WORK WITH US. We want to hear YOURVIEWS on the new proposal for a combined NHS 111 and GP Out-of-Hours service.

About the event

North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), in partnership with East Surrey, Guildford and Waverley and Surrey Downs CCGs, are procuring a new,combinedNHS 111 and GP Out-of-Hours service.

Together, we are launching an extensive engagement campaign in June to obtain feedback from the public and stakeholders, specifically looking at how people are currently using the service and what changes they would make if they were able.

As a key stakeholder, your feedback is very important in this process and will help inform the final specification for bidders.This is your opportunity to help us shape future plansby providing yourviews and experience of the current and proposed new service. We are also keen to hear of any future stakeholder strategies that may support or impact the future service.

Who is attending?

Partners from the health, social care and voluntary sectors, as well as colleagues from local government.

Event details

Please let us knowif you would like to attend by completing the online registration form.

Hosted by North West Surrey CCG

  • 15th June – 14:30 pm - 16:00 pm
  • The Hythe Centre,36 Thorpe Rd, Staines-upon-Thames, Egham, TW20 8DL

For information about this event please contact:

Event schedule

Theevent will start with an introductory presentation, followed by an opportunity for attendees to feedback and engage. Sample Agenda:

  • Registration and coffee
  • Presentation by Lyn Reynolds, NHS 111 Procurement Lead
  • Facilitated table sessions
  • Break
  • Feedback and Questions & Answers

How to register

Please click hereto register your attendance.

Take the survey

Please feel free to take part in an online survey to share your experiences of the NHS 111 and GP Out-of-Hours services, irrespective of whether you are attending one of the events or not.