A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Airport Drive, Missouri was held May 26, 2016 at the Village Municipal Building.

Chairman James Paul called the Board of Trustees to order at 7:03 p.m. Members present were Terry Myers, David Bozung, and Reed Thompson. Village Clerk Sue Hirshey was present to take the minutes. Village Attorney Chuck Brown, Village Engineer Jerald Norton, Deputy Clerk Marilyn Thomas, and Deputy Paul Soole were also present. Trustee Mark Rains was absent. All present gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Attorney Brown gave the invocation.


Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting held on April 28, 2016 having been previously provided to the Board of Trustees, were discussed. Trustee Myers motioned to approve the minutes previously provided. Trustee Bozung seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Clerk Hirshey presented the Treasurers Report: Board was provided Balance Sheet by Fund, Cash Receipts Control Report, Combined Check Register, Accounts Payable Control Report, Payroll Calculation Report, Current Statement of Revenues and Expenses, Recap of Sales Tax Year to Date, Open Building Permits in Process, Open Variance/Zoning Deposits, and Carl Junction Sewer Costs Worksheet. Trustee Myers motioned to approve the Treasurer’s report and to pay the bills. Trustee Bozung seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Christa Tullis and John Tullis appeared to request re-zoning the property at 3817 N. Main Street from R-3 to C-2 to operate a motel. The eight structures on the property were previously rented as apartments, and had been completely remodeled, exterior and interior. Christa Tullis planned to use the office building to serve smoothies, coffee, salads and fresh foods to guests and the public. The concept of the business would be health and wellness. Rooms in the building containing four units measured 10 x 10’, the six stand-alone rooms were 13 x 13’, all units contain bathrooms, refrigerators, microwaves and TVs. Attorney Brown shared history of the property and that the Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of zoning C-2. Norman Rush, owner of the property at 3795 N Main Street Road had no objections to zoning C-2. John Tullis reported he was working to complete the improvements, adding patios in the back of the units, paving the lot, and completing the inspections for sewer taps, final building and final electrical.

Jai Cupp was listed on the Agenda to appear before the Board, but didn’t attend.


A council bill to approve a Zoning change from District R-3, Multi-family Residential to District C-2, General Commercial, for property located at 3817 North Main Street was discussed. Trustee Myers motioned to have the first reading of Council Bill 06-16 by title only. Trustee Thompson seconded the motion. Paul; yea, Myers; yea, Bozung; yea, Thompson; yea. Attorney Brown read Council Bill 06-16 by title only. Trustee Myers motioned to approve the first reading of Council Bill 06-16 by title only and have the second reading of Council Bill 06-16 by title only. Trustee Bozung seconded the motion. Paul; yea, Myers; yea, Bozung; yea, Thompson; yea. Attorney Brown read Council Bill 06-16 by title only. Trustee Myers motioned to approve the second and final reading of Council Bill 06-16 by title only and adopt Ordinance 06-16. Trustee Bozung seconded the motion. Paul; yea, Myers; yea, Bozung; yea, Thompson; yea. Ordinance 06-16 was adopted.


John Tullis requested clarification from the Trustees regarding a project Home Pro was planning at 25284 Leffen Lane. Property owner Jerry Rockers had hired Home Pro to build a fence, add a sunroom to the house and build a 30’ x 40’ garage south of the house. Mr. Tullis stated the fence would be chain link, the garage would be all metal material for the roof and siding. Due to the possibility of blocking the view of drivers on Tabor Main, Attorney Brown requested the final plans be submitted to him and Engineer Norton to review.

Mr. Tullis informed the Trustees Home Pro was installing Solar Panels for residential and commercial customers; and offered to prepare a usage report for the Municipal Building.

The request for a Tasting Permit Liquor License for Kum & Go #461 wasn’t approved, due to residents’ concern for serving alcohol and lack of representation from Kum & Go.

