Ohio Wesleyan University

Small Living Unit Application


225 Hamilton-Williams Campus Center

Delaware, Ohio 43015

PHONE: 740-368-3175

FAX: 740-368-3174


Dear Prospective Small Living Unit Residents,

Thank you for your interest in creating or renewing your Small Living Unit (SLU) for the 2015-2016 academic year.

The Small Living Unit Application process is for current and newly proposing Small Living Units. The application process is intended to assist Small Living Units in thinking through and laying the foundations for a strong Small Living Unit or for a renewal application, to reflect on the current academic year and how they can continue to grow as a community. Several areas, listed below, will be considered in the renewal process and the application will ask for information to assist the Small Living Unit Selection Committee in evaluating your application. Areas considered in the process are:

●  Current occupancy of the house*

●  Proposed occupancy for the 2015-2016 academic year

●  Results of health and safety inspections during the 2014-2015 academic year*

●  Completion of house projects during the 2014-2015 academic year*

●  Providing 2 eligible Moderator candidates

●  Providing at least 1 faculty/staff advisor

●  Answers provided to questions at the end of the application

●  Content of the presentation

*Indicates sections for prospective returning SLUs only

Please complete each section of the application, following each section’s instructions carefully. The Residential Life Office will verify all information provided on this application.

Completed applications should be completed by February 10, 2015 at 5:00pm. You do not need to physically turn in the application. Residential Life Coordinator Levi Harrel will download the contents of the Google Document and save it as your completed application. Failure to complete an application by the deadline will result in a Small Living Unit not being eligible for the 2015-2016 academic year.

SLU Selection Important Dates

Date: / Event:
January 26-30 / SLUSH Week
February 2-6 / SLU Interviews
February 7 / SLU Applicants Notified (via email or phone)
February 9 / SLU Applicants Notify Houses of Decision
February 10 / SLU Proposal/Renewal Applications Due
February 10 / SLU Rosters & Member Applications Due
February 11-12 / SLU Presentations
February 13 / SLU Proposal/Renewal Decisions Sent (via email)

Basic Information

Small Living Unit Name: ______

Current Address (N/A if no residence):______

Moderator Candidates

Houses must have at least two eligible Moderator candidates to be considered. If the number of Moderator candidates exceeds three, please provide the additional candidates information on an additional page. Please note that Moderator candidates must also complete the Moderator application process. SLUs with a returning moderator in good standing with the Residential Life Office must only provide one additional Moderator candidate who must submit an application, but will not be required to interview.

1. Prospective Moderator

Name: ______

Last First MI Sex

OWU Student ID: ______Telephone: ______

Email Address: ______Campus Box: ______

Current Residence: ______Major: ______

Current Class Year: ______Current Moderator: ______


2. Prospective Moderator

Name: ______

Last First MI Sex

OWU Student ID: ______Telephone: ______

Email Address: ______Campus Box: ______

Current Residence: ______Major: ______

Current Class Year: ______Current Moderator: ______


Faculty/Staff Advisors

Houses must have a minimum of one faculty or staff advisor. Please note that each faculty or staff member can only be an advisor for one SLU.

Primary Advisor or Co-Advisor

Name: ______

Last First MI Sex

Department: ______Title: ______

Telephone: ______Email: ______

Current Advisor: ______



Houses must submit a complete roster. Please use the chart below to indicate who would intend to live in the house, please note that you should indicate if a house member is returning to the house in the “returner” column and what semesters the student would live in the house in the “FA15” (Fall 2015) and “SP15” (Spring 2016) columns. If a student is studying abroad, domestically or graduating please indicate the semesters they will not reside in the house. Please note that students placed on the roster are committing to live in the house for the upcoming academic year (with exception of unforeseen circumstances)

Name / ID # / Sex / Class Year / Returner / FA14 / SP15
Ex: Jane Doe / 1111111 / F / 2013 / Yes / Yes / Yes
Name / ID # / Sex / Class Year / Returner / FA14 / SP15
Ex: Bruce Wayne / 1111111 / M / 2015 / Yes / Yes / Yes

Location Preference

Please indicate which properties you would prefer to occupy. Note that any property must be filled to 100% occupancy at the beginning of the Fall semester.

