The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

January / #ovnovar

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
1 The 8th Day of Nativity / The Circumcision & Naming of our Lord / 2 The 9th Day of Nativity / 3 The 10th Day of Nativity / 4 The 11th Day of Nativity / 5 The 12th Day of Nativity & Eve of the Theophany / 6 The Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ / 7 The Second Day of Theophany / Remembrance of the Dead
8 The Third Day of Theophany / 9 The Fourth Day of Theophany / 10 The Fifth Day of Theophany / 11 The Sixth Day of Theophany / 12 The Seventh Day of Theophany / 13 The Eighth Day of Theophany / 14 Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
15 1st Sunday after the Octave of Theophany / 16 Sts. Peter the Patriarch, Blaise the Bishop, Absalom the Deacon / 17 +Sts. Anthony, Triphon, Barsauma and Onouphrius the Hermits / 18 Fast / 19 Sts. Theodosius and the Children of Ephesus / 20 Fast / 21 +Sts. Athanasius, +Cyril ofAlexandria
Holy Fathers
22 2nd Sunday after the Octave of Theophany / 23 Sts. Kyriakos and his mother Julita and the Martyrs Gordius, Polyeuctus and Grigoris / 24 St. Vahan of Goghten; Eugenia & her parents Philip & Claudia & brothers Sergius & Apito & the two Eunics. / 25 Fast / 26 Sts. Eugenius, Marcarius, Valerius, Candiditus and Aquila / 27 Fast / 28 St. Gregory the Theologian
29 3rd Sunday after the Octave of Theophany / Paregentan of the Fast of Catechumens / 30 1st Day Fast / 31 2nd Day Fast

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar

+ = Special Feast of our Brotherhood (L= Latin Calendar)
The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

February / Pydrovar

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
1 3rd Day Fast / 2 4th Day Fast / *The Presentation of Christ to the Temple on the Fortieth Day / 3 5th Day Fast. Remembrance of the Prophet Jonah / 4 Sts Sarkis Captain, his son Mardiros & 14 Soldiers
+Veronica (L)
5 Sunday of the Catechumens / 4th Sunday after Octave of Theophany / 6 Saints Adom and his Soldiers / 7 The Sookiasian Martyrs / 8 Fast / 9 The Holy Voskian Priests / 10 Fast / 11 Saint Isaac [Sahag] Bartev our Patriarch
12 5th Sunday after the Octave of Theophany / 13 Saints Mark the Bishop, Plonius the Priest, Cyril & Benjamin -Deacons, & Martyrs Abdelsmeh, Ormisdan and Sayen / 14 The Holy +Leontine [Ghevontian] Priests
+Valentine (L) / 15 Fast / 16 Saints Vartan our Commander and his 1036 Martyrs of the Great Battle of Avarayr / 17 Fast / 18 The 150
Holy Fathers of the Ecumenical Council of Constantinople
19 Great Day of Good-living
[Poon Paregentan] / 20
1st Day of the
Great Fast / 21
2nd Day of the
Great Fast / 22
3rd Day of the
Great Fast / 23
4th Day of the
Great Fast / 24
5th Day of the
Great Fast / 25 6th Day of the Great Fast /
St. Theodore the Captain
26 Sunday of the Expulsion /
2nd Sunday of the Great Fast. / 27
8th Day of the
Great Fast / 28
9th Day of the
Great Fast / 29
10th Day of the Great Fast

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar

+ = Special Feast of our Brotherhood (L= Latin Calendar)
The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

