Lost is a TV show that has been airing for 6 years (6 seasons spanning over 121 episodes). Throughout this time the show has been followed by a devoted legion of fans that have fuelled speculation about the shows many hidden meanings on the internet, forums, chat rooms, Facebook and You Tube. Much hype recently surrounded the shows finale with audiences around the world speculating which secrets would finally be revealed. The finale was watched by over 13 million people in the United States alone. After the finale fans everywhere were either disappointed or satisfied. The shows creators were accused of not delivering the much needed closure.

The series follows the past, present, future and after lives of the survivors of a plane crash, after a passenger jet, Oceanic Flight 815, flying from Sydney to Los Angeles crashes on a tropical island in the South Pacific, as well as the lives of other people on the island. They include the "Others," who initially antagonize the survivors, members of the Dharma project who were conducting experiments on the island, as well as a group of people who arrive on the freighter Kahana. Each episode typically featured action on the island as well as flashbacks, flash-forwards and flash-sideways to another point in a character's life.

Clip 1

Jack & Christian Shepherd who are meeting for the first time as father and son in a room of a church.

1.  Consider the names of the two characters featured. Do their names have other associated meanings?

2.  Look to the window behind Christian and describe what you see.

3.  What type of audience might benefit from this scene?

4.  What does Christian mean when he says, “What are you doing here?”

5.  “Yeah, I’m real, you’re real”. If Christian and Jack are both dead then why are we seeing them alive and together?

6.  “Everyone dies sometime kiddo. Some of them before you, some long after you”. What is Christian talking about?

7.  “There is no now, here”. What does Christian mean?

8.  Where do you think they are going?

9.  How do you feel when you are watching this clip from the finale of Lost?

10.  What confuses you about this clip?

11.  What is the shows interpretation of the afterlife? (100 words)

Clip 2

The re-union of Lost souls in the Church featuring most of the main characters from the TV show who are about to “move on” into the light.

1.  If everyone in the church is dead then why are they so happy?

2.  What 2 worlds are being depicted in this clip?

3.  What is happening to Jack Shepherd in the clip where he is featured walking through the bamboo plantation?

4.  As this reunion of Lost souls take their seats, it appears that the church is transformed into a metaphor for what?

5.  What main 2 instruments are being played during the soundtrack? What effect do these instruments have upon us the audience?

6.  Toward the end of the clip we see a fade to white. What is this representative of?

7.  What confuses you about this clip?

8.  Compare and contrast the final scene of Lost with the first scene of Lost. Both scenes are found on my Wiki. Why do you think the writers of the show chose to begin and end Lost this way? Explain.


1.  What worthwhile themes are being explored in both clips? List.

2.  Still Lost and confused??? Then check the internet and research the truth behind the last ever episode of Lost.