Publications Committee Conference Call Meeting

Thursday, January 8, 2015;12:00 p.m. Eastern


Present:Amos Goodall, Sage Hart, Raymon Harvey, Barbara Isenhour, Amy O’Hara, King Self, Ken Shulman, Judie Smith,Emily Starr & Greg Wilcox

Absent:Judith Bomster, Lisa Davis, Robert Fleming,Joe Gilsoul, Laurie Hanson, Barb Hughes, Kristen Lewis,Tara Anne Pleat, Bruce Reinoso, Dennis SandovalStu Zimring

Staff: Sandi Khawam

Minutes from the November 2014 meeting were approved.

The Voice: Please see the attached Voice schedule for changes and the most recent assignments:

Laurie Hanson’s book club summary will be published January 27, 2015.

Followed by Carol Battaglia’s article on Two Kinds of SNT’s. After approval by Carol, it will go to Joe for copy editing.

Greg Wilcox is continuing to work with Amy O’Hara regarding the Bullying article written by Amy O’Hara’s colleague.

Emily Starr is working with Ed Wilcenski on his article on Serving as a Trustee.

King will do the first round of edits on Linnea Levine’s article on Medicare & Observations Days.

Tara Anne is finishing up edits on Pins & Passwords, then to Amos for his final review as author.

Kelly Thompson will be providing an article on the military child protection legislation.

Franchella Millender will provide an article on Family Law & SNTs

Barbara will follow up with Daniel Staggers as he agreed to provide a tax-oriented article – options are Tax Implications of Gifts, or IRS Allowances for Caregiver Medicare Waiver. Amy O’Hara will edit this article.

ABLE Article: The Committee agreed that we should prepare an article on the ABLE legislation that was recently passed. Sandi will check with Bob Brogan and Morris Klein on the Public Policy committee as they have prepared materials on the subject. If they’re not available then Tara Anne said she and Ed were preparing an article for their firm newsletter that they would be happy to revise.

Arc Interview/Article: Sandi will follow up with Steve Dale on the status of the Arc article on their Future Planning Center.

Publications Committee Article Recruitment: The Board has asked the committee send out an email to the list-serve with the topics from the last two years, and to encourage members to submit articles. Sandi will follow up.

Final Editing: Sandi will resend the NY Bar style guidelines to the committee, and Barbara will follow up with Joe on his editing rules.

Conference Call Schedule – all calls occur at 12 noon Eastern:

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015