Approved:2-7-17CAAC #10




CAAC 2016-2017

SAMy Anderson, Chair

January31, 2017


Members Present: SAMy Anderson, S. Bhowmick, S. Caruso-Woolard, D. Malooley,L. Rosenhein

Student members:

Ex-officio:R. Donlan, Y. Peterson, S. Powers, K. Wilkinson, B. Yousef

Executive Committee Liaison:B. Kilp

Absent:A. Payne – class, M. Deem – meeting, S. Kiger – Indy meeting, K. Ward – ill.

Guests:S. Barton, Devere Woods

A. Andersoncalled the meeting to order at 12:32PM.

1. A motion to approve the Minutes #9, (1-24-17), as amended,was made and passed, 5-0-0 (Rosenhein/ Caruso-Wollard).

2.Y. Peterson discussed the proposal from Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation for revision of the Massage Therapy Minor. Electives and the internship were removed, reduced to 18 credits.

3. S. Barton and D. Woods discussed the proposal from Criminology and Criminal Justice for a NEW BS degree: Intelligence Analysis. The program is highly recommended by the intelligence community. It will provide for a need in the community. It is anticipated there will be 400 majors within five years. The former Deputy Director of the FBI, NCIS, and others are encouraging the creation. A good Adjunct pool will be available. An additional 7 faculty will eventually be required, 5 TT, 2 adjunct or some mix. Faculty lines are supported by the Administration. The degree will be 90% online.

4. L. Rosenhein discussed the proposal from Chemistry and Physics for a NEW program: Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry. The program reduces the Chemistry requirements and will meet the science teacher licensure requirements. Graduates could possibly get a job as a chemist.

5. L. Rosenhein discussed the proposal from Center for Science Education for revision of the Science Education Major / Earth Space Science Concentration and also making it BS degree only.

6. A motion to approve the proposal from Criminology and Criminal Justice for a NEW Corrections Minor was made and passed, 4-1-0, (Caruso-Woolard/Bhowmick).

7. A motion to approve the proposalfrom Criminology and Criminal Justice for a NEW Forensic Investigations Minor was made and passed, 4-1-0, (Caruso-Woolard/Bhowmick).

8. A motion to approve the proposalfrom Criminology and Criminal Justice for a NEW Law and Administration Minor was made and passed, 4-1-0, (Bhowmick/Caruso-Woolard).

9. A motion to approve the proposalfrom Criminology and Criminal Justice for a NEW Law Enforcement and Evidence Minor was made and passed, 4-1-0, (Bhowmick/Caruso-Woolard).

10. A motion to approve the proposalfrom Physics for a NEW program: Bachelor of Arts in Physics was made and passed, 5-0-0, (Rosenhein/Caruso-Woolard).

11. A motion to approve the proposalfrom Applied Health Sciences for revision of the Food and Nutrition Major – Food Service Management was made and passed, 5-0-0, (Caruso-Woolard/Bhowmick).

12. A motion to approve the proposalfrom Multidisciplinary Studies for revision of the Philosophy Major – BA only was made and passed, 5-0-0, (Rosenhein/Bhowmick).

13. Executive Committee Report: None.

14. Old Business: None.

15. The Committee adjourned at 1:49PM

Respectfully Submitted,

David J. Malooley, Secretary