PUR1305/09 Answers to Questions from Suppliers

  1. The weighting score seems very heavily biased toward the financial proposal (80%), could you please elaborate on why the service and technical elements are so much lower in priority?

The 80% financial weighting is only the last stage of the procurement process. Only suppliers that meet all minimum requirements and pass the two technical thresholds (written and self-booking price) will be asked to submit a financial proposal (as per point 3.2. in the RFP).

  1. Why is the self-booking tool, which constitutes a significant part of the scope of works, given such a low final weighting at 5%?

The Self-Booking tool is also evaluated in the written technical proposal (questions 15-24). Please notice that the final weighting of 15% on the written technical proposal and 5% on the self-booking tool demo are only part of the last evaluation that will be done to suppliers that pass the pre-qualification and the two technical thresholds specified in point 3.2. in the RFP.

  1. Why is a proprietary booking tool not deemed acceptable given that is has more flexibility in process flow integration and is vastly cheaper to deploy and use?

A proprietary tool would limit the Bank’s options in the event that it wished to change the TMC.

  1. We understand the current booking tool is part of the SAP platform - can you please confirm this is the case and that you use this for bookings? And does any approval workflow run through SAP?

We do currently use SAP travel module as a self-booking tool for staff however it’s not fit for purpose and it is not utilised to a great extent. The majority of the travel which is booked is done directly with the Travel Office. Approval workflow does currently run through SAP.

  1. Who will hold the licence for the booking tool, are you only looking for reseller relationship with the online tool? How do you envisage paying for the tool?

The Bank is seeking the services of a TMC which shall possible purchase all of the licenses required to provide an appropriate SBT to the Bank. Should the Bank need to purchase any licenses itself, the Supplier shall specify this in its proposal and itemise the cost in its quotation file.

  1. Could you please provide details of current online booking adoption by percentage

Currently adoption percentage is around 9%

  1. Can you specify the reason for the reduction in online adoption levels within the Executive Summary supplied?

Current SBT has limitations so could not be properly mandated to the business.

  1. 3.9 The desire for high adoption rate will be best achieved with a strong mandate - is this likely to be forthcoming from within EBRD?

Yes. It is anticipated that such mandate will be provided assuming successful deployment of the SBT.

  1. How much will use of the self-booking tool be mandated and from when?

This will be discussed / reviewed after tender award.

  1. 4.15 Could you please expand on what is meant by “single side data entry”?

This terminology is used in reference to the self-booking tool and means that there is a requirement for traveller data to be only entered once at the start of the booking process.

  1. Which online booking tool do you currently use? Is your OBT contracted directly from the supplier, or provided under a reseller agreement from your incumbent TMC?

Currently SAP online booking tool is used which is contracted directly with SAP and EBRD.

  1. Which GDS do you use?


  1. Could you confirm if EBRD have a preferred GDS or are happy to proceed with the chosen suppliers preferred GDS?

The Bank has no preference with regards to the choice of GDS subject to it not compromising any of the functionalities of the SBT proposed as listed in Section 4 of Annex B in the RFP document.

  1. Will online booking be required for the local markets in central and Eastern Europe, for local travel in those markets (rail, local hotels, ground transportation etc)?

Not at the moment. However we should have the option if wanted to do so in the future.

  1. Regarding question 5, can you please provide more details of the bank’s in-house systems that you wish us to interface with?Can you clarify your interpretation of an interface?

We use SAP for expense management and currently any travel which is booked automatically creates an associated expense claim which is then used to finalise the expense details and submit for reimbursement, if warranted. We also use this to reconcile Lodge card airfare payments as the airfares are also processed, although not reimbursable to staff. Therefore, SAP is the main in-house system we refer to and require interfaces for. Our interpretation of an interface is getting the information which is booked in the self-booking tool or the external reservation system into our SAP system for the subsequent expense processing and also if necessary for reporting.

  1. Can you confirm that the self-booking tool is planned to go live 90 days after the contract start date?

This will be confirmed after the tender award.

  1. Minimum requirement #9 – does this include an email from a Blackberry device?

The Bank uses Blackberry mobile devices. The requirement is that users should be able to execute travel approvals from these devices. Suppliers should confirm that this is possible and detail how it is achieved.

