Discipline Plan for KA, KB, and KC


All students will follow the school-wide Panther Pact as shown…

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe


In all three Kindergarten classrooms, the following expectations serve as the framework for our “Love and Logic” classrooms and playground:

·  Students may engage in any behavior that does not create a problem for themselves or others.

·  If a child experiences a problem, they may solve it by any means that does not cause a problem for others in their environment.

·  All students may engage in behavior that does not jeopardize the safety or learning for themselves or others. Unkind words and actions will not be tolerated

In ensuring that the above guidelines are adhered to, we as teachers will operate with the following principles as our guide:

·  We will not react with anger or haste to problem situations

·  We will provide consequences that are not punitive but that allow the child to experience the results of a poor choice, enabling him or her to make better choices in the future

·  We will proceed in all situations with the best interest of the child whose academic, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being will be fostered

·  We will guide students toward personal responsibility and the decision-making skills they will need to function in the real world, with Christ as our model

·  We will arrange consequences for problem situations in such a way that the child will never by humiliated or demeaned

·  Equal is not always fair. Consequences will be designed to fit the problems of individual students, and they may be different even when problems appear to be the same

·  We will make every effort to ensure that the students involved understand why they are involved in a consequence


To encourage positive self-management skills we utilize a “gem” system in which each student accumulates gems when they have been “caught” following directions the first time, staying on task, demonstrating Christian leadership, etc. When each student reaches the goal of thirty gems, they will have the opportunity to visit the prize box. This activity also becomes a “hands-on” math activity in which they take responsibility for weekly tabulation of their gem total with the help of a teacher.


The use of visual cues in the classroom are helpful for both the students and the teacher as a means of providing a reminder that a problematic choice was made and the collaborative problem-solving process must take place if not immediately, at an appropriate time later in day.

The use of a classroom behavior tracking chart is implemented in each of the three Kindergarten classrooms. The behavior tracking chart also correlates with the family communication in which you will receive daily as follows…

1st Sign of a Problematic Choice: Verbal reminder and redirection

2nd Sign of a Problematic Choice: The student’s labeled worm will be moved from the top green apple to the yellow apple. The student will receive a note on the appointed calendar box of their daily behavior chart stating the situation that occurred and collaborative problem-solving between the student and teacher will occur.

3rd Sign of a Problematic Choice: The student’s labeled worm will be moved from the yellow apple to the red apple. The student will receive appropriate consequences after a second collaborative problem-solving meeting between the student and teacher occurs. In addition, a written note will be shared on the appointed calendar box of their daily behavior chart stating the situation that occurred.

Severe Behavioral Consequence: The student will visit the Assistant Principal/School Counselor for any behavioral situations that seem driven by extreme emotional outbursts, violent behavioral situations, or bullying concerns


In order to insure an optimal learning experience for each child, we will need your support. Please feel free to call your classroom teacher if you have any questions.

Each day your student will bring home their DAILY FOLDER (the folder that you purchased). The folder will include the behavior chart for the month, monthly read-aloud sheet, and any other parent information. The contents in this folder MUST be reviewed each day by a family member with your student, and the behavior chart must be initialed each day so that the teacher knows you have seen either the sticker or the note on each day’s calendar box. This folder MUST be returned on a daily basis! The behavior chart and the monthly read-aloud sheet will remain in the folder. At the beginning of each month you will receive a new behavior chart and read-aloud sheet.

When your student has had a positive day at school, you will find a sticker in the calendar space for the day. Please give your child positive feedback when they’ve had a great day! If you have a short note in the calendar space, please talk about the day with your child and continue to encourage appropriate behaviors and choices at school. Be sure to initial the box after discussing the day with your child.


In class a student must use the taught sign language signal for permission to use the restroom. On the Kindergarten playground, the student must tell a teacher he/she is going into the classroom to use the restroom. On the big playground, the student must have a “bathroom buddy” accompany them to the bathroom and must tell a teacher or aide. In the library, music room, or computer lab, the student must ask for permission and use the buddy system.

In Partnership,

Mrs. Ross, Miss Lange, and Mrs. Spors

LEAD with Pride

Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Diligence, Empathy