The Clerks presented quotes to the Trustees for flooring replacement, new windows and insulation for the attic in the Municipal Building. The Trustees requested more time the review the window and flooring quotes. The insulation quotes were: Seward’s - 12” blown fiberglass for $1,100.00; Lowe’s - R-19 $2187.00, R-38 $3774.00, R-49 $4760.00; Bolivar - R-30 fiberglass $1179.00; Home Pro - R-38 cellulose $1547.00. Trustee Thompson motioned to accept Home Pro’s quote of $1547.00 for R-38 cellulose insulation. Trustee Myers seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The Trustees will consider the flooring and window quotes next month.


The Board discussed Engineer Norton’s Bids for three projects. Section Three: Manhole frame and cover replacement on White Oak Drive and South Main Street, bid price $1821.00. Section Four: Pavement repair in Fountain Estates, bid price $3510.00. Section Five: Storm Drain Inlets in Fountain Estates, $1245.00, all three projects together totaled $6576.00. Trustee Thompson hadn’t noticed any pavement in need of repair in Fountain Estates, he wanted to inspect the area before approving project. Marvin Heckart stated, in regards to Section Five, he had reset the covers on the inlets and replaced the bars already and felt his repairs were safe. Trustee Myers motioned to approve project Section Three at a cost of $1821.00, delay Section Four and not act on Section Five. Trustee Thompson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Jim Paul and David Bozung signed the Certificate of Deposit Receipts for the five $200,000.00 CDs at Hometown Bank. Sgt. Roughton delivered the documents to Hometown Bank in Carthage on May 18, 2016.

Next Generation Plumbing cleared the sink drains, repaired the faucet in the kitchen, and adjusted the temperature on the water heater to a little hotter.

Spring Clean Up was May 7th. No problems reported by residents.

The fence behind El Charro Restaurant was not in good condition according to the neighbor on the west side of the property. Sgt. Roughton had spoken with Jamie from El Charro, he didn’t believe the fence was on his property or his responsibility. Attorney Brown will send a letter to the property owner for El Charro.

Five properties were habitually not maintained and/or mowed. Certified letters were mailing giving 10 days to remedy or respond, after no correction or response, Marvin Heckart or the Village lawn service would brush hog or mow. The Clerks asked if anything could be addressed in the Code to try to prevent this, Attorney Brown advised against any action.

Fancy Flamingo was having issues with Joplin Habitat Restore customers using their restrooms.

The Laclede Group, Missouri Gas Energy, had changed their name to Spire Inc.

The list of cleaning duties for the Municipal Building was discussed. The Trustees advised the Clerk to create a checklist and review the list with Aaron Surgi.

Clerk Hirshey requested three vacation days in June, to be determined by the arrival of granddaughter. Trustee Bozung motioned to approve the requested days. Trustee Myers seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

The Chairman Signature was needed on documents in the Green Folder. All Trustees were asked to sign the signature card for CBT Deposit Box.

Items in Gray Folder included items for information and possible discussion.

Trustee Bozung asked Clerk Hirshey to send a letter to Jasper County Public Water #1 regarding painting the fire hydrants in Tabor Woods.

Trustees Paul and Myers and Engineer Norton met with Steve Lawver, City Administrator for Carl Junction at 10:00 a.m. The pending sewer contract was discussed. Although the excess flow surcharge would increase from $.27 to $1.00 per 1000 gallons, the average daily flow rate would increase from 150,000 per day to 190,000 per day and the instantaneous peak rate from 270,000 gallons per date to 400,000 per day. Sewer line maintain topics were also discussed.

Attorney Brown commented on the semi-trucks and trailers parked in the yard at 6465 N Main Street Road. Mr. Daye would be contacted after the meeting.

After discussing inspections and fees for Building Permits, the Board instructed Clerk Hirshey to contact the City of Carl Junction to ask if they would be interested in performing the building inspections for Airport Drive.


The Office would be closed Monday, May 30, 2016 for Memorial Day.

MODOT Meeting at the old Joplin Terminal, Thursday, June 16th at 1:00 pm.

Board of Trustee Work Session and Regular Meetings, June 23, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. respectively.


Trustee Bozung motioned to adjourn meeting. Trustee Myers seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue Hirshey

Village Clerk

May 31, 2016