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Pergunta nº: 588 /Question nº: 588

Título: /Title: E. nitens and E.dunnii.

Por: / By: David Hillman


Questão: /Question:

Dear Celso: greetings from warm/sunny Erie, PA where all the birds are
singing and flowers blooming. It's almost as nice as Porto Alegre!
I have a question: The Gunns' organization in Tasmania has been
plantation planting E. nitens for more than 25 years. Up until now
they've been chipping all the logs and sending the chips to Japan,
Taiwan, Korea etc. E. nitens was selected because of its resistance to
cooler weather/cold nights. Chile also used E. nitens for their plantations up on the hillsides where the cooler temperatures would hinder the growth of E. globulus. But.....along comes Uruguay and for their cooler areas selected E. dunnii. Why? with so much experience available to them from Tasmania and Chile why did they select a different specie? I hope you agree that this might make a good mini-topic for the next On-Line Newsletter.My sincere best regards from your good friend Dave Hillman.


Resposta por Celso Foelkel: / Answer by Celso Foelkel:

Dear Dave, thanks for your usual comments, however what I know is that ALL trials with E. nitens plantations in Brazil and Uruguay, and also probably Argentina, were not successful at all. Most of the plants have died, probably for a lack of adaptation problem. The species have not succeed after the Andes crossing. It is my understanding that E. nitens is being used in hybridization programs in Brazil with other frost and cold resistant Eucalyptus. By the way, E. dunnii is even better than E. nitens with regard to some pulping and papermaking characteristics, did you know that? Don’t worry about this E.dunnii species, it is pretty good too.

Best regards



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