  1. Is one of your minimum requirements that we look after three £10m+ financial companies?

Yes, Question 2 in the Minimum Requirements Checklist requires the Supplier to have at least three (3) current client contracts each within the financial sector in the UK (minimum value of £10,000,000) where it provides the full range of Corporate Business Travel services and having more than six (6) months left to operate.

  1. Is the EBRD Annual Meeting currently handled within the implant or by a specialist MICE service operation?

Separate Specialist MICE Companies

  1. Annex B - 5.12. Please provide an indication of the number of delegates and locations of these meetings. Would the operation of the event be managed by the TMC?

These events are handled by a separate specialist MICE Companies.

  1. What is the preferred payment method for travel for EBRD? How is payment managed for annual meetings for suppliers and delegates?

Air and Train = Lodge Card, Hotel = Employee corporate credit card. Annual Meetings are handled by a separate specialist MICE Companies

  1. Foreign currency - Can you please expand on the current process - facility for re-use of returns etc.

This is handled by the travel management company through a third party supplier. The current TMC process any requests of currency returned.

  1. Foreign Currency - 10.3 Approximately what volume is associated with this request per annum?

Full Year 2013: 802 Transactions, 311 Returns for refunds

  1. Could you provide more details regarding the scope of requirements for foreign currency?

Foreign currency is ordered through the travel management company, charged to the employees corporate credit card, delivered to the travel management company for the employee to pick up. Return of currency is managed by the implant and credited to the traveller’s corporate card.

  1. Annex B - 3.5. Can you confirm whether the foreign exchange service should be standalone onsite, or can this requirement be supported by a third party?

The Bank does not have a preference. Suppliers are invited to propose to the Bank (as part of the written proposal) their recommended approach.

  1. How frequently do you use the out of hours service?

The use of the out of hours services is mainly required when travellers are facing travel disruptions (Airlines strikes, cloud ash situation, emergency evacuation of a countries due to war or civil protests, etc.)

  1. Amman is shown in the top 5 hotels listing. However, the documentation suggests there is no office there, so can you please advise the reason behind the trend for Amman travel?

EBRD opened a resident office in Amman a year ago.

  1. What proportion of the Hotel transactions is commissionable?

The EBRD does not have any reporting from the current TMC about proportion of hotel transactions commissionable. However, as a principal most of the hotels used within the Bank’s countries of operation are non-commissionable. All others hotel used outside the Bank’s countries of operation are usually commissionable.

  1. Have the hotel bill-back transactions of 1,200 already been counted in the hotel reservations confirmed number?

Yes this is correct

  1. Annex B - 3.3 relates to hotel billback. Can you confirm if hotel billback is settled centrally in the UK?

All hotel billbackis only used for hotels within London and are settled via a Lodge card centrally in the UK.

  1. Are commissions to be returned or retained?

The Bank request a financial model based on transaction fees and anticipate contractors to include in their calculation of the transaction fees all commissions received.

  1. Annex B - 6.3 (b). Can you provide the percentage of current hotels which fall into this category?

The EBRD negotiates hotel rates only for destinations within the Bank’s countries of operation and ensures that all EBRD negotiated rates are loaded into the GDS. For some reservations when the rate is not available at the time of booking (due to high demand ), we request the TMC to make direct contact with the relevant hotel to double check the EBRD rate availability displayed on the GDS. The EBRD does not have any reporting from the current TMC about proportion of hotel directly contacted.

  1. Could you provide a breakdown of the current Travel Office team’s staffing (number of managers, supervisors, consultants and administrators), their length of service and the approximate salary costs?

Suppliers are invited to propose to the Bank (as part of the written proposal) their recommended approach in term of staff structure.TUPE information will be provided to suppliers at the final stage of this procurement process

  1. Does the staff include an Account Manager?

As part of our current financial agreement with the current TMC, the account manager function is provided, however this is not a full time position within the travel implant. Suppliers are invited to propose to the Bank (as part of the written proposal) their recommended approach in term of account management function at no extra cost.

  1. Will the TMC’s transaction and service fees be charged to the BTA card? Yes
  1. Please advise the reasons why 10% of Air tickets are exchanged and 14% refunded, or the processes which cause this high rate of attrition?