March / Mard

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
11th Day of the Great Fast / 2
12th Day of the Great Fast / 3 13th Day of Fast St. Cyril Patriarch of Jerusalem & the other Cyril [Judas Cyriacus] and his mother, Anna
4 Sunday of the Prodigal Son /
3rd Sunday of the Great Fast / 5
15th Day of the Great Fast / 6
16th Day of the Great Fast / 7
17th Day of the Great Fast / 8
18th Day of the Great Fast / 9
19th Day of the Great Fast / 10 20th Day of Fast St. John, Patriarch of Jerusalem and our Holy Father John of Otsun, and Doctors, John of Orodni and Gregory of Datev
11 Sunday of the Steward /
4th Sunday of the Great Fast / 12
22nd Day of the Great Fast / 13
23rd Day of the Great Fast / 14
24th Day of the Great Fast / 15
25th Day of the Great Fast / 16
26th Day of the Great Fast / 17 27th Day of Fast The Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebastia
18 Sunday of the Judge / 5th Sunday of the Great Fast / 19
29th Day of the Great Fast / 20
30th Day of the Great Fast / 21
31st Day of the Great Fast / 22
32nd Day of the Great Fast / 23
33rd Day of the Great Fast / 24 34th Day of Fast Feast of St. Gregory the Enlightener’s Extreme Passion & Descent in Virab Pit
25 Sunday of Advent / 6th Sunday of the Great Fast /
*Feast of the Annunciation of the Holy Theotokos / 26
36h Day of the Great Fast / 27
37th Day of the Great Fast / 28
38th Day of the Great Fast / 29
39th Day of the Great Fast / 30
40th Day of Fast / 31 +Remembrance of the Raising of Lazarus /
Der-Ghazarian Patronal Feast

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar+ = Special Feast of our Brotherhood (L= Latin Calendar)
The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

April / Abril

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
1 Palm / +Flowerly [Dzagh-gazart] Sunday
Great Week
[Avak Shapat] / 2 Great Monday
The Parable of the
Fig Tree / 3 Great Tuesday The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins / 4 Great Wednesday Our Lord’s Annointing by Mary Magdalen and His Betrayal by Judas Iscariot / 5 Great Thursday Rememberance of the Last Supper of Our Lord Jesus Christ / 6 Great Friday
The Passion, Crucifixion and Burial of Our Lord Jesus Christ / 7 Great Saturday
Lucernarium [Jrakalooyts] of Holy Pascha
[Soorp Zadeeg]
8 Holy Pascha
[Soorp Zadeeg]
The Glorius Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ / 9 2nd Day of Pascha
Remembrance of the Dead
(Non-fasting until Feast of Our Lord’s Ascension) / 10
3rd Day of Pascha / 11
4th Day of Pascha / 12
5th Day of Pascha / 13
6th Day of Pascha / 14
7th Day of Pascha
15 8th Day Octave of Holy Pascha
New Sunday / 16
9th Day
of Pascha-tide / 17
10th Day
of Pascha-tide / 18
11th Day
of Pascha-tide / 19
12th Day
of Pascha-tide / 20
13th Day
of Pascha-tide / 21
14th Day
of Pascha-tide
22 3rd Sunday of Pascha-tide. Sunday of the World Church [Green Sunday] / 23
16th Day
of Pascha-tide / 24 17th Day of Pascha-tide / 97th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide / 25
18th Day
of Pascha-tide / 26
19th Day
of Pascha-tide / 27
20th Day
of Pascha-tide / 28
21st Day
of Pascha-tide
29 4th Sunday of Pascha-tide
[Red Sunday] / 30
23rd Day
of Pascha-tide

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar

+ = Special Feast of our Brotherhood (L= Latin Calendar)
The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

May / Ma3is

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
24th Day of
Pascha-tide / 2
25th Day
of Pascha-tide / 3
26th Day
of Pascha-tide / 4
27th Day
of Pascha-tide / 5
28th Day
of Pascha-tide
6 5th Sunday of Pascha-tide / Apparition of the Holy Cross / 7
30th Day
of Pascha-tide / 8
31st Day of
Pascha-tide / 9
32nd Day of
Pascha-tide / 10
33rd Day of
Pascha-tide / 11
34th Day of
Pascha-tide / 12
35th Day of
13 6th Sunday of Pascha-tide / 14
37th Day of
Pascha-tide / 15
38th Day of
Pascha-tide / 16
39th Day of
Pascha-tide / 17 40th Day of Pascha-tide. Feast of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ / 18
41st Day of Pascha-tide (Resume Fasting) / 19
42nd Day of
20 7th Sunday of Pascha-tide / Second Palm Sunday / 21
44th Day of
Pascha-tide / 22
45th Day of
Pascha-tide / 23
46th Day of
Pascha-tide / 24
47th Day of
Pascha-tide / 25
48th Day of
Pascha-tide / 26
49th Day of
27 Pentecost Sunday The Advent of the Holy Spirit / 50th Day of Pascha-tide / Paregentan of the Fast of the Prophet Elijah (Elias) / 28 2nd Day of Pentecost. Fast. / 29 3rd Day of Pentecost. Fast. / 30 4th Day of Pentecost. Fast. / 31 5th Day of Pentecost. Fast
+St. Elizabeth
Mother of John the Baptist (L)

