Atlanta Region SCCA
BOD Minutes
March 9, 1916
Called to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members present: Rick Mitchell, AJ Schramm, Dustin Stevenson, Dave Hardy, Bob Hudson, Dave Rollow, Clark McInnis, Jim Creighton, Phil Creighton and Carol Cone.
By Phone: Wes Stuckey
Members: Tom Gorman, Curtis Bowman
RE: Rick Mitchell - Annual Meeting was held at Andretti Indoor Carting. There were 5 BOD members and about 30 members. Rick informed the membership about up coming events for the year. Members asked questions about all areas of the club.
Race: AJ Schramm –
1. Riverside TT – had meeting and will need no more than 3 corner workers.
Since it is a charitable event, we will be doing it at cost.
2. August AMP event in doubt. Costs are going to be higher than we thought. Motion: We have nothing to do with the event – AJ Schramm, second Bob Hudson. Discussion regarding a compromise with National on who pays what and how much. Motion withdrawn. Need to negotiate further with National (Hayward).
3. 226 entries for Majors so far.
Rallycross: Wes Stuckey
1. Durhamtown put up a fence which seemed make running there impossible
so second event was cancelled. Wes then went out for another look and seems to think it may be OK.
2. Rick suggested that Wes try other places such as Commerce. Also suggested property of one of our members. Will Check.
Solo: Dave Hardy.
Sat TNT - 50; Sunday Solo - 152. Great event
Inventoried trailer. Some stuff missing, some stuff in-op.
Carol reported on SAE event. Good fun. Made contacts for future events
ARRC – FE race. Clark has some Sponsors. Honda on board again.
Jim Creighton reported on changes in SARRC. Split the Division – Points Championship in each half. Championship race - winner take all.
Admin budget approved. Unanimous.
Holiday Inn at Lanier Center will be our partner hotel $75 per night.
Adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted: Carol Cone