ENERGY STAR Flip Your Fridge – General Messaging


Flip Your Fridge Promotional Messaging

2017 Messaging


Short V1:

It’s time to Flip Your Fridge! Recycle that old energy-wasting refrigerator and replace it with a new ENERGY STAR certified model. You’ll save money and help protect the climate.

Short V2:

Didyouknowthatreplacing youroldenergy-wastingrefrigeratorwithanewENERGYSTARcertifiedmodelcouldsaveyoumore than $270in energycostsoverthe nextfiveyears?FlipYourFridgeandsavewithENERGYSTAR.


It’s time to Flip Your Fridge! Replacing an old refrigerator witha new ENERGY STAR certified model will save energy, save money and help protect the climate. Youcould save more than $270inenergycosts over the next five years. And save even more witha utility rebate.Double the environmental benefit by properly recycling your old fridge. Visit forinfo on offers near you.

Long V1:

How old is your refrigerator?Replacing an oldrefrigeratorwithanewENERGYSTARcertifiedmodelwillsave energy, save money and help protect the climate. You could save more than $270 over the next five years and reduce your carbon footprint by 8,600 pounds over the lifetime of the fridge. Double the environmental benefit by properly recycling the old one! It’s cool for you,and it’s cool for the planet. Many utilities are offering special offers and rebates on ENERGY STAR certified refrigerators – plus additional rebates to help recycle your old refrigerator. Visit for more info on offers near you. Flip Your Fridge and save with ENERGY STAR.

Long V2:

If we could replaceall the old refrigerators in the United States with new ENERGY STAR certified models, how much doyou think that might save? More than 800 million dollars in annual energy costs. That’s enough energy savings to power 876,000 homes. And how about greenhouse gases? More than 14billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions would be prevented in just one year. It’s the perfecttime to recycle that old energy-wasting refrigerator and replace it with a new ENERGY STAR certified model. Flip Your Fridge to ENERGY STAR --the simple choice for energy efficiency.



That old refrigerator in your basement or garage couldbecostingyou more than $100 a year to run.Getting rid of it will save you money and properly recycling it could prevent an extra 10,000 pounds of greenhouse gasemissions. So Flip Your Fridge and save.


Do youknowsomeone with anold refrigerator in their basement or garage?Itcouldbecostingthem over $100ayearto run.Getting rid of it would save energy, money and help protect the climate. On top of that, properly recycling it would keep old refrigerant and foam from getting into the environment,preventing an extra 10,000 pounds ofgreenhouse gasemissions.Manyutilitiesofferspecialrebatestohelprecycleyourold refrigerator.For moreinformationonoffersnearyouvisit your fridge and save.
