Blue Ridge Career Pathways Academy

Unique Scholarship Opportunity for High School Seniors

Earn College Credit & High School Credit

Plan Your Career!

The Blue Ridge Career Pathways Consortium complies with all state and federal rules and regulations and does not discriminate in employment and access to educational opportunities. All Career and Technical Education course, educational programs and services are open to students regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, or disability.

“Hire” Education for Everyone

To remain competitive in a global market, world-class workers will need post-secondary preparation for a career, not just a job, with the ability to learn new skills and the ability to problem solve. Basic skills, including reading, writing, science and mathematics, speaking, listening, decision making skills, reasoning and problem solving are very important for today and tomorrow’s employees. Employment is typically more secure for employees with skills that are transferable to new work situations than for workers who have a limited number of transferable skills.

For most people, gainful employment is the goal of post secondary education or “higher” education, while in reality “hire” education may be a better focus. The ultimate goal is for every student to be qualified to work, whether it is directly after high school, or after completing an Associate Degree, a 4 year college degree, or other post-secondary training.

The Career Pathways Academy can help establish a seamless pathway from high school (secondary) to postsecondary education, combining academic classes with high level technical training.

There are many opportunities to acquire post-secondary education:


Community Colleges

On-the-Job Training

Vocational/Technical Schools

Military Training

4 year colleges and universities

Graduate and professional schools

The Blue Ridge Career Pathways Academy

“An intensified program of study designed to accelerate the educational progress of the high school senior who is seeking to explore an occupational/technical program of study while completing his/her high school diploma requirements.”

Who is eligible?

High School seniors,who are interested in a Career Pathways program of study at Blue Ridge Community College, are academically strong and receive recommendation from their principal and guidance counselor.

Who should apply to the Academy?

- Students interested in getting a head start on their career/technicalprogram of study.

- Rising seniors who need only a few credits for high school graduation.

-Students prepared to meet the challenges of college classes.

- Students interested in gaining 12 credits for the sole purpose of career and technical programs offered at BRCC.

What does the program involve?

The program allows selected high school students to be concurrently enrolled in high school and Blue Ridge Community College during their senior year. The college classes may be used to fulfill appropriate high school graduation requirements andacademy students can expect to have 12 college credits upon graduation from high school. Participants take two courses each semester. One of these courses comes from an approved Career Pathways program, and the other course is selected from the academic core. Blue Ridge Community Collegewill offer financial support for instructional fees based on availability of funds; the costs of textbooks will be the responsibility of the student/parent.


As an Academy Student, you are enrolled at Blue Ridge Community College and subject to the College’s policies, procedures, and calendar. You have full access to the College’s services and facilities.


The Blue Ridge Academy will begin accepting applications from juniors in January2015 for the 2015-2016 school year. A Consortium Committee will review the applications and students selected will be notified by the end of February 2015.


Many students begin college without a career plan or knowledge of job market needs. The Academy allows students to gain college and high school credit while learning more about the many career opportunities available through a Career Pathways program of study.

Career Pathways Programs of Study

  • (A.A.S.) Associate of Applied Science
  • (D) Diploma
  • (C) Certificate
  • (CSC) Career Studies Certificate

Programs by Subject Area

  • Accounting (A.A.S.)
  • Administration of Justice (A.A.S.)
  • Law Enforcement Specialization (A.A.S.)
  • Corrections Specialization (A.A.S.)
  • Applications in Corrections (CSC)
  • Applications in Law Enforcement (CSC)
  • High Tech Crime Investigation (CSC)
  • Alternative Energy (CSC)
  • American Sign Language (CSC)
  • Art: Introduction to Two-Dimensional Art (CSC)
  • Art: Introduction to Three-Dimensional Art (CSC)
  • Business Management (A.A.S.)
  • Administrative Assistant and Business Specialist Specialization (A.A.S.)
  • Administrative Assistant (CSC)
  • Basic Office Skills (CSC)
  • Entrepreneurship (CSC)
  • Fundamentals of Business (CSC)
  • Leadership and Supervision (CSC)
  • Computer and Electronics Technology (A.A.S.)
  • Computer Network Technologies Specialization (A.A.S.)
  • Graphic Design (CSC)
  • Health Sciences (C)
  • Human Services (A.A.S.)
  • Aging in Place Specialist (CSC)
  • Information Systems Technology (A.A.S.)
  • Information Technology for Business Specialization (A.A.S.)
  • Computer Help Desk (CSC)
  • Computer Network Technologies (CSC)
  • Information Technology (CSC)
  • Multimedia Development and Integration (CSC)
  • Web Design and Development (CSC)
  • Mechanical Design Technology (A.A.S.)
  • Computer-Aided Drafting (CSC)
  • Quality Control (CSC)
  • Medical Coding–Hospital (CSC)
  • Nursing (A.A.S.)

