Student Demographic Information Date of first entry: Student grade level at first entry:

Last Name ______First Name ______M. I. ______

Date of Birth / / Gender M F

Ethnicity ____ White (Non-Hispanic) ____ African American ____ Hispanic ____ Asian ____ Other

Area(s) of Identification

(Each area of formal identification must have 3 pieces of evidence recorded on or placed in folder.)

_____ General Intellectual Ability _____ Creativity _____ Leadership

_____ Specific Academic Aptitude [check area(s)] ____ Math ____ Language Arts

____ Science ____ Social Studies

_____ Visual and Performing Arts [check area(s)] ____ Visual ____ Drama ____ Dance

____ Instrumental Music ____ Vocal Music

Initial Assessment Data

General Intellectual Ability

_____ CogAT score _____ Otis-Lennon score ______Combined Score on Two Tests (minimum 252)

_____ Date _____ Date ______List other Ability Test/score ______Date

_____ Elementary Teacher Recommendation in folder (or) ____ Middle/High Behavioral Checklist in folder

Specific Academic Aptitude

Stanine Scores (Stanford 10 or ITBS) 9th stanine on norm referenced test or ______Other Assessment ______Reading ______Language ______Math ______Science ______Social Studies

______Date ______Date ______Date ______Date ______Date

**Check that 1 or 2 teacher recommendation/checklist documents for each content area of identification are in folder.

______Reading ______Language ______Math ______Science ______Social Studies

K-PREP Test Performance Level of Distinguished (Secondary evidence for Specific Academic Aptitude)

______Reading ______On-demand Writing ______Math ______Science ______Social Studies

______Date ______Date ______Date ______Date ______Date

Creativity (Check three pieces of evidence and add to folder.)

______Score - Williams Test ______Percentile - SIGS ______Other ______Date

______Date ______Date (Specify test above and enclose test results in folder.)

______Recommendation ______Checklist of Indicators ______Other Evidence

Leadership (Check three pieces of evidence and add to folder.)

_____ Leadership Checklist _____ Jot Down Sheet _____ Student Résumé Form _____ SIGS

_____ Sociometric Test _____ Roets Self-Rating Scale _____ Teacher/Professional Recommendation Form

Visual and Performing Arts ___ Visual Art ___Dance ___ Theatre ___Instrumental Music ___Choral Music

(Use these initials VA – D – T –IM – CM, indicate three pieces of evidence for each area and add to folder.)

______Student Résumé Form ______Letter of Recommendation ______Audition Process

______Student portfolio/work samples ______Checklist of Indicators ______other


Student Name: ______

Fourth Grade School Year ______School ______

Fifth Grade School Year ______School ______

Sixth Grade School Year ______School ______

Seventh Grade School Year ______School ______

Eighth Grade School Year ______School ______

Ninth Grade School Year ______School ______

Tenth Grade School Year ______School ______

Eleventh Grade School Year ______School ______

Twelfth Grade School Year ______School ______

**Three pieces of evidence are required for each gifted area of identification. Evidence beyond the
recorded test scores must be placed in the folder**

Each year the following documentation is to be placed in the student folder.

·  Parent Notification Letter - Beginning of school year

·  Gifted Student Service Plan Implementation Review Form – First Semester or Trimester

·  Parent Feedback Form – First Semester or Trimester

·  Gifted Student Service Plan Implementation Review Form – Second Semester or Second/Third Trimester

·  Parent Feedback Form – Second Semester or Second/Third Trimester

Additional Information Regarding Identified Student: (Include student related planning information,

grievance procedure paperwork, additional forms placed in the folder, etc.)












Acceleration -

Early exit from Primary

/ A student advances through and masters all the material and content of the primary program at the end of P3 (second grade). / At the end of second grade, a student has shown total mastery of the continuous development primary curriculum, concepts and skills and is placed in the fourth grade.

