Fr James Smith Tel. 01875 610232
Parish Priest Email:
St Martin of Tours Catholic Church
High Street, Tranent, EH33 1HJ 31st May 2015
St Martin’s is a parish of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh,
a charity registered in Scotland – number SC008540
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Year B)
Church Services / Mass Times / Intentions
Monday June 1st / Memorial of St Justin
10.00am St Gabriel’s
9.00am St Martin’s
/ Eucharistic Service
Eucharistic Service
Tuesday 2nd / 10.00am St Gabriel’s
7.00pm St Martin’s
/ Eucharistic Service
Eucharistic Service
Wednesday 3rd / Memorial of St Charles Lwanga & Companions
10.00am St Gabriel’s Mass
10.00am St Martin’s
/ Paul McFarlane
Eucharistic Service
Thursday 4th / 10.00am St Martin’s Mass
10.00am St Gabriel’s
/ Vera Kirkland
Eucharistic Service
Friday 5th / Memorial of St Boniface
10.00am St Martin’s
10.00am St Gabriel’s Mass
/ Eucharistic Service
Marie MacAulay
Saturday 6th /
10.00am St Gabriel’s
6.00pm St Gabriel’s Vigil Mass / Eucharistic Service
Danny Taylor
Sunday 7th / Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
9.30 am St Martin’s Mass
11.30 am St Gabriel’s Mass
/ People of the Parish
People of the Parish
There will be confessions in St Gabriel’s before the Saturday Vigil Mass from 5.15pm – 5.45pm
There will be also be confessions before Sunday Mass in St Martin’s from 8.45 am - 9.15 am
Parish Announcements
Offertory Collection -£539.03. Second Collection this weekend is in aid of Day for Life.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY - Today is Holy Trinity Sunday. Some of the children from St. Martin's Primary School will receive Holy Communion for the first time at 9.30am Mass. Please remember the children in your prayers. We congratulate them on the completion of the ‘Sacraments of Initiation’.
SACRAMENTS - Please give plenty of notice for the
Celebration of Marriage------6 months usually.
Baptism ------3 months
POT OF GOLD – Congratulations to R. Main who won £29.00 (No. 49).
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) - Do you recognise any of these situations?
1. Husband and wife come to Mass. One of them is not Catholic, but would like to be and share in the Catholic Faith.
2. You may know of a person/friend, or you may be that individual who would like to take that first step to become Christian and Catholic?
3. As you walk to receive your blessing at the moment of distribution of Holy Communion to others, your desire is to be able to receive Holy Communion yourself.
4. Are you baptised Christian only, but would now like to encounter Jesus Christ in the other sacraments of initiation and healing?
5. You may be baptised and have received some of the sacraments of initiation and healing, but not all. You may even have given up on your faith and your church, but you have now returned and need to be refreshed.
There is more information on the RCIA noticeboard at the back of the church inviting you into action. The new sessions begin in early September. Until then we will pray for you and that God will give you the courage to make that move and to join with us on our next ‘Journey of Faith’.
ARCHWAY CONFIDENTIAL COUNSELLING SERVICE - Newly set up in the Diocese for anyone (individuals or couples) who face personal issues of relationship, bereavement, stress, sexual or family problems. Phone: 07476509903 for information or appointment.
FILM NIGHT – Apologies to our regular cinema buffs – regarding projection problems in hall for film nights – we are back in action for Sydney Potiers starring role in the gentle and funny film “Lilies of the Field” is showing this Sunday night 7pm in the Hall. ALL WELCOME – Bring a pal.
CO-OP CLOSURE -Asda are providing free buses to their store. Leaving from the Co-op on Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.30 am and every hour thereafter.
SCOTTISH CATHOLIC YOUTH FESTIVAL – 30 July to 2nd August 2015 – To register your interest for Stirling please contact our Diocesan Youth Officer on Tel: 0131 623 8917 or email:
PARISH TRIP TO ALNWICK – Following on the success of last year’s Parish Trip it is proposed to run a bus again this year on SUNDAY 2ND AUGUST. There will be a list at the back of the Church this weekend for names of anyone interested in going. Last year the cost was £9 per person and it is envisaged the cost this year will also be around the same amount.
TEACHER JOB VACANCIES IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS - Please see poster at the back of the Church.
CENACOLO COMMUNITY UK - The 9th Anniversary of the Cenacolo Community UK will take place on Monday 15th June 7pm at St Francis Xavier’s Carfin. For more information please phone Mary McNally on 07538789548. You can also visit the website at
THE CATENIAN ROSARY GROUP – APPEAL - The Catenians are looking for Rosaries for Missions in Africa, the Pacific Islands and the Philippines. Please bring to Church any Rosaries you may wish to donate and they will be sent on.
11 October to 18 October 2015
Flying from Edinburgh to Debrovnik
£569.00 per person
Price includes flights, transfers, accommodation, breakfast and evening meal and week guide. We have limited spaces. To secure a place a deposit of £150 is required. Cheques should be made payable to “Pilgrimage Account”. Please get in touch with Lee if you would like to go or you would like any further information. Lee Walls Mob No. 07703 610 571
O Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the winds and whose breath gives life to the world, hear me.
I come to you as one of your children. I am small and weak; I need your strength and your wisdom. Make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made, and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may know the things you have taught your children, the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
Make me strong, so that I may not be superior to other people, but able to fight my greatest enemy, which is myself.
Make me ever ready to come to you with straight eyes, so that when life fades as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.
Prayer of a native American
Jokes of the week
The woman chatting to her friend in the Supermarket, Q to pay for her shopping: My husband died last night. Oh, how terrible! Were you with him? Yes. Did he leave any last requests? Yes! What?
Will you put the gun down, please!
My husband and I were dressed for a lovely evening out dinner and the theatre. Having been burgled in the past we turned on the night light and phone answer machine, then put the cat in the backyard. When the taxi appeared we left by the front door – and our rather tubby cat scooted between our legs and ran into the house.
Because our cat likes to chase the budgie we really did not want to leave them alone - so my husband ran inside to retrieve her and put her back in the yard. Now, because we did not want the taxi driver to know the house was unoccupied, I explained to him my husband was just bidding a goodnight to my old mother! A few minutes later he got in the taxi and said (to my horror) as, the cab pulled away------“Sorry it took so long---but she was hiding under the bed and I had to poke her with a coat hanger to make her come out. She tried to run for it; but I grabbed her by the neck and wrapped her ion a blanket so she would not scratch and spit and bite me like last time!
“But it worked; I hauled her down the stairs and threw her in the backyard. She can stay there the whole night---“
The silence in the cab for the rest of the journey was deafening!