Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 13 June, 2012 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 8:16 p.m.


Chairman of the Committee: Councillor R Howes

Ex Officio: Councillor K Howard (Mayor), Councillor R Harris (Deputy Mayor)

Councillors: B Austen, J Foxwell, R Hunt, K Jones, J Morris, B Thorne

Admin Assistant: Mrs S Simmons

45/12 Apologies

Apologies were received from CllrA Lonsdale.

46/12 Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

47/12 Minutes

Cllr Howessigned the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 9 May, 2012 which had been approved at the Full Council Meeting.

48/12 Cottey Meadow Hedging

Cllr Howes showed photos of the grass verge area at Cottey Meadow which we have now had bollards fixed to stop people ruining the area by parking on it. There are currently a few slabs which are encouraging a motorbike to park there. The slabs are to be removed and the Buddleia bushes trimmed back. The original agreement states that the wall of the church must be protected. Cllr Morris said she has been asked if we could consider putting a dog waste bin there? PCSO Vanessa Pike is to be involved to ask the resident if the motorbike can stop parking there. Cllr Morris suggests planting wildflowers, which Cllr Howard said may be a consideration next year. Cllr Foxwell suggests placing a bench there.

Cllr Howes proposed that TDC, Sue Edwards is contacted to ask about providing and emptying of a dog waste bin and the area decision to be deferred for further discussion at next meeting. Seconded by Cllr Jones, all agreed.

49/12 Roundabout at end of Longford Lane/Vicarage Hill

The roundabout has recently been maintained by former Cllr K Dennis. However, we were concerned whether Mr Dennis wished to continue now that he is no longer a Councillor. Mrs Simmons has since spoken to Mr Dennis and he has agreed to continue with the maintenance, as he still wants to do something for the community. Discussions took place with regard to the concern over the safety for Mr Dennis, although Mr Dennis seems quite happy to continue.

50/12 Oakford Lawn – Hire request

A request has been received from Mr Jim Smith of Teign Valley Childrens Centre to hold a Childrens Fun Day at Oakford Lawn on Tuesday 7 August, 2012 between the hours of 9 am – 1 pm. They held the same event last October half-term which was a great success.

Cllr Morris proposed that we permit the hire with a refundable £50 deposit if the lawn is left in the condition it was hired in. Seconded by Cllr Jones, all agreed with the exception of Cllr Howard who abstained.

51/12 Oakford Lawn – replanting of trees

Cllr Howes read out the requirements from TDC Arboriculturalist, Mr Mark Waddams which follows the recent felling of the Turkey Oak Tree. Mr John Stacey of the Village Trust has also suggested that we need to consider the replanting of some trees within the area. Cllr Howes suggested that a tree should be planted in memory of Dr Almond at Oakford Lawn. Discussions need to be held with the Village Trust. Cllr Harris proposed that 2 x Village Trust members be invited to the next Recreation meeting in July to discuss this project and to be able to get the planting underway in the Autumn. Seconded by Cllr Morris, all agreed.

Cllr Howard proposed that we proceed with the replanting of a tree. Cllr Harris suggested an English Oak being planted. Seconded by Cllr Morris, all in favour.

52/12 Footpaths Update

Cllr Howes reports that Mrs Edna Wickham has not provided a report this month, as she has been trying to arrange a meeting with Ros Davis of DCC, however is awaiting a reply.

Cllr Howes advises of her findings of other maps from around the area and show samples. The Newton Abbot Town Trail leaflet is excellent and the DCC Walking/Cycling & Discovering Wildlife Trails leaflet are good and we should maybe produce something similar. Cllr Howes would like to base our leaflet on Historical, Nature and Old Part of Kingsteignton ideas. Cllr Howard would like to see start of small leaflet and use audio visuals and build on with TDC with possible ‘Quick Codes’. Ideas of involving the Tourist Board have been discussed.

Cllr Howard proposed for a meeting to be held between Cllrs: Howard, Howes, Hunt, Austen and Morris to work together on producing a sample. Seconded by Cllr Austen, all agreed.

53/12Bills for Payment

  • Devon Wildlife Trust – Bat Survey@ £283.50 + VAT
  • FRB Ltd – BMX Ramp ACW Installation@ £865.00 + VAT

54/12 Correspondence for information

  • BMX Ramp Update – it has now been filled with acoustic material
  • Trees/branches overhanging Sorrell Court have been cut back by Devon Tree Svs
  • Picnic in the Park

55/12 Items for information only

  • Tree Wardens for Kingsteignton are as follows:-
  • Cllr B Austen
  • Jane Baker

Meeting closed at 9:12 pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 11 July, 2012.

Signed:…………………………………………………………………………… Dated:………………………………………….