Rruga Dora D’Istria Tirana, Albania, Tel +355 42 30369

Website: www.fss-gi.edu.al

Center for



Center for Gender Studies

The Center for Gender Studies in the Faculty of Social Studies, Tirana University was created to promote teaching and research methodologies in the area of gender studies and to build bridges between universities, research centers, national institutions, NGOs, policy makers, international organizations, media and business.

The principal activities of the Center for Gender Studies are:

  1. To ensure the continuation of the Master Studies in Gender and Development
  2. To initiate other training and research activities in the field of gender studies and development.

Activities of the Center for Gender Studies in the past were primarily funded by Soros Foundation and UNDP, which have given an important and valuable contribution to the University. These activities consisted of:

  1. Establishing the Center for Gender Studies
  2. Training of the academic staff on gender issues
  3. Development of the graduate and postgraduate curricula.

The Center for Gender Studies aims to act as an interdisciplinary university center for education and research in the area of women rights, gender equality and development.

Master Programme in Gender and Development - Background

In Albania, the potentially liberating elements of post-communist change have been accompanied by increased disparities between rich and poor, the decline of rural areas and the congestion of urban ones, and ongoing problems in the implementation of democratic state structures. All these process effect men and women differently.

This new Masters Programme, devised in conjunction with UNDP and Roskilde University, Denmark, explores the gender dimensions of current processes of development in Albania, in terms of their activities at a local level and the way in which they are situated in the broader context of Europe. The programme offers a scientifically based high level programme teaching the newest and highest quality knowledge in gender and development studies. Designed according to the needs of the Albanian context, it maintains a balance between the need for specialist practical skills and enhanced analytic and research abilities.

It situates the study of gender and development in both an academic context and in the context of policy-making and implementation. Students are equipped with the analytical and conceptual skills needed to understand gender issues in the context of social and economic development, and the practical skills required to participate effectively in gender and development-related research, policy making, and implementation. In particular, a Masters in Gender & Development will meet the needs of students working or seeking to work as specialists in national and international organizations, government departments and agencies.

The course has been designed in conjunction with Danish specialists to reflect the highest standards in postgraduate study in Europe. Its structure reflects that of the European Credit Transfer Scheme (ECTS ~ ‘Bologna Process’) that aims to allow students to transfer from one university in Europe to another. In addition, guest professors from universities in Western Europe will take courses and contribute to the development of high standard teaching methodologies. Mentors will be appointed to advice individual students on curriculum throughout entire programme.


Students will be required to have a bachelor’s degree in a related discipline (sociology, social work, political science, psychology and law). Students with similar qualifications from other less related bachelor programmes will be assessed individually. The programme will be taught in English and students will be required to high level English language skills.


The course is part-time for two years with students completing one module in each of the four semesters. A series of short preparatory courses will be held prior to the commencement of the first module. This is intended to prepare students for postgraduate study by developing their computer skills, and English language expression.


Preparatory Module

Purpose: This module is crucial for students who will be enrolled in the programme, as it will equip them will necessary skills to successfully start the Masters programme, including academic writing skills, computer skills, etc.


1.  Compulsory course: Preparation for Academic Writing in English and

Preliminary Research Skills (3 ECTS)

Module 1

Purpose: This module will focus on providing students with theoretical background in gender and development. Students will examine an interdisciplinary range of perspectives, drawing on aspects of philosophy, history, psychology and literary and cultural studies. The subjects examine key concepts in the analysis of social relations between women and men in different cultural, economic, and political contexts.


1.  Compulsory course: Gender, identity and culture (3 ECTS)

2.  Compulsory course: Gender, philosophy, epistemology (3 ECTS)

3.  Optional course: International gender issues in development (3 ECTS)

4.  Optional course: Introduction to development theories (3 ECTS)

5.  Optional course: Society and politics (3 ECTS)

  1. Optional course: Human rights (3 ECTS)
  2. Optional course: Comparative social policy (3 ECTS)

Module 2

Purpose: This module will emphasise the development of students’ research skills in gender and development in the context of specific policy areas such as international and national law, European integration, economics and migration. Students will learn about a range of gender planning and policy analysis frameworks, and project design tools.


1.  Compulsory course: Research methods in gender studies (3 ECTS)

2.  Compulsory course: Gender policy: Planning and analysis (3 ECTS)

3.  Compulsory course: Programme evaluation (3 ECTS)

4.  Optional course: Gender and migration (3 ECTS)

5.  Optional course: Gender and media (3 ECTS)

6.  Optional course: International Relations and European Integration (3 ECTS)

7.  Optional course: Global transformations and economics (3 ECTS)

8.  Optional course: Human resource management (3 ECTS).

Module 3

Purpose: This module deals with a number of different aspects of gender and development and allows the student to specialise in specific fields. The gendered dimensions of different development sectors will be explored and students will be introduced to the concept of ‘gender mainstreaming’. Subjects will cover topics including, democracy, welfare, human rights, governance and citizenship.


1.  Compulsory course: Gender, institutions and social development (3 ECTS)

2.  Compulsory course: Gender mainstreaming (3 ECTS)

3.  Optional course: Rural Development Policy (3 ECTS)

4.  Optional course: Teaching gender (3 ECTS)

5.  Optional course: Sociology of family (3 ECTS)

  1. Optional course: Media and social transformation (3 ECTS)

7.  Optional course: Domestic violence and international human rights (3 ECTS)

Module 4

During the final module, students will prepare and submit a thesis in consultation with a supervisor from the academic staff. Courses and workshops to assist students in the research and writing of their thesis will be held throughout the term.

Documents of Reference

  1. Statute of Center for Gender Studies
  2. Rule of Center for Gender Studies approved by Ministry of Education and Science, date 21.05.2001, Prot. no. 2041.