Mechatronics Specialization (A.A.S.)

  • Automation in Manufacturing Engineering (CSC)
  • Business Management and Productivity (CSC)
  • Mechatronics
  • Mechatronics I (CSC)
  • Mechatronics II (CSC)
  • Mechatronics III (CSC)
  • Mechatronics IV (CSC)
  • Process Technology (CSC)
  • Veterinary Technology (A.A.S.)
  • Veterinary Technology Distance Program (A.A.S.)
  • Veterinary Assisting (CSC)

Partnership Programs

  • Culinary Arts & Management (Dabney S Lancaster Community College)
  • Funeral Services (John Tyler Community College)
  • Radiologic Technology (Rockingham Memorial Hospital)
  • Respiratory Therapy (J Sargeant Reynolds Community College


Blue RidgeCareer PathwaysAcademy of Technical Studies

(Admission Packets Due onFebruary 13, 2015)

Student’s full name______

CurrentSchool______School Division______

1. Please indicate which Career Pathways Program of Study in which you are interested: (seePrograms of Study on page 34)


2. Please provide a detailed one page summary of why you are interested in the program you selectedand why you would be successful in this program of study. Please attach your one page summary to your application. (This one page summary is part of the selection process for the academy, please be very thorough in your description)

(Please circle all that apply)

Available for courses at BRCC: MorningAfternoonEvening

I understand that enrollment in the Academy means that I am a college student enrolled in two courses a semester at Blue RidgeCommunity College, subject to the College’s policies, procedures and calendar.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

In my opinion, this student is:

1. Academically prepared for college level work.Yes Not at this time

Explain: ______

2. Capable of assuming responsibility as a college student (to include keeping up with multiple assignments, asking for assistance from BRCC faculty and staff, and attending class regularly). Yes Not at this time

Explain: ______

3. The student has permission to take BRCC classes approved by the Academy. Yes No

Counselor’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Principal’s Signature: ______Date: ______

I give permission for my child to attend the Blue Ridge Career Pathways Academy of Technical Studies, with full understanding that my child will be concurrently enrolled as a student at Blue Ridge Community College: subject to the policies, procedures and calendar of the College. I further understand that no employee of Blue RidgeCommunity College is allowed to discuss my child’s academic performance or progress without written permission from my child.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Blue Ridge Career Pathways Academy of Technical Studies

Applicant Checklist

The Blue Ridge Career Pathways Consortium is pleased you are interested in the Career Pathways Academy.We look forward to reviewing your application and will notify you of our selection by the end of February. If you have any questions please contact us at 540-453-2341.

The following are eligibility guidelines and instructions for completing the admissions packet, which is due in the Career Pathways office at BRCC (Weyers Cave Campus, room G120 in the Houff Student Center) by February 13, 2015.


CompletedAcademy application, which includes

_____Recommendation by your principal and guidance counselor

_____ Application signed permission from your parent or guardian.

_____One page explanation on why you are applying to the academy, and why do you think you would be successful.

CompletedBRCC admissions file, which includes:

____BRCC application online at which you will be assigned a EMPL ID # in which you will need to present for the College Preparedness Test.

___Appropriate scores on the Blue Ridge Community College VPT Preparedness Test orappropriate SAT 500 critical reading; 500 writing and 520 math ACT 21 English; 21 reading; 22 math. (Instructions for taking the BRCC test are enclosed.Testing is also required of all students intending to enroll in MTH 166, MTH 173, MTH 175, or MTH 270, regardless of SAT or ACT scores. Be sure to make arrangements to take the test as soon as possible.