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar

+ = Special Feast of our Brotherhood (L= Latin Calendar)
The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

June / #ovnis

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
1 6th Day of Pentecost. Fast. / 2 7th Day of Pentecost. No Fast.
3 1st Sunday after Pentecost / Feast of the Prophet Elijah (Elias) / 4 Saint Hripsimeh and her Virgin Companions / 5 Saint Gayane
and her Virgin Companions / 6 Fast / 7 Feast of Saints John the Forerunner and Athenogenes the Bishop / 8 Fast / 9 Feast of Saint Gregory the Enlightener’s Emergence from
the Pit of Virab
10 2nd Sunday after Pentecost / Feast of Catholical Church of Holy Etchmiadzin / 11 The Holy Innocents of Bethlehem, Acacius the Martyr, Mucias the Priest and Codratus the Soldier / 12 Holy Virgins Nuneh (Nina) and Maneh / 13 Fast / 14 The Holy Princes, Isaac and Joseph and Martyrs, Sarkis and Bacchus
+Valerius (L) / 15 Fast / 16 Saints Nerses the Great, our Patriarch and
Khat the Bishop
*Ignatius Maloyan
17 3rd Sunday after Pentecost / Paregentan of the Fast of St. Gregory the Enlightener / 18 Saint Epiphanius Bishop of Cyprus, Babylas Patriarch, and his three disciples. Fast / 19 St. Constantine the Emperor and his mother Helena. Fast / 20 Fast / 21 Saint Theodotus of Galatia, Thalelaeus the Physician, and the Seven Virgins who were martyred at Ancrya. Fast. / 22 Fast / 23 Feast of the Discovery of the Relics of St. Gregory the Enlightener.
24 4th Sunday after Pentecost / 25 Saints Antonius, Theophilus, Anectus, and Photinus, martyrs
+Wm. Vercelli (L) / 26 Feast of Sts. Daniel the Prophet and the 3 Youths Sedrach, Meshach and Abednago / 27 Fast / 28 Holy Translators +Sahag & +Mesrob / 29 Fast / 30 Saints Tiridates the King and his wife +Ashken and Khosrovitookhd

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar

+ = Special Feast of our Brotherhood (L= Latin Calendar)
The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

July / #ovlis

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
1 5th Sunday after Pentecost / Feast of the Discovery of the Jewel Box of the Theotokos / 2 Saints Callistratus and the Fourty-nine Martyrs, and Lucian the Priest / 3 Feast of Saint Zechariah the Prophet / 4 Fast / 5 Saint Elisha (Eliseus) the Prophet / 6 Fast / 7 Feast of the Twelve Apostles of Christ, and Saint Paul the Thirteenth Apostle
8 6th Sunday after Pentecost / Paregentan of the Fast of the Transfiguration / 9
1st Day of the
Fast of the Transfiguration / 10
2nd Day of the
Fast of the Transfiguration / 11
3rd Day of the
Fast of the Transfiguration / 12
4th Day of the
Fast of the Transfiguration / 13
5th Day of the
Fast of the Transfiguration / 14 Commemoration of the Old Ark of the Covenant and the Feast of the New Holy Church
15 Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ [Vartavar] (Non-fasting is 3 weeks) / 16 2nd Day of Transfiguration /
Remembrance of the Dead / 17 3rd Day of Transfiguration / 18 Fast / 19 Feast of Saint +Isaiah the Prophet / 20 Fast / 21 Saints Thaddeus and +Santookhd the Virgin.
22 2nd Sunday after Transfiguration / 23 Saints Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, and the 45 Martyrs, and the Virgins Justinia, Euphemia and Christina / 24 Saints Athenogenes the Bishop and the Ten Disciples and Five Martyrs / 25 Fast / 26 Holy Patriarchs Adam, Abel, Seth, Enos, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedech, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, +Esther / 27 Fast / 28 Saints Aristakes, Vrtanes, Housik, Gregoris and Daniel Sons and Grandsons of Gregory our Enlightner
29 3rd Sunday after Transfiguration. / 30 Holy Maccabees: Eleazar the Priest, and Solomonia and her Seven Sons / 31 The Twelve Minor Prophets: Hosea, Amos, Micah, Joel, Obadiah, Jonah --> / Nahum, Habakkuk,
Zaphaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachia

