DeVry University

Course Project

BUSN278 Budgeting and Forecasting

Student Project Activity—Week 5

A.  Week 5: Section 5.1: Pro Forma Income Statement

Section 5.2: Pro Forma Balance Sheet

B.  TCOs Addressed

TCO 7: Given one or more proposed investment projects and their estimated cash inflows and outflows and qualitative factors, evaluate the investment(s) and recommend the feasibility of a project or the most attractive of several projects.

TCO 10: Given a description of a new business, new product, service or project develop, present and defend the budget

C.  Project Activity Overview—Scenario/Summary

Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop pro forma income statements and balance sheets for the new business.

D.  Deliverables:

Complete Section 5.1: Pro forma Income Statements and 5.2: Pro Forma Balance Sheets. Also, provide calculations in MS Excel template tab 5.0 in Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx

Add Sections 5.1 and 5.2 to the Budget Proposal Template.docx and save it as YourName_Project_WK5.docx. Also add Sections 5.1 and 5.2 to your Budget Proposal workbook.xls and save it as YourName_Worksheet_WK5.xlsx, and then upload both files to theWeek 5 ProjectDropbox.

E.  Project Tasks

Task 1: / Add Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the Budget Proposal Workbook.xls and the Budget Proposal Template.docx.
Task 2: / Save the Excel and Word documents and submit them to the Week 5 Project Dropbox.
F.  Grading Criteria
Description / Suggested Points
The pro forma income statement and balance sheet are properly constructed in contribution format. / 3
Other necessary supporting budgets are also present and all calculations are correct. / 3
The sources of figures in the pro forma income statement and balance sheet and assumptions are identified. / 4
Total Points / 10 points

End of Week 5

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