___Your official high school transcript (Your guidance counselor will take care of this at your request. Make this request as soon as possible)

Please send your Career Pathways Academy application packet, a copy of the VPT placement test, Blue Ridge Community College application, and an official transcript of your high school to:

Velma Bryant - Coordinator of Outreach & Enrollment Management

Blue Ridge Career Pathways Consortium

Blue RidgeCareer PathwaysAcademy

Blue RidgeCommunity College

Box 80

Weyers Cave, VA 24486

**ALL APPLICATIONS ARE DUE February 13, 2015!**


The College expects all students to demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics. High school students are not allowed to register for developmental courses.


Testing is NOT required of students who can submit:SAT 500 critical reading; 500 writing and 520 math ACT 21 English; 21 reading; 22 math. (Instructions for taking the BRCC test are enclosed. Be sure to make arrangements to take the test as soon as possible.)Math Placement Testing is also required of all students intending to enroll in MTH 166, MTH 173, MTH 175, or MTH 270, regardless of SAT or ACT scores.

CONTENT OF THE COLLEGE PREPAREDNESS TESTSAll placement tests are adaptive, computerized, untimed tests. Allow at least 2 - 2 ½ hours to complete each test. Students are strongly encouraged to take each of the placement tests during separate testing sessions to prevent “test fatigue”. Test scores are valid for two years. You will receive a printed report of your scores at the conclusion of the test. We strongly recommend that you review high school level Algebra I and II, algebraic applications and equations, decimals and fractions. For sample questions in math and English, go to the following websites for practice: or


It is highly recommended that you complete the sample questions prior to taking the College Preparedness Test.

The tests are given on a walk-in basis, during the regularly scheduled semester, Monday-Thursday,9 AM-6 PM, Friday, 9AM – 1PM and Saturday 10 am- 1 pm.

To receive additional information call: Extension 540-453-2250.

From Harrisonburg: 540-234-9261From Waynesboro: 540-943-7002

From Staunton: 540-213-7002TDD #540-234-0848

From other areas in Virginia: 1-888-750-2722

The preparedness test is an important part of your application to the Academy. The preparedness test is given in the Learning Assistance Center, Room G 202, located next to the Library in the Houff Student Center. It is a good idea to allow at least two hours tocomplete the entire test. You MUST bring a photo ID, EMPL ID # and BRCC email address with you on the day of your test which you will receive once you have applied online to BRCC. Calculators and other aides are provided. If you have a disability or temporary disabling condition that will prevent you from taking the test under standard conditions, contact the Coordinator of Disability Services at extension 2252.

To participate in the Career Pathways Academy, you MUST successfully complete placement testing by February 13, 2015 and a copy of your placement test scores must be submitted along with your application to the Career Pathways Academy.

Blue Ridge Career Pathways Academy of Technical Studies

Placement Test Participation Form

This form must be presented to the

LearningAssistanceCenter Staff prior to testing!

Student’s full name______

Current School ______School Division______


The College Preparedness test consists ofsections that cover Reading Comprehension, Sentence Skills, and Math. The test is computerized: however, no computer or typing experience is necessary. We strongly recommend that you review high school level Algebra I and II, algebraic applications and equations, decimals and fractions.

It is highly recommended that you complete the sample questions prior to taking the College Preparedness Test.

The tests are given on a walk-in basis, during the regularly scheduled semester, Monday-Thursday, 9 AM-6 PM, Friday, 9 AM – 1PM and Saturday 10 AM – 1 PM.

To receive additional information call: Extension 540-453-2250.

From Harrisonburg: 540-234-9261From Waynesboro: 540-943-7002

From Staunton:540- 213-7002TDD #540-234-0848

From other areas in Virginia:1-888-750-2722

The Placement Test is an important part of your application to the Academy. The preparedness test is given in the LearningAssistanceCenter, Room G 202, located next to the Library in the HouffStudentCenter. It is a good idea to allow at least two hours to complete the entire test. You MUST bring a photo ID, EMPLID# and BRCC email address with you on the day of your test. Calculators and other aides are provided. If you have a disability or temporary disabling condition that will prevent you from taking the test under standard conditions, contact the Coordinator of Disability Services at extension 2252.

To participate in the Career Pathways Academy, you MUST successfully complete placement testing by February 13, 2015 and a copy of the Placement Testscores must be submitted along with your application to the Career Pathways Academy.

Blue Ridge Career Pathways Consortium

Velma Bryant – Outreach & Enrollment Management Coordinator

Box 80

Weyers Cave, VA 24486


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