The business of the Bank dictates that there are a high percentage of changes/refunds

  1. Could you please provide a more detailed breakdown of air transactions, by domestic, regional and international?

The necessary breakdown is provided within the management report “Air Destinations Analysis “ (page 40).

  1. Could you please provide the sales value/revenue for the EBRD travel business in sterling

All management information reports have been provided in sterling GBP. Currency (GBP) show on the top of each page.

  1. Can you please confirm if the service required will be solely from the UK, or if local servicing in other countries will be required. If so, can you confirm the countries and the split of business by transactions and sales

Currently UK only

  1. Does EBRD require an implant service located at their offices, or would you consider the service team to be located off-site at the TMC premises?

The Bank does not have a preference. Suppliers are invited to propose to the Bank (as part of the written proposal) their recommended approach.

  1. Is it EBRD’s preference for an on-site or off-site team?

The Bank does not have a preference. Suppliers are invited to propose to the Bank (as part of the written proposal) their recommended approach.

  1. Can you confirm if elements of the SLA are negotiable

The SLA is non-negotiable

  1. Minimum requirement #14 – can EBRD confirm that they require a dedicated account manager, i.e. 100 per cent of this individual’s time?

The Bank does not have a preference. Suppliers are invited to propose to the Bank (as part of the written proposal) their recommended approach.

  1. Please can EBRD clarify the telephone service level requirement as there is a contradiction in 18.4 (i) with the point listed in the Annex C SLA?

Minimum target 85%, Target 90%

  1. Annex B - 3.18. Please provide examples of additional services currently being required.

Nothing specific at the moment, however the TMC should be able to provide is necessary additional travel related services when available.

  1. Annex B - 10.2. We note that unused ticket reports are requested on a daily basis. To enable us to get a greater understanding of EBRD working practices, could you please advise the reasoning behind this process?

This is to enable EBRD to monitor refunds.

  1. The airline ‘paid fare’ total is remarkably similar for both 2012 and 2013. Can you confirm if this is based upon a ‘budget’ threshold?

The similarity of the figures are pure coincidence and reflect the actual spend. The travel budget of the Bank remain similar year after year.

  1. Annex B - 14.3. Do you currently manage lost baggage tracking in-house? If so, could you please provide details of the company used to support this.

This is handled as required by the travel management company direct with the airline

  1. Annex B - 20.5 we assume the potential payment retention relates to our fees? not 3rd party costs?

It understood that the question relates to section 20.5 of the contract. The Bank will pay only for satisfactory services received, including 3rd party costs.

  1. Executive Summary Report - Savings ‘claimed’ appear to reduce year on year. Can you advise the reason for this reduction?

There is not a necessary reduction in the level of savings realised (claimed). The Bank’s emphasis has changed to focus more on the monitoring of the savings lost (rejected) rather than realised, to assess areas of further savings. In addition, the current TMC can only report on one of the two savings.

  1. Although top line information has been provided, could you please advise the names of officially preferred carriers and hotels?

Not at this stage of the process. In general the top 15 carriers will be preferred suppliers. For hotel the top used hotels within the Bank’s countries of operation will be preferred suppliers.

  1. We note you have advised a location in Tunisia. Please advise which city?


  1. Could you please provide an indication of the number of VIPs and if any are based in locations outside the UK?

All based in London:

50 Board members and alternate

11 Top management , including the President of the EBRD

25 Managing directors

  1. Annex A Q 17 asks for acceptance of all terms in the Contract draft in Annex H, and to note that the terms are non-negotiable. However, Annex H, 35.2 advises that 'the terms have been discussed and negotiated'. We would appreciate clarification of this apparent contradiction as the norm for a draft Contract is for it to be strongly indicative but not final.

The Contract draft is non-negotiable subject to the terms being consistent with any relevant statutory, regulatory or legal requirements placed upon the supplier. The specific commercial points and other variables in the contract will be negotiated with the selected supplier.

  1. Draft Contract refers to Contract Price at Section 3.3, but this isn’t shown?

Contract price will be negotiated with the selected supplier and included as one of the Schedules of the contract and in the Contract Termsheet

  1. Section 11 – we would anticipate additional wording regarding Data Protection

Please refer to question 54 above.