Technology Overview
Technology Type:
Chemical Treatment - Oxidation/Reduction
Trade Name and/or Model Number assigned by vendor:
High Energy Electron Beam Irradiation
Technology Scale: Indicates the operational status of the technology.
Full Scale - Available equipment is sized and commercially available for actual site remediation.
Vendor Services:
Equipment manufacturer
Subcontractor for characterization, monitoring, or measurement
Patent Information
Registered trademark
Vendor has exclusive license
Technology patented
Patent Pending
Verification Program Information

/ This technology is in the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program.
/ This technology is being tested, or has been tested, in EPA SITE Emerging Technology Program.
/ This technology is being tested, or has been tested, in EPA SITE Demonstration Program.

Description of Technology:
Describes the treatment process device or technology, including scientific principles on which the technology is based; key treatment steps; unique and inovative features; whether full-scale system is/will be batch, continuous, or semicontinuous; and whether the technology is above ground or in situ.

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The E-Beam treatment process can be used as a stand-alone treatment methodology or can be easily incorporated into a "treatment train". It can process liquid streams or streams containing suspended soils, sediments, or sludges.
HVEA's electron beam treatment systems utilize insulating core transformer (ICT) electron accelerators developed by High Voltage Engineering, Inc. The voltage and current generated by the ICT are transferred to an accelerator tube and tungsten wire filament, respectively. The electrons produced by the tungsten filament are then accelerated by means of a voltage differential (0.5-3.0 MeV). Upon exiting the accelerator tube, the electrons are deflected magnetically (scanned) so as to sweep a larger irradiation field. The scanned electrons are then "injected" into a continuously flowing stream/slurry, producing highly reactive species capable of destroying all toxic and/or hazardous organic compounds in aqueous solution.
Electron beam treatment of aqueous based hazardous waste has its foundation in aqueous radiation chemistry (radiolysis). The reactive free radicals formed during the electron beam process are the reducing aqueous electron and hydrogen atom, and the oxidizing hydroxyl radical. Reactions of these free radicals with the hazardous organic contaminants are diffusion controlled and the treatment is complete in less than one second. The organic contaminants are ultimately destroyed with the formation of carbon dioxide, water, and halide salts.

Technology Highlights:
Describes the key marketable features of the technology in terms of contaminants treated, performance, implementation, or cost. Includes the key marketable features of the technology, such as treatment niche and advantages over other technologies.

HVEA's electron beam treatment process is nonselective in the destruction of organic contaminants because both strongly reducing and oxidizing reactive (short-lived) species are formed at the same time and in approximately the same concentration in solution. Due to the nonselectivity of the process in destroying organic contaminants, the electron beam has the ability to decompose any organic chemical. We have sucessfully demonstrated its capability on destroying over 140 different organic contaminants, either as single solute solutions or in complex mixtures of organic contaminants. These compounds fall into the following general classes of contaminants: petroleum hydrocarbons, halogenated VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, explosives/propellants, pesticides/ herbicides, and chemical warfare agents. Examples of waste streams that are good candidates for HVEA's electron beam technology include landfill leachates, Superfund sites, contaminated ground water, surface water, drinking water, soil, sediments, sludges, and industrial wastewaters from chemical, petrochemical, agricultural, metal finishing, automobile, wood finishing, paint, and pulp and paper plants.
Advantages that the electron beam process has over other technologies include the following:
(1) Process is non-selective in the destruction of hazardous organic contaminants.
(2) Bacterial and viral inactivation.
(3) Color and odor control.
(4) TOC, BOD, and COD reduction.
(5) The process is pH independent.
(6) Process is not affected by suspended materials up to 5% w/w.
(7) Significant flexibility to handle changes in feed flow and composition.
(8) Produces no air emissions.
(9) No pre-treatment or post-treatment is required.
(10) No residual sludge is produced.
(11) Process can easily be integrated into existing facilities or be incorporated into "treatment trains".
Because of these advantages, the E-Beam process can also be used as a pre-treatment for biological remediation techniques. That is, at a moderate dose, the electron beam process can be used to convert (break apart) non-biodegradable contaminants (e.g., PCBs, carbon tetrachloride, etc.) into biodegradable fragments.

Technology Limitations:
Describes the technical limitations such as specific contaminants or contaminant combinations, temperature, moisture content, or chemical properties of the contaminant, that could adversely affect applicability or performance.