Address / Current Name / Maximum Occupancy
88 Oak Hill / Citizens of the World / 16
118 Rowland Ave / House of Thought / 10
65 Oak Hill / House of Black Culture / 10
235 Williams Street / Peace and Justice / 15
86 Rowland Ave / Modern Foreign Languages / 10
81 Oak Hill / Interfaith House / 10
104 Oak Hill Ave / Tree House / 12
94 Rowland Ave / Women’s House / 13

First Preference: ______

Second Preference: ______

Third Preference: ______

Member Selection:

Please describe your member selection process; at a minimum members should submit an application and be interviewed. Please attach member applications to this application, as well as, a list of interview questions. Also, please describe any additional requirements your house has for member selection. You need to clearly define how each member was selected.

Member Information:

Please provide the following information for each member of your respective community: name, room number, class rank, hometown, major, minor, why they chose to live in your respective community, what they gained/learned from their respective house project(s).

Name: ______

Room Number: ______

Class Year: ______

Hometown: ______

Major: ______

Minor: ______

Why you chose to live in your respective community:

What you have gained/learned from your respective house project:

Community Standards

Please list and describe both the standards that your housemates will hold each other to and the consequences for failing to meet the community standards. Standards can range from chores to behavior within the house and should be congruent with the house’s mission.

Presentation Requirements

Applicants should prepare a 15 minute presentation introducing their Small Living Unit to the selection committee; the presentation should expand upon the information provided in this application. The presentation itself should last 10 minutes and have a 5 minute question period. Presentations can take whatever form the proposing SLU feels best represents their house (e.g. a video, PowerPoint, performance, etc.). Applicants should bear in mind that members of the committee will have varying levels of familiarity with the SLU community. Presentations can be scheduled when the application is turned in.

Mission Statement

Please state the house’s mission statement for the 2014-2015 academic year. (If there are changes from the 2014-2015 mission statement please articulate why the changes are being made and how the changes reflect the interest of the current housemates. If no changes are being made to the mission statement, there should be an explanation of why the mission statement is not changing. Given that each year the residents of a small living unit will change, it is expected that a mission statement may need adjustments to reflect the interest of the current house members, therefore if no changes are made there would need to be a compelling explanation.)

Additional Questions

·  Please review your house’s 2014-2015application and discuss ways that your house supported the mission and objectives laid out in the proposal. Please discuss how your house would continue to improve upon these areas (only for renewal applications*).

·  Please review your house’s 2014-2015application and discuss ways that your house was not able to support the mission and objectives laid out in the proposal. (only for renewal applications)

·  Please discuss how your house will improve upon the challenges discussed in the question above. (only for renewal applications)

·  Please describe how your house or proposed house will improve the OWU and Delaware community. Please include any and all information about the history of your SLU.

·  Please include a 50 word excerpt for the website. This should be focused towards new or prospective students, informing them of your house mission and reasons to live in the house.


The following section is for SLUs who were active in 2014-2015 academic year

Health and Safety Inspections

Please indicate the outcome of the Health and Safety Inspections that were conducted during the months listed in the chart. Please place an “X” in the appropriate column for each month.

Passed / Passed Conditionally / Failed

House Projects

Please complete the chart below with all CURRENT house members’ names and their house projects for each academic year. If someone did not live in the house during a given semester indicate that in the appropriate column.

Name / ID # / Returning / FA14 Project / SP15 Project
Ex: Jane Doe / 1111111 / Yes / Veggie Meal Night / Rocky Horror Picture Show


Please fill in the chart below with the number of students who occupies your house during the 2014-2015academic year and the 2015-2016 academic year. Residential Life will compare how many students occupied your house with the maximum occupancy of your house. SLUs are expected to maintain 100% occupancy and will be evaluated on how close to maximum occupancy your SLU was over the past two years.

Occupancy / Notes Regarding Occupancy
Fall 2013
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Spring 2015

***Please include a copy of your membership application***

SLU Application 2