School of Mines and Metallurgy Alumni Academy

Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2006, 1:00 p.m.

St. Pat’s Ballroom C, Havener Center, UMR


Chairman Kent Weisenstein opened the meeting, welcomed everyone, and asked for introductions.

Those attending were:

John Bartel

Jerry Bersett

Avery Drake

Joe Gladbach

Ed Goetemann

Bud Hacker

Bill Horst

Wayne Huebner

Don Kummer

Bill Mount

Norbert Neumann

Perrin Roller

Ted Ruppert

Bob Schafer

Greg Skannal

George Taylor

Dianna Tickner

Charles Travelstead

Keith Wedge

Kent Weisenstein

Marvin Zeid

Representatives of UMR:

Richard Brow, Chairman, Materials Science and Engineering

Jeffrey Cawlfield, Interim Chair, Geological Sciences and Engineering

Mariesa Crow, Dean

Larry Grayson, Chairman, Mining and Nuclear Engineering

Linda Guyton, Administrative Assistant, Dean’s Office

Robert Laudon, Professor of G&G, and Associate Dean

Kent Peaslee, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Joanne Zap, Development Associate


A motion was made by John Bartel to accept past minutes from the Homecoming meeting on Sept. 30, 2005 as submitted; it was seconded by Marvin Zeid and passed unanimously.


A motion was made by John Bartel to accept the agenda as submitted; it was seconded by Avery Drake and passed unanimously.


Joanne Zap gave an overview of the University’s capital campaign. Her presentation is attached.

She announced the OGS activities for tomorrow, April 21, 2006.


There will be a dedication ceremony for the Brackbill/Hargis Petroleum Technology Classroom at 4:45 p.m., today, in room 130 McNutt Hall.

A get-well card was passed around for everyone to sign for Tom O’Keefe, Sr., who could not be with us today.


Dean Crow gave an overview of the state of the school.

Her presentation is attached.


Kent Weisenstein read Jim Spehr’s resignation from chair of the nominating committee. Currently there are six members. Greg Skannal volunteered to chair the nominating committee.

Marvin Zeid gave the nominating committee report for Jim Spehr. He reported that there would be one elected member inducted this evening and one honorary member. There were four invited nominees. He explained the nominating process.

The following by-law change was proposed:

I.C.3. Nominees, if not elected in the year nominated, shall be reviewed for membership for two additional years. If not elected after being reviewed for three years, they may not be renominated for membership for five more years.

John Bartel made the motion that the by-law change be accepted as submitted. It was seconded by Dianna Tickner and the motion passed unanimously.

There was a suggestion that the nominator should be notified as to whether or not their nominee was successful and, if necessary, feedback as to why their nominee was not successful.

The criteria used for membership was discussed. Not all members are aware of the membership criteria and quality standards. The membership committee will meet over the next six months and come up with a criteria and scoring process that they will distribute to the members.

Marvin Zeid nominated Greg Skannal to chair the nominating committee. It was seconded by Ted Ruppert. Mr. Skannal accepted the nomination. The motion passed unanimously.

The following people volunteered to be on the nominating committee: Dianna Tickner and Keith Wedge.


Dean Crow read the members of the strategic planning committee. They are: David Bartine, Jerry Bersett, Avery Drake, Harold Garner, Orville Hunter, William Mount, John Remmers, Perrin Roller, Steven Shaw, J. Kenneth Thompson, Dianna Tickner, Torie Vandeven, John Warner, and Kent Weisenstein.

Dean Crow believes that this is a very important time for this committee. In the past, the Dean has chaired the committee, but Dean Crow felt it was more appropriate for a member to be Chair. The motion was made by John Bartel to elect Jerry Bersett as the chair of the Strategic Planning Committee. It was seconded by Marvin Zeid. The motion passed unanimously.


William Horst reported that the two academy scholars this year are Lauren Ethridge, Nuclear Engineering and Robert Newton, Petroleum Engineering.

Dennis Kostic is a new member on the scholarship committee.

The Scholarship committee plans to continue through 2007 in the same way as in the past two years. As of the 1st of April there is $69,000 in the fund. This fund is now self supporting. In the academy general operating fund there is approximately $24,800. At previous meetings it was indicated that if there was over $10,000 in this fund, then funds could be added to the scholarship fund, however, because the scholarship fund is fully funded no transfer of funds is necessary from the academy operating fund this year.


Dean Crow reported that the Jackling Committee Chair is currently Curt Elmore and he is out of the country right now. She reported that since it has been consolidated with Intro to Engineering, the enrollments for the entire Jackling Intro program in all three sessions were at or exceeding the departmental target.

For next year Dean Crow is working on having part of one of the sessions set aside for students in the Houston or Dallas area. They would take a bus and pick up the students, let them have their week here, and then take them back. They would like to target 25 students.

Perrin Roller announced that he needed to resign as Chair of the Jackling Committee. Dean Crow asked for nominations. Wayne Huebner volunteered as Chair of the Jackling Committee. He will get back to us on this.


Dean Crow announced that she would like to move forward with acquiring the furniture for the commons area. External resources are required since the School does not have the money in the budget. There was discussion on corporate giving. The quote is $65,000 and is good until July 31, 2006. Dean Crow agreed to go ahead and fund the furniture with school resources if she had a pledge from the academy membership. How they would meet this goal was discussed. A reasonable time for a pledge would be 3 years. Dean Crow will draft a letter to the membership about the pledge. William Horst made the motion that the academy will pledge a minimum of 80% ($52,000) of which $15,000 is to come from the academy general operating account. The pledge is to raise the funds in a two year period. The motion was seconded by Norbert Neumann. The motion passed unanimously.


The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.