The E-Beam treatment process does not directly address heavy metals, although the treatment process has demonstrated the formation of an inorganic precipitate in waste streams containing heavy metal contamination. The process is limited to "pumpable" aqueous streams. The process is not an in situ treatment technique.

Other Comments:
Provides additional technology information, such as technology history, status, capabilities, experience, and applicable permits obtained (e.g., TSCA, RCRA). Also describes plans for future development of the technology, including diversification of media and/or contaminants treated.

HVEA was formed in 1989 by three college professors, after having completed seven years and over 3 million dollars worth of research. Since 1992 HVEA has been involved with the EPA Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program. As part of its involvement with the SITE program, HVEA demonstrated its E-Beam technology, using a trailer mounted E-Beam treatment system, at the DOE Savannah River Site in South Carolina. During this demonstration, HVEA treated over 70,000 gallons of ground water contaminated with a TCE and PCE plume of 30 mg/L and 17 mg/L, respectively.
As a result of HVEA's success with the E-Beam process, the mobile treatment system has been shipped the Europe on three separate occasions, where it has successfully conducted treatment for several government and industrial clients.
In addition to HVEA's mobile treatment unit, it operates and maintains a full scale permanent facility located at the Miami-Dade Virginia Key (Central District) Wastewater Treatment, Miami, Florida; the only facility of its kind located at a wastewater treatment plant.
Over the past six years, numerous studies have been conducted for several clients at bench, pilot, and full scale using either a radioactive cobalt source, the mobile unit, or permanent facility, respectively. These studies, conducted either in the U.S or Europe, have demonstrated the effectiveness of the E-Beam process on BTEX, chlorinated solvents, chemical warfare agents, PCBs, energetics/ propellants, pesticides, and complex mixtures containing up to 1 percent LNAPLs and DNAPLs.

Actual - have been treated by this technology.
Potential - may be applied in the future.

Actual / Potential
/ / Soil (ex situ)
/ / Sludge (does not include municipal sewage sludge)
/ / Saturated sediment (ex situ)
/ / Off-gas generated from a primary innovative treatment technology

Contaminant Groups treated:
Actual - have been treated by this technology.
Potential - may be applied in the future. If this technology is materials handling/physical separation, delivery/extraction, or is an equipment vendor, this question may not apply.

Actual / Potential /
/ / Halogenated volatiles
/ / Halogenated semivolatiles
/ / Nonhalogenated volatiles
/ / Nonhalogenated semivolatiles
/ / Organic pesticides/herbicides
/ / Dioxins/furans
/ / PCBs
/ / Solvents
/ / Acetonitrile (organic cyanide)
/ / Inorganic cyanides
/ / Explosives/propellants
/ / Organometallic pesticides/herbicides
/ / Organic Acids

Waste source or site types of sites treated:
Actual - have been treated by this technology.
Potential - may be applied in the future.

Actual / Potential /
/ / Agriculture Applications
/ / Chlor-alkali Manufacturing
/ / Coal Gasification
/ / Dry Cleaners
/ / Gasoline Service Station/Petroleum Storage Facility
/ / Herbicide Manufacturing/Use
/ / Industrial Landfills
/ / Inorganic/Organic Pigments
/ / Machine Shops
/ / Municipal Landfills
/ / Munitions Manufacturing/Storage
/ / Paint/Ink Formulation/Use
/ / Pesticide Manufacturing/Use/Storage
/ / Petroleum Refining and Reuse
/ / Photographic Products
/ / Plastics Manufacturing
/ / Pulp and Paper Industry
/ / Other Organic Chemical Manufacturing/Use
/ / Semiconductor Manufacturing
/ / Rubber Manufacturing
/ / Wood Preserving
/ / Aboveground Storage Tank

Full Scale Equipment/Capabilities:
Full-Scale Facility is: Transportable Fixed In situ
Fixed facility location: Information not available.