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar+ = Special Feast of our Brotherhood (L= Latin Calendar)
The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

August / Ocosdos

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
1 Fast / 2 Saint Sophia and her Three Daughters Pistis, Elpis and Agape / 3 Fast / 4 The 200
Holy Fathers of the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus
5 Paregentan of the Fast of Dormition / 6
1st Day of the Fast of the Theotokos / 7
2nd Day of the Fast of the Theotokos / 8
3rd Day of the Fast of the Theotokos / 9
4th Day of the Fast of the Theotokos / 10
5th Day of the Fast of the Theotokos / 11 The Splendorous Apparition of Holy Etchmiadzin:
+St. Gregory the Enlightener’s Vision
12 The Dormition & Assumption of the +Holy Theotokos
(Non-fasting is 3 weeks) / 13
2nd Day of the Dormition / Remembrance of the Dead / 14
3rd Day of the Dormition / 15
4th Day of the Dormition / 16
5th Day of the Dormition / 17
6th Day of the Dormition / 18
7th Day of the Dormition
2nd Sunday after the Dormition / 8th Day of the Dormition / 20
9th Day of the Dormition / 21 Feast of Joachim & +Anna, Parents of the Holy Theotokos, +Salome/Oilbearing women-Myrophores / 22 Fast / 23 Saint Jeremiah the Prophet / 24 Fast / 25 +Saint Thomas James and Simon, Apostles
26 3rd Sunday after the Dormition / Feast of the Discovery of the Belt of the Holy Theotokos / 27 Saints Steven of Oulnia and the Martyrs Goharinus, Zamidus, Tuchicus, and Ratigus
+Monica (L) / 28 Holy Prophets Ezekiel, Ezra, and
Zechariah Father of John the Baptist
+Augustine (L) / 29 Fast / 30 +Saints John the Forerunner and Job the Righteous / 31 Fast

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar

+ = Special Feast of our Brotherhood (L= Latin Calendar)
The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

September / Sybdympyr

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
1 The 318 Fathers of the Holy Ecumenical Council of Nicaea
2 4th Sunday after the Dormition / 3 Saint Andrew the Soldier and his army; Callinicus and Diometes, witnesses / 4 Saints Adrian and his wife Natalia, and Theodorus and Eleutherius, martyrs / 5 Fast / 6 Saints Abraham and [Khoren] & the penniless Physicians Cosmos & Damian / 7 Fast / 8 Feast of the Nativity of the
Holy Theotokos
9 5th Sunday after the Dormition / Paregentan of the Fast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross / 10
1st Day of the Fast of the Holy Cross / 11
2nd Day of the Fast of the Holy Cross / 12
3rd Day of the Fast of the Holy Cross / 13
4th Day of the Fast of the Holy Cross / 14
5th Day of the Fast of the Holy Cross / 15 Feast of the Holy Church in view of the Holy Cross
16 Exaltation of the Holy Cross / 17 Feast of the Holy Cross / Remembrance of the Dead / 18 Feast of the Church / 19 Feast of the Church / 20 Feast of the Church / 21 Feast of the Holy Cross / 22 Feast of the Holy Cross
23 2nd Sunday after the Holy Cross / Paregentan of the Fast of the Holy Cross of Varak / 24 Saints Mamas, Philomenos and Simeon the Stylite / Fast / 25 The Holy Virgins Febronia, Marina, and Shooshan, the Daughter of Vartan the Great / Fast / 26 Fast / 27 The Holy Fathers Barlaam, Anthimus and +Irenaeus / 28 Fast / 29 Saints George the Commander, Adauctus and Romanos the Melodist
30 3rd Sunday after the Holy Cross. Feast of the Holy Cross of Varak

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar+ = Special Feast of our Brotherhood (L= Latin Calendar)
The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

