Chapter I


Section 1. Organization. Omicron Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon, located at 234 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio at The Ohio State University, being fully chartered as a regular undergraduate chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity specifically adopts the International Constitution, Bylaws, and Traditions of Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity and, in addition, the following Bylaws are adopted under which the Chapter shall operate.

Section 2. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee of the Omicron Chapter shall consist of: Prytanis, Epiprytanis Internal, Epiprytanis External, Grammeteus, Crysophylos, Histor, Hypophetes, Pylortes, Hegemon, Exadelphos, Rush Chairman, House Manager, Social Chairman, Steward, and Athletic Chairman. As herein provided, a majority of Committee members present at a regularly scheduled officer’s meeting may act for the entire Executive Committee.

Chapter II


Section 1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings or Omicron Chapter shall be held at the Chapter House every Monday evening of the school year at 6:00 p.m., provided that, in case of emergency or necessity, the day, hour or place may be changed by the Prytanis upon sufficient notice to chapter members.

Section 2. Special Meetings, How Called. Special meetings may be called at anytime by the Prytanis and shall be called by him upon written request of not less than fifteen undergraduate members. The purpose of the meeting shall be clearly stated in any such request, and also in the call for the meeting.

Section 3. Notice of Special Meetings. Notice of special meetings shall be given by posting the call for the meeting at least 24 hours in advance of the time fixed for the meeting.

Section 4. Quorum. 51% of the undergraduate members of the chapter shall constitute quorum for the conducting of business. For voting purposes, a member present at the time quorum is established is deemed to be present for the entire meeting unless his absence is excused by the prytanis.

Section 5. Opening and Closing. The ritualistic form of opening and closing shall be used for weekly meetings. This requirement may be waived for a particular meeting, without objection from the chapter, by the Prytanis

Section 6. Order of Business. For the weekly meetings, the order of business shall be;

a. Opening by ritual with initiated fraters present;

b. Associate Members join the meeting

c. Roll Call by Grammateus

d. Reading of minutes of last meeting by Grammateus

e. Reading of names of unexcused absences by Grammateus

f. Report of Officers and committee chairmen:

Internal Affairs.

1. Epiprytanis Internal – bylaws, reports of standing committees.

2. Exadelphos – report on status of fraters living outside the fraternity house; announce any upcoming activities pertinent to the chapter.

3. Report of Special Committees.

Fiscal Operations.

4. Crysophylos – report on status of finances, collection of members’ accounts, accounts payable at each meeting. Report major fiscal activities of the Chapter.

5. Pylortes – report on such special activites as may be assigned by the Prytanis, status of house security, and fire safety.

6. Steward, and House Manager

External Affairs.

7. Epiprytanis External – Public Relations activities, related committee chairman’s reports

8. Grammateus – report on chapter correspondence

9. Histor – report on communications and visits with the alumni, status of the chapter history and scrapbook.

10. Hypophetes – report on status of scholastic aids, status of members and associate members scholastically, fraternal activities and projects.

Associate Member Education.

11. Hegemon report on progress and activities of the associate members.

State of Fraternity

12. Prytanis – wrapping together the reports of the officers and chairmen and suggesting directions to the chapter.

g. Presentation of communications;

h. Announcements not previously covered;

i. Unfinished business as previously reported by Grammateus;

j. New business;

k. Excuse Associate Members;

l. Voting on associate members, officer votes of confidence, officer elections;

m. Passing of the gavel for remarks for the good of the Fraternity;

n. Closing by ritual when Prytanis has determined all remarks have been made.

Section 7. Voting

a. To be eligible to vote, a person must be an initiated member in the fraternity. An enrolled student at The Ohio State University, and must be in good standing with the Office of the Grand Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity and in good standing with Omicron chapter.

b. Voting on motions, on new members, election to office and all other voting activities of the chapter shall be open and by a show of hands. The Prytanis may call for a division of the house or a roll call, and shall do so if requested by five fraters.

c. Each frater eligible to vote shall have one vote for each office in question. Members whose absence is unexcused are deemed to have voted with the majority. In Primary elections, each eligible frater shall have tow votes, but may only cast one vote per candidate. No absentee voting permitted.