Number of Full-Scale Systems:
Number planned/in design: / 3 / Projected completion (MM/DD/YY): / Not Provided
Number under construction: / 1 / Projected completion (MM/DD/YY): / Not Provided
Number constructed: / 1

Capacity Range:
5 to 5000 gallons/minute (units)
Number of full-scale cleanups conducted by using this technology. Only applications of this technology that were applied at petroleum/hazardous waste sites are considered.
vendor initiated or completed - as a subcontractor or prime contractor: 0
equipment manufacturer - other firms using this technology: 0
Full Scale - Major Unit Process:

HVEA's E-Beam facilities are designed as flow through treatment systems. Therefore, if the contaminated matrix to be treated is pumpable, no preprocessing is necessary. The contaminant matrix is presented to the electron beam by means of an influent pump and proprietary delivery system(s). The presentation system can either be closed or open depending on the nature of the contaminant.
Major components or requirements of an E-Beam treatment facility include:
(1) ICT transformer.
(2) Radiation shielded vault housing the E-Beam scanner assembly and water distribution system.
(3) Appropriately scaled influent and effluent pumps.
(4) Discharge area.
(5) The E-Beam equipment is powered by 3-phase 460 V power.
No post-treatment is necessary.

Price Factors:
Estimated Price Range.
A "ballpark" estimate per unit of waste treated. Includes waste preprocessing and excludes excavation, permitting, and disposal of residues.
$ 0 to $ 0.3 per gallon (units)
Factors Affecting Unit Price.
Following is a ranking of items that will have a significant effect on the unit price. If the technology is in situ, excavation and waste handling did not affect price. (1 = highest)

Rank / Factor
1 / Initial concentration of contaminant
2 / Target concentration of contaminant
3 / Site preparation
4 / Amount of debris with waste
5 / Characteristics of soil (classification, permeability)
6 / Moisture content of soil
7 / Utility/fuel rates

Full-Scale Cleanups
Number of full-scale cleanups using this technology which has been initiated or completed. 0
Number of full-scale cleanups by other firms using this technology. 0
Pilot Scale Equipment/Capabilities:
Pilot-Scale Facility is: Transportable Fixed In situ
Fixed facility location: ,

Number of Pilot-Scale Systems
Number planned/in design / 4 / Projected completion (MM/DD/YY)
Number constructed / 1

Number of times this technology has been used at the vendor facility or at other locations to conduct pilot-scale studies on actual wastes. Multiple studies pertaining to the same site has been counted only once, regardless of the number of different wastes or tests. Tests on surrogate wastes are not included.
Pilot-scale treatability studies on some types of waste can be conducted :
At vendor location At a contaminated site
Prorated capacity of batch processes.
5 to 50 gallons/minute (units) Not Applicable
Quantity of Waste Needed for Pilot-Scale Treatability Study. Estimated range of quantity of waste needed to test, at the pilot scale, the feasibility of this technology on a specific waste.
300 to 500 gallons/batch (units)
Pilot Scale - Major Unit Process:

Same description as a full-scale treatment system.

Bench Scale Equipment/Capabilities:
Bench-scale treatability studies can be conducted on some types of waste at the vendor location.
Estimated total number of bench-scale studies conducted on actual waste from different sources or sites. Multiple studies pertaining to the same site counted only once, regardless of the number of different wastes or tests. Did not count tests on surrogate wastes. 35
Bench Scale - Major Unit Process:

Bench-scale testing of the electron beam process involves the use of a radioactive cobalt-60 source. Greater that 20 years of research has demonstrated the reduction of chemical and microbial contaminants from aqueous solutions.
Gamma rays eminating from the cobalt-60 produce a decomposition of water similar to the electron accelerators employed by HVEA, resulting in the formation of aqueous electron, hydrogen atom, and hydroxyl radical.
The cobalt-60 reactor used for bench scale studies is a 5000 Ci gamma source located at the University of Miami Radiation Control Center. Aqueous solutions, of the hazardous waste to be treated, are transferred to several 47 mL teflon-lined screw cap glass vials. The samples are then placed at a series of predetermined distances from the cobalt source and irradiatiated for a predetermined time. By placing the vial at different distances from the cobalt source, each vial receives a different dose rate and thus a different dose. Each vial then undergoes analytical measurements specific to the contaminant(s) of interest. The analytical data is then used to develop radiation dose vs. destruction profiles, which is then used to estimate a full-scale application profile.

Literature and Technical References:
Kurucz, C.N., et. al.
Disinfection of Wastewaters: High Energy Electron vs Gamma Irradiation
Water Research, 27:1177-1184
Date: 1993

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Electron Beam Technology, High Voltage Environmental Applications, Inc.
DOE Savannah River - EPA SITE Field Demonstration (in print)
NTIS/Document Number(s):

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Emerging Technology Bulletin - Electron Beam Treatment for Removal of
Date: 10/92
NTIS/Document Number(s):

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Emerging Technology Bulletin - Electron Beam Treatment for the Removal
Date: 04/93
NTIS/Document Number(s):