Autumn 1 – MTP – Year 2. Fighting Fit! (An historical topic about famous nurses in the Crimean war, also WW1).

Title: Fighting Fit! / Timescale:7 week half term
Hook: Florence Nightingale’s lamp and medical equipment.
Rationale: This half term we are going to learn about Famous Nurses from the past – Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole from the Crimea war, and Edith Cavell from World War I. We will compare the Isle of Wight to Jamaica that was the home of Mary Seacole. Our Science will be to cover Health and Growth of humans by recognising parts of the body, identifying our senses, how we can stay fit and healthy and how we human beings can stay clean. We will also link our work to hospitals and medicines, also looking at healthy food choices we can try to make each day. We will also be looking at an ongoing strand of Science in our changing world. We will observe how the KS1 wildlife garden changes over the year. We will also grow bulbs ready for the Spring. An exciting and busy half term.
We were wondering if one of our parents is a nurse, or has a nurse in the family, and would have time to come into class to talk to the children about their job? If you are, then please contact Mrs Shynn or Mrs Banks to book a convenient date to visit.
The Big Question:Do you think Florence Nightingale was brave to act as she did? How did nurses help the soldiers in wars of the past?
Home Task: We are giving you a choice of home task this half term that is based on our Science work this half term.You can choose between keeping a food journal for a week thinking carefully of your healthy food choices, or you might like to create a fruit smoothie. I will attach a recording sheet for each task together with an evaluation sheet if you choose to make the smoothie at home. You choose which task you and your child would like to do. Have fun!
Also if you are able to visit your local library, or research information on the Internet, could you help your child to find out some facts about of the nurses we are learning about. Please encourage your child to write down these facts in any way they would like. This information could be shared with the class.
Educational Visits/Global/Cultural Link: Possible visit of a nurse to talk about her role working in the local hospital.
Global link:- Life in Jamaica compared to the Isle of Wight.
Main Subjects Covered:History, Geography and Science.
RE Topic for the Half Term: Living Difference 111 unit for year 2 - Special books – The Bible and The Torah. Christian Value – Relationships.
Science Topic for the Half Term:Health and Growth. Ongoing unit – Our Changing world.
PSHE/SMSC Link: Respect faith, feelings and values by learning about others. Learn about the world.
WEEK 1 / WEEK 2 / WEEK 3 / WEEK 4 / WEEK 5 / WEEK 6 / WEEK 7
Use Interim statements / L Problem solving
S Writing numbers on a 100 number square / L Place value
+ greater than, less than and equal signs
S Read and write numbers up to 100 in numerals / L count forwards and backwards in steps of 2,5, 10
S Compare and order numbers to 100 / L Number bonds and sub facts within 20
S Recall double and halves to 20 / L Add Subtract two digit numbers and ones + tens
S Add three one digit numbers / L Assessments
+ Count forwards and backwards in steps of 3 to solve problems
S Read and write numbers up to 100 in words / L + S Address weaknesses from Assessments
Literacy / Tricky words/Salford Ass
Common ex words
Baseline writing / ‘Our house’ week 1 / ‘Our house’ week 2 / Six Dinner Sid
Week 1 / Six Dinner Sid
Week 2 / Six Dinner Sid Assessment / Tricky words/Phonics R/W/I /C Ex words and Handwriting assessed
Guided Reading Sue
+ Quality text with Lucie / Hear children read and change books / Individual reading
Words in 1 min
Y – House for sale
Quality text / Individual reading
Words in 1 min
R- Dad’s grand plan
Quality text / Individual reading
Words in 1 min
B – The broken roof
Quality text / Individual reading
Words in 1 Min
G – Skeletons
Quality text / Reading assessment
Words in 1 min
Reading suffix words / Individual reading
Salford reading
Reading common exception words
SPAG / Capital letters/full stops
Commas in a list / Capital letters/full stops
Commas in a list / Introduce 4 types of sentences.
