Math 208

Quiz 2


Math 208

Quiz 2 +Answers
July 20, 2011

Each question is worth 6 points when answered correctly. However, Questions 11 and 12 are worth 5 points. Show your work to receive at least Partial Credit. Answer all questions somehow. Remember to breathe deeply every so often.

1. List all the real numbers in the set: { -10, , 0, 8/2, , 17/5 } 1. __all _____

2. List all of the rational numbers in the set of question 1. 2. all but pi and sqrt_

3. List all of the integers in the set of question 1. 3. __-10, 0, 8/2____

4. Simplify: 4. __–(1/4)X + (5/2)__

5. Simplify: 7( X – Y + Z ) – 3( -2X - 4Y + 1 ) 5. _13X + 5Y + 7Z -3_

7X -7Y + 7Z

-(-6)X -(-12)Y -3


13X + 5Y + 7Z -3

6. Simplify: 21 + 5[ ( 2X + 9 ) – ( X + 3 ) ] 6. ___ 51 + 5X _____

21 + 10X + 45 - 5X - 15 = 21 + 45 - 15 +10X -5X = 51 + 5X

7. What Algebraic Property justifies this? 7. _Distributive Law_

8. The formula T = ( 3(A-20)2 / 50 ) + 10 describes

the average running time, T, in seconds, for a person

who is A years old to run the 100 yard dash event.

How long does it take a 25 year old runner to run the

100 yard dash? 8. __11.5 seconds ___

T = (3(25 - 20)2 /50 + 10 = 3*25/50 +10 = 11.5 seconds

9. The Dead Sea is 1312 feet below sea level. If a person

is in a helicopter flying 68 feet above the Dead Sea, what

is the person’s elevation? 9. _____ -1244 feet__

-1312 + 68 = -1244

10. Subtract 2X – 3Y + 3 from 6X –4Y –3 10. ___4X - Y - 6___

6X - 4Y -3

-(2X -3Y +3)


4X - Y - 6

11. If = Find the value of 11. ____4/3______

A/B + 1 = 7/3 A/B = 7/3 - 1 = 4/3 ; B = 3, ? + 3 = 7 ? = 4, so 4/3

12. If = -1 What is the numerical value of X + Y ? 12. ______0______

X = -Y, so X + Y = 0; Let X = 2, then Y = -2 and 2/(-2) = -1 So X+Y=0

13. Represent the sum of and as a single fraction. 13. ____5/(6X)____

(2(1 - 2X) + 3 + 4X ) / 6X = 5/(6X)

14. The expression + is equivalent to:

(a) 1 (b) (c) (d) 14. ______c______

B(A+B) + A(A-B) = BA + B2 +A2 - AB = B2 + A2/A2B2

Let A = 1, B = 2, then expression is: (1 + 2)/1*2 + (1 – 2)/1*4 = 3/2 – 1/4 = 6/4 – 1/4 = 5/4

So not (a); b) 32 / 1*4 = 9/4, not (b); c) (1+4)/1*4 = 5/4 So (c)

15. If n represents an integer, the square of the next larger integer is:

(a) n2 + 1 (b) n2 + 4 (c) n2 + 2n + 1 (d) n2 + 4n + 4 15. ______c______

(n+1)2 = n2 + 2n + 1

let n=1, so n+1 = 2 and 22 = 4; a) 1+1=2 b)1+4=5 c) 1+2+1 = 4 so (c)

16. Ross jogs at a rate of one mile every 0.25 Hour. At what rate is he

jogging in Miles Per Hour? 16. ____4 mph____

17. If the average of two numbers is 2X + 1 and one of the numbers

is X, then the other number is:

(a) X + 1 (b) 2X + 1 (c) 3X + 1 (d) 3X + 2 17. ______d______

Average = 2X + 1 = (X + Y)/2

4X + 2 = X + Y

3X + 2 = Y

Average = sum of 2 numbers/2 Let X = 1, then (1 + Y)/2 = 2*1+1 = 3

So Y = 5 So a) 1 + 1 = 2 b) 2*1+1 = 3 c) 3*1+1 = 4 d) 3*1+2 = 5

So (d) is the answer

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