Summary Report
SfP 973799
Title: Design of Radiation-Hard Semiconductor Devices for Communication Systems and Precision Measurements Using Noise Analysis
Project Co-Directors:
L.K.J.Vandamme, TUE, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (NPD)
A.V.Yakimov, NNSU, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia (PPD)
Approval Date: 3 November, 1999 Effective Starting date: 11/1999
Duration: 3 years; expected completion by 04/2003
NATO Budget: 237,978 EUR National Contribution: 198,315 EUR
Information about the SfP Project through Internet:
Major Objectives
Reduction of the noise, and increase of the reliability and the radiation hardness of microwave and optical devices on the semiconductor homo- and hetero-structures, intended for the use in communication systems, precision measurements and monitoring of the environment.
Ø Prediction of the reliability and radiation hardness of the device by the adaptation of existing non-destructive methods for checking of the internal defects.
Ø Working out the recommendations for updating the structure of devices operating under the hostile influence of external factors (for example, on atomic power stations, in satellite communication systems), with the purpose of improvement of operational parameters of the devices and, especially, reliability and radiation hardness.
Overview of Achievements since the Start of the Project until 31 October 2002
Ø The methods of the non-destructive check of defects in semiconductor structures were modified. The set-ups for the research of defects in semiconductor structures were created. For the first time, the measurement of the bispectrum of LF noise in nano-scale structures was made. Different types of errors in the numerical treatment of the noise were determined and investigated.
Ø The technique of the doping of semiconductor layers by bismuth was developed in order to improve significantly the uniformity of InAs/GaAs QD arrays, and optical and structural quality of InGaP layers.
Ø The method of a photoelectric spectroscopy of QDH in the “semiconductor/electrolyte” system was developed. That increases the sensitivity of the method and widens the spectral region wavelength.
Ø The new method for morphological investigations of the buried (under the GaAs cladding layer) InAs/GaAs QDs by selective chemical etching combined with AFM was developed.
Ø The photoelectric and photoluminescence properties of the surface QDs were investigated. The results allow clarifying the effects of the elastic strain, of the potential barrier shape, and of the chemical composition of the QD material on the electronic structure of the QDs.
Ø An influence of CCl4 introducing during formation of InAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by MOVPE at atmospheric pressure was investigated. It permits us to remove the dislocated InAs clusters that create the defects of structure. The QDs after doping by carbon have the most thermal stability that permits to grow cap layer or emitter’s layers at high temperatures without degradation of QDs parameters.
Ø Technology for fabrication of light emitting diodes at 1.2-1.4 mm region wavelength containing InAs/GaAs QDs layer build-in inside of p-n junction was developed.
Ø For the first time the Monte-Carlo method was developed for the simulation of charge carrier transport in GaAs structures with radiation-induced defects. The experimental investigations of fast neutron, proton and high-energy quantum irradiation influence on ballistic motion of charge carriers in GaAs MESFET structures were performed together with the End-User 2.
Ø Electron transport in nanometer n-GaAs structures was investigated theoretically and experimentally. It was shown that the manufacturing of the devices based on high-energy electrons was the way to improve the radiation hardness. The modeling of the integrated circuit (photodiode + FET amplifier) is made. Technology of the integrated circuit producing via proton’s RTP is developed. The End-User 3 has produced the prototypes of the integrated circuits. The experimental investigations of fast neutron, proton and high-energy quantum irradiation influence on integrated circuits structures were performed together with the End-User 3.
Ø The main features of creation of nano-clusters with radiation-induced defects in the channel of ballistic GaAs MESFET with V-shaped gate (effective length of the gate was 30 nm) subjected to neutron bombardment were investigated. Theoretically and experimentally quantum effects of an electron motion between clusters of radiation defects are investigated with the End-User 2.
Ø The experimental analysis of the influence of defects caused by an irradiation of quantum-size structures in high-energy quantums and fast neutron, on the photoelectric sensitivity and the efficiency of the photoluminescence in laser’s structures has been done with the End-User 3.
Payments through NATO Project Funds: 164,192 EUR
Milestones for the Next Six Months
Ø The computer analysis of results of measurements of the characteristics of the integrated circuit (photodiode + amplifier on the basis of the field-effect transistor).
Ø The analysis of the operation of the modified prototypes in control and measuring systems.
Ø Experiments of the PPD Group together with the End-Users. Study of the effect of the radiation influences in the properties of semiconductor laser diodes.
Ø The critical analysis of the obtained results by all participants and End-Users.
Ø Development of the scientific and technical recommendations for the manufacturing and use of the modified solid-state devices; the use of the modified devices in the developing and manufacturing equipment by the End-Users; the publication of scientific results and their use in the educational process at NNSU.
Implementation of Results
Ø 37 young scientists (2 from the End–User 1) were trained in the PPD group.
Ø The End–User 3 has improved two FETs. One FET is produced for the sale.
Ø Three Russian young scientists successfully defended candidate dissertations.
Ø 13 Russian young scientists, involved in the execution of the Project, got a job in high school or industry on similar subjects.
Ø The PPD Group has created at the End–User 2 the set-up for the research of defects in FETs.
Ø The WWW-site was created for fast reflection of problems to be solved and to present obtained results.
Overview of Patents or Patent Applications
1. V.K.Kiselev, S.V.Obolensky, V.D.Skupov. “Method of the check of structural perfection of monocrystalline semiconductor slices”. The patent of Russian Federation No. 2156520.
2. V.K.Kiselev, S.V.Obolensky, V.D.Skupov. “Method of the gettering treatment of epitaxial layers of semiconductor structures”. The patent of Russian Federation No. 2176422 on 28.06.2001.
NATO Consultant was not appointed
Additional Collaborating Institutions
Ø “VREMYA-CH” JS Company (the End–User 1), Nizhni Novgorod, Russia.
Ø “NIIIS” – R&D Institute of Measuring Systems (the End–User 2), Nizhni Novgorod, Russia.
Ø “SALYUT” (the End–User 3), Nizhni Novgorod, Russia.
Abbreviations: FET – field-effect transistor; LF – low-frequency; MESFET – Schottky-gate field-effect transistor; MOVPE – metal organic vapor phase epitaxy; NNSU – Nizhni Novgorod State University; RTP – radiation technological process; TUE – Eindhoven University of Technology; QD – quantum dot; QDH – quantum dot heterostructure.