Acceleration -

Grade skipping

/ Applies to students who advance through a grade level prior to the prescribed time based on early mastery. / A third grade student has pretested in all fourth grade content areas and shows mastery throughout. He therefore is placed in fifth grade.
A sixth grade student has pretested in all seventh grade content areas and shows mastery throughout. He therefore is placed in Eighth Grade.
Acceleration -
Subject area higher grade level / Applies to students who physically move to a higher-grade level class for instruction in a content area or ability grouping through instruction at the assigned grade level. / A fifth grade student who has been identified in the Math Prep+ Program attends a 6th grade math class each day.
Students are grouped by ability in social studies and change classrooms and/or teachers for a period of time in the day.
A Seventh grade student meets the requirement for the Prep Program and is placed in Algebra for high school credit.
A ninth grade student has pretested in integrated science demonstrating total mastery and enrolls in a biology course.
Collaborative Teaching
Consultation Services / A gifted education teacher provides differentiated direct instruction in a regular classroom to a cluster group of identified gifted students.
A gifted education teacher provides instructional information and materials to the regular classroom teacher in order to provide appropriate services to a gifted student in the regular classroom. / A gifted education teacher works with identified GT math students in the regular classroom setting emphasizing accelerated math concepts and skills once a month.
Once a month, a gifted education teacher pulls identified middle school visual arts students together for a special session on drawing skills.
A 4th grade student is reading on the sixth grade level and materials on reading classics and mastering the vocabulary of the classics are provided.
A ninth grade student is reading on the twelfth grade level and the gifted education teacher provides the classroom teacher materials on reading classics in-depth and expanding the vocabulary of the classics.
Special Counseling Services / Counseling assistance planned and provided by a counselor familiar with the characteristics and socio-emotional needs of the gifted/talented student / A group of gifted students are offered sessions with the counselor on time management and stressful expectations bi-weekly.
Differentiation -
Individual Study / A student is given a different project than the regular classroom students and works under a contract monitored by the teacher for completion of the project. / The student reads a book related to the corresponding unit of study independently and is given the opportunity to present the book to the class in whatever way best meets his/her giftedness.
Differentiation -
Cluster Grouping / Grouping approximately four to six identified gifted and/or talented students within a heterogeneous classroom. Strategies can include compacting the curriculum for concepts/skills mastered, presenting the curriculum at a faster pace or tiering the level of assignments with emphasis on higher level thinking activities. / Accelerated Reading Groups.
Gifted students who have shown mastery of the basic reading curriculum are reading books, researching, and presenting ideas on related curriculum topics.
Four students identified gifted in science and who have shown mastery of the unit are given and in-depth related project to complete and present to the class under the direction of the classroom teacher.
Enrichment Services -
During school
After school / Curricular concepts, skills and activities that broaden the knowledge, problem solving, technology skills, creativity, and self-sufficiency of the student and supplement classroom instruction.
Academically based activities the supplement classroom instruction and are competitive in nature. / While most students are covering basic skills on vocabulary, the gifted student is participating in a computer learning center to search the web for the etymology of an expanded vocabulary.
Academic Teams, Quick Recall Team, Lego League, and Odyssey of the Mind.
Resource Services -
Pull-out setting / A part-time grouping of students with gifted characteristics based on the interests, needs and abilities of the students. / Elementary and Middle School Project ASCENT for General Intellectual Ability.
Middle School ASCENT Arts Program.

Resource Services -

Appropriate instructional setting

/ Groups designed for accelerated content, special interest groups, process skills development or various combinations of all. / Students participate in the program “Artists in the Know” for gifted visual arts students during school.
The school has set up special interest groups for students identified GT in academic areas. The student group meets bi-weekly studying a unique topic under the direction of a content teacher.

Resource Services -

Consortium / A collaboration of school districts offering a pull-out classroom or other appropriate instructional setting. / Three Northern Kentucky Districts work collaboratively to provide students identified in creativity four sessions throughout the school year to work with a local senior’s facility administrator planning and developing a Kentucky wildflower garden for the site or to work with a state park planner on designing a cultural garden.
Advanced Placement Courses
Honors Courses / AP courses emphasize college-level content based on college board curricula and test.
Honors courses are designed with the provision of mare challenging material through higher levels of content, process and product. / An accelerated eleventh grade student enrolls in AP Calculus and AP World History taught at his high school.
An eighth grade student has been placed in the Prep or Prep+ Program for Language Arts.
Distance Learning / Learning opportunities offered through the use of computer technology and satellite transmission or optical fiber transmission. / A student enrolls in an approved virtual learning program for a Latin course not offered at his high school.
Independent Study / A self-selected study not offered as a class for an individual student and supervised by a teacher or under the auspices of a college or university. / A student enrolls in a French 5 course and works independently during a class period under the direction of the French language teacher.
Mentorship / Specialized studies, such as an internship, with an adult mentor in the community and under the direction of an educator knowledgeable in gifted education. / An eighth grade student works directly for three hours once a month during the school day mentoring a local lawyer on business law.
A twelfth grade student mentors with the school district’s public relations officer learning and practicing interviewing and writing skills.


/ Discussion-based sessions on specific topics focusing on advanced content and higher level process skills. / Students identified leadership attend three sessions on positive leadership skills held in the district.

Creativity Opportunities

/ Students who demonstrate exceptional creative thinking and divergent approaches to conventional tasks as evidenced by innovative or creative reasoning, advanced insight and imagination, and solving problems in unique ways / Design a class mascot, research and design a model school, serve on a committee to improve the natural environment of the school using several ideas and intricate presentations of ideas.

Leadership Opportunities

/ Students who demonstrate the ability to perform at high levels in social skills and interpersonal qualities such as poise, oral and written expression, managerial ability, goal setting and organizing / Club officer, committee chairperson, peer mentor, volunteer, recruitment of others to your organization, attend leadership symposium, involvement in community projects, classroom leadership.
Leadership Symposium.