Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, April 2005

1) Engine Log Book Demo Available

2) New FREE Software Demo for A/F Gauge DT2-AFG

3) Remote Start/Stop Switch for Dyno Black Box II

4) Recent Media Coverage

5) Last March's Newsletter


1) Engine Log Book Demo Available We've just released our much anticipated Engine Log Book. This program is the Engine Builder's "bookkeeper". It lets you record most any specification, serial number or part number for most every part in the engine. It also lets you record measurements, calculate clearances, and other info like compression ratio or estimated piston-to-valve clearance. It can flag out problems before the engine is released. Click on this link for more info: < Click on this link to download a demo: < Cost is $249. This program will have several enhancements as more users have ideas for more features. These enhancements will be free for the first 6 months or so as downloads from our website.


2) New FREE Software Demo for A/F Gauge DT2-AFG We've shown a screen for the free AF Data Logging software on our website for a while, but now we have the actual program released. This program lets you continually record the A/F signal from the DT2-AFG gauge with your laptop computer through a COM port (or COM-USB adapter). Click here for more info on our A/F sensors and instruments: < Click here to download a demo of the AF Data Logger program: < We will provide a free unlock code for the demo to anyone who has purchased our DT2-AFG gauge.


3) Remote Start/Stop Switch for Dyno Black Box II Several owners of the Black Box II dyno systems (especially chassis dyno systems) have requested having a remote switch for starting and stopping data recording. Now we have the software update and switches available. Switches are $45 and we'll include the latest CD which lets you assign any analog channel as the "Recording Switch" to start and stop data recording.


4) Recent Media Coverage:

- Canada's Inside Track, April 2005, page 73 showed our Dual Remote A/F Sampler system, which works great for measuring A/F on small engines or chassis dynos.

- Performance Racing Industry magazine, March 2005 "Update on Data Acquisition, Knowledge = Power" page 104-111 discusses our DataMite II data logger and how it interfaces with our Suspension Analyzer software for detailed suspension analysis.


5) Last March's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter. If you would like another copy of March 2005's newsletter for detail on these topics, visit our website at:


