Flour Baby Contract

The purpose of the flour baby project is to learn how to care for an infant. You are the parent and no one else on campus is allowed to care for your flour baby. This is your major grade.

The expectation is for you to be the best parent possible. This means that you are attentive and caring to the flour baby as though it were a real baby.

1.  The mandatory supplies are a 5 LB bag of flour (covered in duct tape with your name and class period written on it), two pairs of cheap knee high panty hose, and a newborn outfit or blanket to cover your baby. These supplies are to be delivered directly to my classroom #101 BEFORE school.

a.  In addition, you may choose to purchase a pacifier, baby socks, clothing, etc.

2.  You are responsible for the flour baby 24/7 while on and off campus. The flour baby must remain with you at all times. If you are unable to care for the baby due to mandatory sports and extra curricular activities then you must leave your baby in a nursery (safe location – not your locker). If you need to have someone care for your baby while you are at home (personal requirement) you must enlist a babysitter and have them sign the baby journal.

3.  In school, you will follow the directions of your individual teachers concerning treatment of the flour baby in his or her classroom. Your baby should NOT interfere with your learning environment. Babies should be placed in the classroom “nursery” (location to be decided by your teacher) during instruction.

a.  If a teacher feels like you are being irresponsible with your baby or it is becoming a distraction – he or she has the right to collect your baby on the spot and e-mail me.

4.  Be sure that you bring your flour baby to school on required school days. The project ends on Friday morning with your parent signing that you baby is alive and well.

a.  If you forget your flour baby at home, you lose your points for that day.

5.  Be sure that you keep up with your flour baby journals, the baby book is also due in class at the end of the project for a major grade.

6.  If you would like to donate your flour baby to the class, you may do so.

I completely understand all the rules of the flour baby project and will care for my flour baby as though the baby is a real baby. Non-compliance due to lack of care for the flour baby, or mistreatment of your flour baby will result in possible disciplinary action and my major grade will be a zero.


Parent Signature Printed Student Name