Section 8. Elections

a. Presiding officer. The Exadelphos shall conduct the election process for the Offices of Prytanis, Crysophylos, Hegemon, Epiprytanis Internal, Epiprytanis External, Grammateus, Histor, Hypophetes, and Pylortes during winter quarter of each academic year. The Epiprytanis Internal shall conduct the election process for the office of Exadelphos during the Spring Quarter. No frater shall conduct an election in which he is a candidate. In cases where the presiding officer is a candidate for the office in question, the Prytanis shall designate an impartial jeweled officer to conduct the election.

b. Order of election. Elections for the jeweled offices during winter quarter shall be conducted in the following order: Prytanis, Cryaophylos, Hegemon, Epiprytanis Internal, Epiprytanis External, Garammateus, Histor, Hypophetes, and Pylortes.

c. Nominations. Nominations shall be taken at the seventh regular chapter meeting of the designated quarter, at the first regular chapter meeting after a jeweled office is declared vacant. Nominations shall be closed at the end of the meeting.

To be nominated, a member must:

1. Be an initiated Frater in the Bond and be in good standing with Omicron Chapter;

2. With the exception of the Office of Exadelphos, be an in-house member from the beginning of Winter quarter through Autumn quarter of the following year; and

3. Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.25 as of the end of the end of the academic quarter preceding the nomination.

The nomination must be seconded. A member who has been nominated, if present, must either accept or decline the nomination. A member may be nominated to all open offices.

d. Primary election. A primary election shall be held at the eight regular chapter meeting if more than two eligible Fraters are duly nominated for the same open office.

1. Nominated Fraters shall leave the room while primary voting takes place.

2. After the primary vote, the two nominees who receive the highest number of votes shall continue as candidates for the office. In the event of a tie, a second vote shall be taken with those candidates who have failed to receive the requisite votes no longer considered. In the event of a further tie, a third vote shall be taken with only those candidates who tied under consideration for the remaining slot.

3. The third place finisher will be held on record.

e. General election. Final voting shall take place during the 9th week of the quarter.

1. Each frater standing as a candidate may address the Chapter prior to the vote for the relevant office. In addition, candidates may designate two other Fraters to speak as proponents of his candidacy for that office. No speech shall exceed two minutes.

2. Nominated Fraters must leave the room while speeches are being given and the voting is taking place.

3. In the event of a tie, the presiding officer shall call for a division of the house, and, if necessary, shall ask the Grammateus to call roll. A tie which results after a roll call vote shall be decided by the flip of a coin.

4. The winner shall be introduced to the Chapter as the candidates re-enter the room: “Venerable Prytanis, fraters, please welcome our new (office) , (name) .”

5. In the event that a candidate is elected to a higher office, that Fraer finishing third in the primary vote shall become the second candidate for the lower office.

6. Elected officers will take over on the 10th week of the quarter.

7. Any appeal of voting must be filed with the presiding officer within 24 hours.

f. Special elections. If for any reason a jeweled office is declared vacant midterm, said vacancy shall be filled by special election. The elections process shall be conducted as provided in this section, with the following exceptions: Nominations shall be held at the first regular chapter meeting after the office has been declared vacant; the primary election shall be conducted at the second regular chapter meeting; and the general election shall be conducted at the third regular chapter meeting. Nominees shall be in-house residents for the duration of the unexpired term, the Office of Exadelphos excluded. The Prytanis may appoint an acting officer to perform the d! uties of said office until the conclusion of the election process. If the vacancy exsists in the Office of Prytanis, the Epiprytanis Internal shall assume the duties of Prytanis until the special election is concluded.

g. Campaigning prohibited. Any campaigning shall disqualify a Frater from election.

h. Voting secret. Election results shall not be disclosed after the election us completed.

Penalty for Three Excused or Unexcused Absences

Section 9. Excuses from Attendance. Family and class are the only excuses for missing any scheduled fraternity meeting. All absences must be reported to the Prytanis 24 hours before the scheduled meeting. If the absence is not reported, the absences will be reported as unexcused. Excuses must be passed by the prytanis.

Section 10. Penalty for Three Excused or Unexcused Absences. A $5 fine will be paid to the Pylortes for missing a scheduled fraternity meeting. The fine will increase $5 for every absence after. Fines will start over every quarter

Section 11. Privileges of Alumni and Inactive Members. Alumni, honorary, and inactive members may attend all meetings and join in discussion and debate of recognized by the chair but cannot make or second motions to vote.