Statements / Questions
Using question marks / Commands
(instructions to make fruit smoothie)
Use imperative command – no choice (Put the fruit in the bowl) / Exclamations
+ Exclamatory sentences (What/How)
Using exclamation marks
Word Level / Compound words / Revision of suffix list from year 1. –er,
-ing, -est and –ed. / Introduce
Suffix -ness / Suffix -ful / Suffixes –ly / Assessment
Phonics/Spellings / R/W/I Assessment for correct levels / R/W/I groups
No Nonsense spelling / R/W/I groups
No Nonsense spelling / R/W/I groups
No Nonsense spelling / R/W/I groups
No Nonsense spelling / R/W/I groups
No Nonsense spelling / R/W/I Assessment
No Nonsense spelling assessment
Science / Changing world.
Changes over time local environment / Role of medicines
Role of nurses/hospitals / Name and label parts of the body. Name the human senses. / How can we stay fit and healthy? Look at importance of exercise, balanced diet and hygiene / Food groups – What should we eat to make a balanced diet? Healthy lunchbox or meal. / How can we stay clean? Discovery Dog
Child led investigation
Hand washing
Plant bulbs to flower next Spring.
Computing / E-safety
Dongle the rabbit
Smartie the penguin / E-safety
Poster/rules / Programming Bee Bot, sequence of instructions / B Bot – programme to create a Right angle or rectangle / Screen turtle
Turtle pond / Assessment
Values + Block day / What does ‘relationships’ mean to us? / What relationships do we know about in the Bible? / Link the value of Relationships to Spirituality / Relationship Bible story of The Good Samaritan / Write prayers about our relationships / RE block day
Special books
The Bible and
The Torah
History / Hospitals in wars of the past / Florence Nightingale
Facts / Mary Seacole / Edith Cavell
Geography / ------/ IOW focus day / Jamaican tropical fruit / IOW Red Squirrels
Jamaican birds
Art and Design
Design and Technology / Sketches of themselves and class teacher and other adults / Sketching
Florence Nightingale / Sketching
Mary Seacole / Sketching
Edith Cavell / Food based activity Plan, design and create a tropical fruit smoothie / Sketching
Red Squirrels
Macaw parrots
Music / Musical express / Musical express / Musical express / Musical express / Musical express / Musical express
PE / Multiskills/Games / Multiskills/Games / Multiskills/Games / Multiskills/Games / Multiskills/Games / Multiskills/Games
PSHE/SMSC / Inform class of class charity - Hospice
Week 1
6th – 8th Sept
First week / Week 2
11th – 15th Sep / Week 3
18th-22nd Sept / Week 4
25th-29th Sept / Week 5
2nd-6th Oct / Week 6
9th -13th Oct / Week 7
16th – 20th Oct
Wednesday pm
Lucie / Basic skills
Handwriting joins
Practice writing First name and surname
Address / Role of medicines / Name and label parts of the body.
Senses of the human body / How can we stay fit and healthy?
Importance of exercise, balanced diet and hygiene. / Food groups
What should we eat?
Healthy meal and lunchbox / Food based activity. Plan, design and create a tropical fruit smoothie. / IOW Red squirrels (IOW)
Parrots (Jamaica)
Thursday pm
Sue / Changing World
KS1 Wildlife garden
Observe/draw/record plants, mini beasts they can see or find. / Rose of nurses
Hospitals modern day / Introduce Florence Nightingale
(facts and sketch her portrait) / Introduce Mary Seacole
(Jamaica) / Introduce Edith
Cavell / Science
How can we stay clean?
Discovery Dog.
Handwashing investigation. / RE
Whole day
RE block day
Special books
The Bible and
The Torah
Friday pm
Sue / Draw pictures of themselves for blue portfolio folder.
Draw pictures of year 2 staff for the website. / Hospitals in the Crimean war / IOW Focus day / Sketching portrait of
Mary Seacole / Sketching portrait of Edith Cavell / Plant bulbs to flower next Spring in containers and KS1 Wildlife garden / Topic report.