Trail of Tears virtual trip Log

Directions: visit each of the websites listed below and record your thoughts and responses.

1.  What does this map of the United States[1] illustrate?

2.  Manifest Destiny Inquiry – original found on

John Quincy Adams, sixth president of the United States (1825-1829), wrote in 1811:

"The whole continent appears to be be peopled by one nation. The acquisition of a definite line of boundary to the [Pacific] forms a great epoch in our history."

In 1845, John O'Sullivan, a New Yorker and editor of the United States Magazine and Democratic Review, wrote:

"Away, away with all these cobweb tissues of rights of discovery, exploration, settlement, contiguity, etc. The American claim is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federative self-government entrusted to us. It is a right such as that of the tree to the space of air and earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth. ...It is in our future far more than in the past history of Spanish exploration or French colonial rights, that our True Title is to be found."

3.  Now use the dictionary[2] to define these words as they are used in the above passage, and see how close you came to that meaning.



4.  What do you think Adams and O'Sullivan were saying about the expansion of the United States to the Pacific Ocean?

Adams -

O'Sullivan -

Did they agree or not? Why?

5.  Briefly describe the purpose of the Indian Removal Act 1830[3] –

6.  Use the following sites to determine why the Cherokee were forced to move.

(you can also view this satire commercial[4] for ideas)

Reason #1[5] / Reason #2[6] / Reason #3[7]

7.  Look at this map of the Trail[8]. How many states does the Trail cross? ______

Use the map scale to estimate how many miles the Cherokee traveled by foot. ______

Those who began walking in November arrived to their new land by March.
Approximately how many miles did they travel each day?

8.  Walk the Trail with Samuel and “hear:” his story[9]:

9. Based on Samuel’s memory, record at least 4 specific things that happened on the Trail of Tears that he experienced.





10. What do you think would be some of the possible long-term effects of this action on the Cherokee people? List at least 4.

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11. Looking at these images. Painting #1[10] and Painting #2[11] and image #3[12]
List at least 5 things that these images show about the Trail of Tears experience.






12. Meet some more people along the Trail and listen to their stories.
Go to the Digital History[13] site for personal stories OR read the story of Pvt. John G. Burnett[14].

Read at least 2 personal stories and answer the questions below.

Personal Account #1 / Personal Account #2
1.  Who did you read about?
2.  Describe their experience.
What did they see/hear?
3.  How did they feel? How did it impact them? / 1.  Who did you read about?
2.  Describe their experience.
What did they see/hear?
3.  How did they feel? How did it impact them?
Based on what you read, discuss with your group how you would react/feel/respond if you were forced to move from your home walk the Trail of Tears.

13. The United States Constitution states,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness..."

Consider that Andrew Jackson was President during the Removal of

70,000 -100,000 Native Americans from their homelands. Explain how President Jackson upheld this ideal of “all men being equal?”

14. Read President Jackson’s Message to Congress on Indian Policy.

a.  Do you think the reason stated for the removal of the Indians was sufficient? Just (fair)? Explain.

b.  Consider the compensation given to the Indians for their land. Would you have provided similar compensation or made other choices? Explain.

15. Listen to this discussion[15]. Was President Jackson to blame for the Trail of Tears?

16. Is it appropriate that he is honored on the $20 bill? Justify your response with at least two reasons of support.

17. Who would you place on the US $20 bill, instead of Andrew Jackson. Why?
(Give at least two reasons for support)


3 / Things I found most interesting:
2 / Ways these historical events influenced America and/or me
1 / Question I still have about the Trail of Tears:

Trail of Tears R.A.F.T.

Role – You are a Cherokee Indian who has just arrived in Oklahoma after traveling the Trail of Tears.

Audience – choose from one of the following:

1.  family/friends who stayed in North Carolina or Georgia

2.  president Andrew Jackson/ US government

3.  a relative who will be alive in the future

Format– You will create a postcard that measures 5 inches x 7 inches.
Use unlined paper.

On the front: create a color image/illustration (you can hand draw or cut and paste) that appropriately

represents the Trail of Tears

On the back: write a message
(see the Topic below for details),
include a stamp (find a stamp that matches the theme)
and correctly address the postcard.

Topic – write an appropriate message on the postcard. Include in the message a minimum of 3 facts you learned on this field trip. Also include a personal sentiment. This would be a heartfelt thought. Write something other than “I was sad to leave” or “I miss our home”. Take a moment to think and be creative.


Way to GO!
10 points / Almost there
8 points / Good Start
6 point / Not yet
0 points
“Travel log” Included in Interactive notebook / Document is in interactive notebook on proper page – and is listed in notebook’s table of contents / Document is in interactive notebook on proper page – but not listed in table of contents / Document is in notebook, but not placed on correct page – not listed in table of contents / Document is missing
Complete / Every question is completed / Approximately 75% of document is complete. / More than ½ of document is not complete / Less than 25% of document is complete
Accurate / All responses are correct / Majority of responses are correct / Majority of responses not correct / Too many errors
Thoughtful / All Responses show student has made connections to material…well thought out. / Most responses show thought – with only several being brief / Many responses are brief, shallow, hurried / Responses are incomplete
Submission of work / Submitted on or before due date / One day late / More than one day Late / X
* RAFT postcard activity will be graded using its own rubric (follows)

RUBRIC = Trail of Tears R.A.F.T.

Points earned ______/ 27

3 points / Almost there
2 points / Good start
1 points / Not yet
0 points
Postcard / 5x7
plain paper
straight edges & corners / 5x7
lined paper
edges & corners not square / Size not 5x7
Postcard front / Color illustration covers entire card.
Image clearly connects to Trail of Tears / Image clearly connects to Trail of Tears but NOT in color or too small / Connection of image to Trail vague, image incomplete, partially colored. / Rough sketch
Unclear how image connects or no image
Address / Contains all elements of address correctly formatted
Addressee, street #, Street name, city, state, zip / All elements of address present, one error in formatting / Missing several elements of address OR multiple errors in formatting / No address
Role / Writer assumes role and stays in character / Writer assumes role and has only minor lapses in character / Writer struggles to assume role / Writer does not assume role
Audience / It is clear which audience student selected. Text, tone, content makes sense / Audience selected is apparent, several errors in text, tone & content / Audience selected can be assumed, multiple errors in text, tone & content / Audience unclear or not appropriate
Facts / 3 accurate, meaningful facts / 2 accurate, meaningful facts / 1 accurate, meaningful fact / No facts
Sentiment / Sentiment shows thought and is appropriate / Sentiment is basic, overused / Sentiment connection is unclear / No sentiment
Spelling & grammar / All spelling and grammar is correct / Only 1-2 errors in spelling or grammar / 3-4 errors in spelling or grammar / 5 or more errors in spelling or grammar
Visual appearance / Hand writing is neat or typed, all added elements are aligned, no sloppy edges or wrinkles / Looks good – but has some areas that are weak / Looks rushed, multiple areas that are distracting / Incomplete, sloppy

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