October / Hogdympyr

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
1 Saints David of Dvin, & the Martyrs [Eulampius and Eulampia]
+Therese Liseux (L) / 2 Saints Eustathius & wife Theophistia & their two sons, & the Virgins Iermonia and Catherine / 3 Fast / 4 The Holy Princes Isaac [Sahag] and Hamazasb
+Fracis Assisi (L) / 5 Fast / 6 The Holy Seventy-two Disciples of Christ
7 4th Sunday after the Holy Cross / 8 Saints Phocas the Patriarch & Irenaeus of Lyons, follower of the Apostles / 9 Saints Thecla, Barbara and Pelagia, Virgins / 10 Fast / 11 Saints Pantaleon the Physician, Hermolaus the Priest, and Eupraxia the Virgin / 12 Fast / 13 Holy Translators & Doctors of the Church: Mesrob, Yeghisheh, Gregory of +Nareg, +Nerses the Grace-filled
14 5th Sunday after the Holy Cross / 15 Discovery of the Relics of Gregory of the Alans, & Holy Fathers Tatoul, Barrus, Thomas, Anthony, Chronides and 7 Vegetarians / 16 The Holy Apostles Ananias, Matthias, Barnabas, Philip, John, Silas, and Silvanus.
<-+Teresa Avila (L) / 17 Fast / 18 Saints Dionysius the Areopagite and the Apostles Timothy and Titus. / 19 Fast / 20 Holy Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
21 6th Sunday after the Holy Cross / 22 Saints Longinus Joseph, Joseph of Arimathea +Lazarus the friend of Christ and his sisters, Martha and Mary / 23 Saints Theodoret the Priest, Zenon the Soldier, Marcarius, Eudoxius, and Romulus / 24 Fast
*11th Anniversary of the Enthronement of H.B. Catholicos Nerses Bedros / 25 Sts. Kharityants, the Martyrs Artemius and Christopher, and the two women Niceta and Aquilina / 26 Fast / 2712Doc:Hierotheus Dion, Silv, Athanas, Cyril Jer, Ephrem, Basil, Greg N, Greg Theol, Epiph, John Chrys, & Cyril Alex
28 7th Sunday after the Holy Cross / Discovery of the Holy Cross / 29 Sts Anastasius the Priest, Varus, Theodota, and those who martyred w/her / 30 Sts Huperichians, Sts Severianus of Sebastian, Babylas the Elder & the 84 / 31 Fast

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar+ = Special Feast of our Brotherhood (L= Latin Calendar)
The 2012 Calendar of the Armenian Catholic Brotherhood of St. Nerses & St. Hripsimeh - Armenian Year >J.

November / No3ympyr

Sunday /
Giragi / Monday / Yrgov,ap;i / Tuesday / Yryk,ap;i / Wednesday / {oryk,ap;i / Thursday / Hinc,ap;i / Friday /
Ovrpa; / Saturday /
1 *All Saints Day: Feast of All Saints, old and new, known and unknown / 2 *Feast of the Presentation of the Holy Theotokos to the Temple / 3 +Saint John Chrysostom
4 8th Sunday after the Holy Cross / 5 Saints Stephen, Patriarch of Rome and the priests, deacons, and faithful / 6 Sts Aquiphsimeus the Bishop, Joseph the Priest, Ayethalus the Deacon, and Plato the Martyr / 7 Fast / 8 Saint Metrophanes & Alexander, Patriarchs, Paul the Confessor, Scribes Marcian &Martyrius / 9 Fast
<--- *Bl. Gomidas Keumurgian / 10 The Archangels Gabriel and Michael and all the Heavenly Hosts
11 9th Sunday after the Holy Cross / 12 St Meletius, Bp. of Antioch, Menas the Egyptian, & Meletius, Bp of Persia, Buras-Priest & Sennen-Deacon / 13 Saints Demetrius the Martyr and Basil the Priest / 14 Fast / 15 Saints Gurias, Samonas, Abibas Deacon, Romanus Monk, Barula the Confessing Youth & Hesychius Soldier / 16 Fast / 17 The Holy Apostles Andrew and Philip
18 10th Sunday after the Holy Cross / Paregentan of the Fast of Advent / 19 1st Day of the Fast of Advent / 20 2nd Day of Fast / 21 3rd Day of Fast / 22 4th Day of Fast / 23 5th Day of Fast / 24 Saints Gregory Wonderworker, Nicholas the Bishop & Myron the Bishop
25 1st Sunday of Advent / 26 Holy Virgins Juliana & Basilla, Indus, Domna, Clericus the Elder & 20,000 of Church Nicomedia / 27 Saints Lucian the Priest, Tarachus, Probus, Andronicus, Onesimus and other Disciples of St. Paul / 28 Fast / 29 Saints Clement the Bishop and Bagarat the Bishop of Taormina / 30 Fast

* = Dating / Feast According to Armenian Catholic Calendar