully
  • Dresses and presents themselves in a professional manner
  • Is consistently visible to customers and in their appropriate work location


  • Shows up on time or before reported time
  • Informs supervisor with plenty of notice if something comes up
  • Rarely gives up a shift in a non-emergency situation


  • Informs supervisor and any other proper authority of anything out of the ordinary of day-to-day operations
  • Works with colleagues to efficiently and effectively perform their duties
  • Appropriately and professionally interacts with supervisors, colleagues, and customers while on the clock and/or in the immediate confines of the working area
  • Promptly informs supervisor of issues that take place that may affect daily operation, staff morale, program liability, and anything else deemed important
  • Thoroughly and accurately fills out paperwork


  • Owns up to and corrects their own mistakes
  • Performs and completes assigned duties to standard in a timely manner
  • Received at most oneformal disciplinary citation during the academic year
  • Addresses any corrections suggested by supervisor without recurring reminders or warnings

Overall Attitude

  • Shows up to work with a positive disposition
  • Takes pride in their work and will strive to do the best job possible
  • Addresses subordinates and supervisors in a polite and respectful manner