
The current BSA car specifications for ParmaStox can be found below.

NB – If these rules don’t say you CAN, please assume you CAN’T, and then seek clarification from our Technical Committee.


1.  The car body and chassis must be an authentic scale representation of a BriSCA F1 or F2 Stock Car, from 1954 to the present day (Superstox/V8 Stox allowed).

2.  The body must be firmly attached to the top of the upper chassis and have no sharp edges.

3.  The car body must have windows cut out or clear; a painted driver is optional.

4.  Driver’s name and number must be displayed on the body.

5.  A forward facing driver number, minimum 10 mm, and side numbers suitable for race scoring, white on black or black on white, must be visible.

6.  Grade colour must be painted on the cab or on the optional aerofoil.

7.  Replica cars deviating from the above must be supported by authentic photographic evidence.

Upper Chassis

1.  Stock car upper chassis work (bumpers, main rails, nerf bars etc.) to be constructed as a single rigid component in 16swg/1.6mm/1/16” material.

2.  Upper chassis must be attached to the pan by hinging around the front axle and tethering at rear to allow 1.5mm max vertical float via a strong back hook.

3.  Any other hinged or floating chassis sections, droparms, suspension or any mechanical or fabricated device to enhance handling is not permitted.

4.  Upper chassis must extend past all points of the lower chassis pan and be symmetrical about centre line (with the exception of any front or rear guards - see diagram on page 4).

5.  Bumpers to be straight (not angled or bent) and at 90 degrees to the main rails.

6.  Main rails must be straight (not angled or bent) and above front and rear axles.

7.  Nerf bars to be at main rail height.

Lower Chassis

1.  All mechanical components and chassis must be unmodified and be symmetrical about centre line.

2.  The lower chassis pan must be either a Parma Womp chassis (brass or steel), Champion Thumper/Legend/Modified chassis, or Sprints plus brass chassis.

3.  Chassis pan width must be cut to between 28 & 36mm. You may fold up both sides of the baseplate for added strength, but the width must remain between 28 and 36mm.

4.  The only modifications allowed are:

a.  2 longitudinal wire 16swg stiffeners soldered to top surface of pan;

b.  short 16swg wire brace between motor bracket and pan or rear axle tabs.

5.  Any ballast must be rigidly soldered or glued to the flat surface of the pan (only lead ballast allowed).


1.  The only permitted motor is the standard Parma 16D, and all previous retrospective motors (white/clear endbell, pink endbell and homeset), with the exception of the “Rotor Motor”, which is banned with immediate effect.

2.  NO MODIFICATIONS ALLOWED – this includes timing and balancing.


Only Parma, Champion or Cox 48 pitch contrate or pinion allowed.


1.  Front wheels/tyres o/d 18mm min.

2.  Rear tyre width 12mm max.

3.  Rear tyres – only control sponge tyres from club stock allowed (Parma MX or Alpha Supernatural).

Dimensions Summary

PARMA pan width / 36 mm max
28 mm min / Bumper depth / 5 mm min, 8mm max, (22mm max including front/rear guard bar)
Overall length including guide / 135 mm max / Bumper width (with flat vertical face) / 54 mm min
Overall width / 65 mm max / Ground clearance (at any point) / 1 mm min
Cab height (from track) / 42 mm min / Front wheels O/D / 18 mm min
Bumper contact point (from track) / 13 mm (at any point) / Rear tyres – width / 12 mm max

©Ken Holmes& Jack Branch, 2015 Updated December 2016

See next page for a useful Ken Holmes diagram to help clarify any issues.

Any further queries? Please consult our Technical Committee.

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