Minutes of a Meeting of Buckingham Park Parish Council held at 8pm on

Tuesday7th June, 2016 in the Buckingham Park Community Centre

Present: Cllrs Christensen (Chairman), Whitlock, Looker, Agoro, Jones

Mr K Gray (clerk to the Council)

2 ResidentsCllr Mrs N Glover (BCC)

  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairmanor Clerk

RESOLVED: To receive and accept apologies for absence from Cllr Poth (prior commitment), Cllr Berry (work commitment) and Cllr Brett (work commitment).

  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest

To receive and agree any Dispensations

  • No declarations or dispensation requests made.
  1. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 3/5/16

RESOLVED:To accept and sign the minutes of 3/5/16 as a true record.

  1. Clerk’s Report

To receive a report/update from the Clerk on matters not on the agenda

  • MVAS units to be installed by BCC as per agreement with BPPC.

RESOLVED: Chairman to suspend Standing Orders (adjourn meeting) to enable questions from the public and any reportsfrom councillors.


  1. Questions from the Public & Reports. To receive any reports from Parish, County and District Councillors.
  • Resident raised concerns about house insurance and the flood risks mentioned by insurance companies. Clarification was given on this point/concern.
  • Cllr Christensen reported that work continues on the “snagging list” by the BCC and Developers. He also reported that he had met two officers from BCC regarding traffic matters which included the traffic lights.
  • Cllr Mrs Netta Glover (BCC)

Do you fancy trying something new and getting a little more active?

Active Bucks: Activities are open to everyone; whether you’re young or old, male or female, fit or unfit. All activities are aimed at beginners, so don’t count yourself out if you currently do little or no activity. In fact, you’re the sort of person we really want to join in! Simply register to get your first session free. Register at Here are some details to whet your appetite:

142 Active Bucks activity programmes have been commissioned which each run for 6 months. These programmes will deliver 3408 Active Bucks activity sessions

Activities started in May 2016. The Active Bucks promotional campaign launched on 6th June, offering a free first activity session, using the campaign website to link people with the ideal activity for them, from over 1500 activities across Bucks, including Active Bucks activities. 20 Community champions (volunteers) have been recruited to support the sustainability of the project. Recruitment will continue throughout the project.Activities will cost £2 per session for residents, with the exception of Simply Walks which is free of charge. Activities are laid on several locations near to Buckingham Park with the nearest one actually at the community centre. This is a walk, jog and run session held on Wednesdays from 7.00pm till 7.45pm.Full details will be available at the next Local Area Forum but I thought you might like advance notice.

Fire Authority: I attended a session there this morning. Lot of interesting things going on that one would not expect from the Fire Authority. The authority has been concentrating on prevention matters for some time now branching into all sorts of areas. One of the areas you might be interested in the Firesetter Intervention scheme. This is aimed at children and young people who are at that stage where they are fascinated by fire. If anyone would like full details, please email Angie Daly is the officer running the scheme.

Another useful service is to show people how to avoid falls in the home. They have produced a booklet with a checklist to ascertain whether a person is at risk which I will leave with you. There are a series of very easy exercises designed to help people maintain their balance and mobility New academy launched for social workers:

A Major initiative to attract new social workers is being launched in Bucks in an effort to secure jobs for local people and cut the costs of employing agency staff to cover vital roles.The Social Work Academy, a high-quality centre of excellence for the training of social workers in the county, will be unveiled on the 16thJunein Aylesbury with the aim of addressing a serious skills shortage. The academy is a partnership between Buckinghamshire County Council, Buckinghamshire New University and Aylesbury College and will offer a variety of entry routes for training social workers. As well as increasing recruitment into social work, the academy aims to develop the skills of current social workers; promote research into best practice and improve staff retention rates.

Apprenticeships: People aged 16 to 60 can be an apprentice at BCC. People tend to think of apprenticeships being for young people coming in at entry level but opportunities are also available for unqualified staff looking for career progression. “It’s in our interests for Buckinghamshire County Council to offer more apprenticeships, as a way of recovering some of the money we are required to pay into the Government’s new national levy. For every apprenticewe hire, we can apply to reclaim some of this money to fund their training.” The Council is keen to grow its own staff as well as to offer more apprenticeships this year compared to last year, and is working towards a target of 63 people working towards an apprenticeship qualification, in combination with Buckinghamshire Adult Learning.

  • Cllr Jones reported on a discussion she has had with the representative of the local Neighbourhood Watch. She also raised matters relating to traffic and parking issues of concern across BP and suggested that a survey could be done in line with the Parking Strategy being undertaken by the parish council.

Cllr Agoro arrived at 8.30pm

RESOLVED: Chairman to reconvene meeting the meeting under Standing Orders

  1. Parking Strategy

To receive an update on the work related to the parking strategy and other plans.

Discussion took place on the work relating to the strategy and it was agreed that some information would be obtained/captured at the annual fair.

RESOLVED: That Cllr Christensen be delegated to purchase “20mph is Plenty” stickers to put on refuse bins at an approx. cost of £500.

  1. Developer Updates

To receive any updates from the Developers regarding adoption or maintenance

Agreement has been made with AVDC for the parish council to have transferred to its ownership of all open spaces on BP.

  1. Finances and Orders for Payment

RESOLVED: To agree and authorise the following orders and retrospective orders forpayment:

  • BMKALKAnnual Subscription£276.93
  • Alan LambournInternal Audit£37.53

RESOLVED: To receive and agree the Councils Financial statements, income/expenditure report presented by the Finance Officer/Clerk.

  1. Planning Applications

To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning

Applications. To consider late applications presented by the Clerk.

All applications are sent to councillors electronically and cllrs should look at the AVDC website for details of all applications prior to decision at parish council meeting.

  • 16/01322/APP21 Leys Close, BP

Erection of a rear conservatory (retrospective)

RESOLVED: No Objection

  • 16/01422/APP287 Prince Rupert Drive, BP

Single storey side extension

RESOLVED: No Objection but the materials used should match the main building and overall look.

There being no further business of the Council, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9pm

Signed: ______Date: ______