Mrs. Bradley’s Weekly News

January 25-29, 2010

Dear Parents,

We had a busy week last week with our nine weeks testing. Everyone is doing so well on these assessments. Thanks to everyone who participated in last Tuesday’s PTA meeting. Great job first graders!!!!! We all really enjoyed watching Sra. Romero’s video of the first grade Spanish Immersion classes. The students are learning a lot!

This week I will continue administering the Richmond Public Schools Nine Weeks test. Thanks in advance for making sure your son/daughter has had plenty of rest, a good breakfast, and gets to school on time. It’s very important that we get started on time each and every day.

In Language Arts we will be working in our guided reading centers. We will also be reading the story The Mitten, by Jan Brett. We will talk about how animals stay warm in the winter. Look for some cute mitten activities to come home! Your child may want to play one of Jan’s games or work on one of her activity sheets at

We will continue our spelling unit this week. Our focus will be –an words. We will have our second spelling test on Friday. Don’t forget-Book Logs are due this Friday.

In Social Studies we will begin our unit on famous Americans. Our focus this week will be Benjamin Franklin. We will read stories about his life and inventions. We made a KWL chart all about Benjamin Franklin. Can your son/daughter teach you some things about his many inventions? Students will need to know the term contribution. We will also review what we’ve learned about George Washington Carver.

Things to know about Benjamin Franklin:

-Proved that electricity was present in lightning through his kite experiment.

-He started the firstlibrary and the first volunteer fire department in America.

-Invented swimming paddles, the long-arm, bifocals, and the Franklin Stove.

-Wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac- a book that told people when to plant crops, recipes, wise sayings

Things to know about George Washington Carver:

· He was an African American whostudied science and plants.

He became a teacher. He developed hundreds of uses for peanuts,

sweet potatoes, and soybeans.


**We are totally out of Clorox Wipes. Could someone please

Send in some more wipes? We are trying to stay healthy!

February 1- Teacher Work Day, NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

Mrs. Bradley’sClass

January 25-29, 2010

Monday / Wednesday
  • This week we will continue our formal spelling unit.
  • We will have our second spelling test this Friday!
  • Read over the words with an adult.
ran, man, plan, van, can, than
Bonus: February
  • Practice spelling these words.
  • Write each word in a complete sentence in your homework journal. Underline the spelling word in the sentence.
  • Challenge: play a spelling game on
  • Click “find a list”
  • Type “ashley bradley”
  • Complete this assignment in your homework notebook.
  • Be sure to write the date at the top of the page!
  • Read a book with an adult.
  • Write two good sentences about the book in your homework notebook.
  • Also write the title and author of the book. See example:

  • Challenge: Illustrate your sentence (Make it colorful)!!!!
  • Record this book, and any books you read on the January Book Log sheet!

STUDY FOR FRIDAY’S SPELLING TEST!!!!!!! Return Book Logs on Friday!!!!!